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The 5 Most Bad-Ass Presidents of All Time

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I don't quite know what to say about OH, the President born in your home state and serving in the military and Congress and White House from mine. He seems to have been like many in that he provided some good and some bad examples and practices while in office (and otherwise). One thing that does not seem to come up in casual conversation is that the War of 1812 was over when he defeated the Brits near New Orleans. Of course, neither side knew it at the time of the battle. Today, with "instant communication" we would know it was over BEFORE it was over. ^_^

Best regards,



OH, the President born in your home state and serving in the military and Congress and White House from mine.

Agree. But prithee: how does "OH" => "Polk"?

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Not sure what you are asking. JKP was indeed another who could "match" the description or most of it as previously mentioned. Isn't it enough that Southerners did so much for the Union? ;)

Best regards,



Never mind. :rolleyes:

You caught me out in NC being a bit trepidatious about claiming Jackson as our own. The exact location of his birth being uncertain. And moreover that whenever we dare do so, someone will inevitably remind us that the only one who is ours for certain is, shudder to speak, of course Andrew Johnson.

Anything to avoid him being brought up.

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Old Hickory is the OH. AKA Andrew Jackson. You remember him. Born in NC when NC, SC and TN were only a "blurred" image of state to come. Owner of the Hermitage and host to mobs to the WH when he was first elected. ^_^

Best regards,


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I agree. Do NOT bring up Andrew Johnson. ^_^

Best regards,



We agree on that. :smile:

Irrelevantly, on the shelf before me happens to lie a stick of wood from the front porch of The Hermitage, picked up by a relative visiting there when some renovations were underway in the early 1970s.

...Alongside other pilfered bits of history including a small chip off Stone Mountain, a little sliver of stone I picked up apparently chipped off a slate windowsill of the Uffizi Gallery, and a bit of Trinitite, the green glassy substance formed from the desert sand by the first atomic bomb test at Alamagordo.


Hope none of those are of particular interest to the NSA. :P

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Jackson's presidency was an unfortunate one to which the five tribes can attest. His genocide differed from Hitler's in that he acquiesced to let those who could survive the Trail of Tears forced march live in a foreign barren land that stretched beyond the then foreseen boundaries of the United States.

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