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Fart Filtering Underwear

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Are you simply to be rescued by a compatriot from MS because they allow marriages at age 14 or so, without making any allowance for guys who like guys until and unless they are at least 18? :smile: We have never been so abused or have we? Yes, we have but now is the time to reconsider or so I think.

OK, never mind, let's hold hands and sing together................

Best regards,



A dollar bill with which you wipe your ass, then leave on the ground so that someone else picks up a dollar that has been in your ass. Similar to "Ass Pennies"

Don't pick up that dollar bill ... It's a poo dollar!

Origin: Upright Citizens Brigade ucb skit-term

Meaning: Used to describe pennies that are inserted into one's ass en masse and then distributed among the world in order to maintain the upper hand in negotiations.
You think you're better than me? You've handled my ass pennies.


Engineers at Stanford University have devised a new way to generate electricity from sewage using naturally-occurring "wired microbes" as mini power plants, producing electricity as they digest plant and animal waste.

Right now, their prototype while small, is very promising. The experiment right now is about the size of a D-Cell battery with two electrodes (One positive, and one Negative) plunged into a bottle of waste water.

"We call it fishing for electrons," said Criddle, a professor in the department of civil and environmental engineering and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.

Inside the vial of poopy water, there is an unusual type of bacteria connected to the bottom of the negative electrode. This bacteria feasts on particles of organic waste and produce electricity which is captured by the battery's positive electrode.

Their hope is that as this technology evolves, it can be used in water treatment facilities to generate power from human waste in all of the cities. The potential energy from human waste albeit is small, but does have the potential to offset the electrical cost of the water treatment in the first place.

There is also the consideration that our current level of technology allows for only about 30% efficiency of how much electricity we can generate from the waste water. This is about the same level of efficiency modern solar cells have in receiving energy from the sun.

If we can continue to look to nature for support in how to make these technologies possible, we can see upwards of 100% efficiency rating. By copying photosynthesis, we can truly harness the power of the sun, and by watching how things decay to create energy for the next thing to spring up, we can learn to harness electricity anywhere we need it.


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I would have thought DC.

I never know what to think about "new" energy producing schemes. They almost never go beyond the miniscule sized lab experiment. And, after all, I need 2-4 D cells to power a decent flashlight. I think I have kind of given up on fusion in a glass and a few others. Where are the TAE assistants when you need them? After all they actually produced the great volume of his work.

Best regards,


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Thoughts On the Utter Unpredictability of Life

Under the great arc of heaven, with all the diverse drama of the universe above us and all the particularity of this amazing world around us to capture our attention, who could have foreseen that a simple thread on Fart Filtering Underwear would have lasted so long or have accumulated so many posts.


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