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Rush Limbaugh for Speaker

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The only mention of choosing the Speaker of the House in the Constitution resides in the statement:

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Thus there is no requirement that he be a member of Congress or anything else other than the choice of the House. So why haven't these ideological House stalwarts of the new GOP not pressed to install as Speaker a national Conservative voice imbued with the real truths of ideological conservatism? It would not lessen the number of votes in the House, just that the new Speaker would not be able to vote. (The Speaker often doesn't vote now as a matter of custom.)

Many Conservative names leap to mind that are ardently supported by the RWWs (right wing wackos). With all the crazy ideas they have come up with, one wonders why these Tea Partiers haven't thought of this. Having the House organized and led by a true believer would seem a page right out of their book, marching them right down the path they wish to travel. This certainly would be less cataclysmic than forcing the nation to default on its Full Faith and Credit. Um... maybe not on second thought as both roads may end at the same terminus. :o

File this under idle rant due to too much time on hand or... idle fantasizing about making mischief. :D

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TY, like so many clever ideas to reform Washington, yours ignores the political realities of the situation.

Ain't no way you're gonna get a majority of those proud congresscritters to bend the knee to an outsider.

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Sweep aside your political realities and just imagine Caribou Barbie wielding the Speaker's gavel. It may be one thing to get in bed with Rush and another to get in bed with Ms Palin. I suspect the rank and file would be climbing over each other to follow her lead. :P

And... I'd pay good money to see that side show. A case of the blind leading the stupid or vice versa. I take that back and apologize to the blind for the analogy. Let's leave it as the ignorant leading the stupid.

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Say what you want but the folks in office now are making things worse, not better.

I would feel confident that Palin would not increase spending so much that it will put Social Security for my generation at risk.

At this moment I am not happy with the direction the USA is headed and I am not worried about life for me, I am worried about the future of the next generation as we put them in an impossible situation and put them deeper and deeper in debt to China while we enjoy Obamacare, Give Brazil Billions to tap deep sea oil wells that we won't let our own oil companies tap.

I am just glad this will be the last 3 years for our President to go and bow before other world leaders as he makes us weaker and poorer.

Vote for Palin? You bet'cha!

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