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Guest hitoallusa

Wow Suckrates how do you what a Born again Christian is? You are very religious.. ^_^ Do you attend church on Sundays? Lucky just simply expressed his opinion so let's put this behind and move on.

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It's evident that what I have written has been ignored. I said that I am not opposed to writing about poop. My problem here was a thread about fart underwear that just wouldn't die. And what bothered me about that was that three of our most talented posters were keeping it going. At the same time, posting seemed at an all-time low, although that was just an impression. I made the point that it would be a lot better use of time for these three talented posters to try to stir up more interesting topics that actually might invite intelligent response and even new posters. That was my point, period.

I am deleting the rest of my post where I expressed personal opinions. Why keep feeding the fire?

Guest zipperzone

Like the old saying goes..... "least said, soonest mended"

Guest hitoallusa

Aww that icon is so cute.. Where did you get it? You are so creative Adam Smith..


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I had wondered why I stopped seeing poop posts.

Didn't think to look down here. :lol:


Well, it's good to see the old sandbox finally springing back to life. :whistle:


TY, once again one of your ideas proves it can stand the test of time. :thumbsup:

Guest hitoallusa

Aww that cat is so cute.. I put the litter box in the garage so I don't think my cat could carry it into the living room.. ^_^

Guest Paragon

Recently, there have been suggestions from various quarters- and not a few dimes- that I, Paragon, am actually the former poster known as Lucky, who is the subject of denigration in this thread. There were those who thought that Lucky should attempt to be kindler, gentler, and stay focused on the topics and not the personalities. Many thought Lucky couldn't do it. Others said he might, but he would have to create a new screen name to rid himselve of the baggage he accrued here, not to mention the bruises on his lovely face from these various shitty attacks.

I, however, beg to disagree. Historically, during those days while I, too, was a lurker, yeah never as great a lurker as lurkerspeaks, but in those days I joined so many others in thinking the world of Lucky. He could do no wrong in my mind. He was an innovator, a pioneer, a shit-stirrer- all things near and dear to my heart. I would have named by firstborn after him, except that I am gay and won't have a firstborn.

But I came to read this thread again, and guys, I have to agree, Lucky was the paragon of horribility, so deserving of exile that we should revive Sadaam Hussein just so we have someone to compare Lucky to!

No, rumorheads, you won't find me claiming to be Lucky reincarnarated. I am the Paragon of virtue, kindness, and well, yes, a little bland. But, I am not lucky, nor do I plan to be this entire week. Next week I may be Lookin to be someone else, but frankly, it won't be Lucky. After all, it says right on this website that he is retired!

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Err....to paraphrase Mama Gump, (I think this was an ad hominem of hers)

"Forrest, once a prick, always a prick."


Now, what on earth brought up the conversation on my pal Lucky? He has retired and moved onto greener pastures. I am sure those pastures may have something to do with what Tomcal brings him in his suitcase from Brazil but hey, I'll take any of those presents myself.

Guest Paragon

My post is tongue in cheek; Iphguy is probably just echoing his neighbors. ^_^

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