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Guest tomcal

Rio November

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One of my favorite duos. They are good friends and moved to Rio over a year ago and while not BF's are

best friends and have no problem having sex together. I have done many overnights with Washington and

suggested we include his friend and he got a big smile and said OK!



Guest parisrio2000

This is not the elite...of the Rio escort world...

Guest lurkerspeaks
  On 11/15/2013 at 6:57 AM, parisrio2000 said:

This is not the elite...of the Rio escort world...

If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all..

  On 11/15/2013 at 6:57 AM, parisrio2000 said:

This is not the elite...of the Rio escort world...

It is to me! It's what I like! I am not in Brazil to hire what you want! I am there to hire what I want, and considering you NEVER post any pics I don't think you have any right to critique other's

choices....IMHO :-)

Guest lurkerspeaks

parisrio, it is negativity like you demonstrated that make good people not want to spend the time and effort to post. If you don't like something or don't agree with it, why must you respond negatively? We all have different tastes, likes, dislikes, etc. But I think I speak for the vast majority here when I say LIKE Tomcal and his sharing of his visits with us, and we DISLIKE negativity. If he posts a pic of someone I don't personally find hot, I look, I appreciate his efforts, and move on to the next topic. This will be my last post on the subject as I add another person to my ignore list.

  On 11/15/2013 at 3:12 PM, lurkerspeaks said:

...as I add another person to my ignore list.

LOL, I am so dumb! I always forget about that Ignore feature! I am going to activate that right now! lol


I really think you would be fine w/o paying for a guide. The tourist things that first time visitors do

like see Corcavado/statue of Christ/gondola ride up to Sugarloaf/rainforest jeep tour, etc can all be

arranged at any hotel reception desk. Within the first three "pinned" topics on here, you can get all the information regarding locations of the saunas and how they operate. My first trip here in 2001, my bf

and I had 2 addresses written on a piece of paper, one was the now closed Rogers sauna and the other was

Club 117, there were no smartphones with gps then!

a couple of suggestions, 1)use blank receipe cards and write the address of each place on them in black

magic marker! You don't need the names as most don't have their name displayed outside with the exception of club 117. If you try to pronounce and say the address to the cab driver they will usually just look at you and have no idea, but using the cards I have never had a problem. On the address for Meo Mundo I have


Rua Teofilo Otani, 18


Proximo Candleria Iglesia

that tells them the address, the part of town it's in(centro) and its close to the landmark church

Candleria Iglesia.

for 117 I have written:

Rua Candido Mendes, 117


Proximo estacau Metro Gloria

I personally haven't used or know any guides.

  • Members
  On 11/16/2013 at 5:45 PM, Bucknaway said:

After years of visiting Thailand, I've decided to visit Brazil in April after reading a few of the threads in this Forum.

As a first time visitor, can anyone suggest a guide that will help me in Brazil for a day or two?

Welcome to the forums!

  • Members

First off- TOMCAL!!!!! Thank you so much for such a thorough report!!! :w00t:I am loving it!

Now I respectfully disagree with the advice NOT to hire a guide, I hired one via that old GayBrazil site and found it a great introducrion to the saunas and the cruising sites in Rio. So if there is still something like that around I would recommend it.

  • Members

Thanks for the welcome, replies and thoughts. So far I have talked to one guy from Craigslist that wants to charge $200 USD a day to be a guide. He has his own car but I think that is a lot more than I am willing to pay.

I'm going to come with a small group but I don't think we will be doing things as a group aside from visiting the beach together and maybe a dance club or two but aside from that I think we all would like to be on our own when looking for a partner for adult fun.

I don't think I'm going to be paying anyone $200 to guide me for a day so I may just rely on the advice I can find here from you guys and if I am lucky I will meet a local or vacationer that wants to pal around once we arrive.


Bucknaway, welcome to the site. We are happy you are and hope you share some of your adventures with us.

My first trip to Rio I hired a guide and I paid him 100 a day and it was totally worth it for me. I needed someone to translate for me at the saunas as well as show me some cool places. I also hired a guide named Danilo in Sao Paulo and he was my guide on several trips. I often find that a guide makes my stay much better and easier.

My last trip to Rio, tomcal was my suana guide so I didn't have to pay for one. :smile: Sorry Tom, I guess you were a cheap date. :smile: But, it was very helpful to have someone who spoke the language at the saunas.

I also met up with IHPguy from this site and he gave me the most amazing tour of the city with full knowledge and detail of a local. It too was amazing.

But, if I didn't have them to help on my trip, I would most likely find a boy from the sauna that speaks wonderful English and is from Rio and make him an offer to stay with me day and night. I have done that on tons of trips and find it a great way to see the city and learn new things.

My first trip, I hired a guy name Eduardo who was recommended to me and I didn't know him but met him and had a great time with him.

Guest lurkerspeaks

My thoughts would be to publish your travel dates here as soon as they are set, and see if anyone from the boards will be in Rio during the same period of time. I was lucky enough to have a friend who had been to Rio before who went with me on my first three trips. After that time, i was the one taking a "newby" to Rio

  On 11/17/2013 at 6:38 AM, Bucknaway said:

I don't know what I am enjoying more? Researching the trip and reading about others adventures or the pictures of the guys I may come across when I am there. I just hope the reality of the trip will be at least half as much the fun I am having leading up to it.

I am sure you will have a great time! Please ask any questions you may think of, between the regular

posters on here there is a wealth of knowledge about Brazil and Rio in particular. What part of Rio are

you staying in when you are there?


For those of you who mentioned earlier that you liked Diego, here's a couple more pics of him. He is working at 117.





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