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Casket and Sunnyside

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So it occurred that it might be a hoot to subscribe to Casket and Sunnyside, not the band (!) of that name but rather the funeral-industry trade journal referenced in Jessica Mitford's not-for-the-fainthearted exposé The American Way of Death. Upon googling, turns out the mag ceased (de-!) publication some years ago. I did, though, find some images of it, and related ephemera...










Ah! Nothing jogs the memory like flattery. ^_^

Our CharliePS, long ago in a galaxy far, far away (well, on the Other Site, at least), posed an open question to the forum, to the effect of:

What pleasures do you think will take the place of sex for you, once the sex drive wanes?

I came up with: Savoring the smooth satin lining and the measured gait of my pallbearers.


And just by coincidence today...!

I've been an embalmer for 14 years and see my share of bodies. Any questions?

I spend my time with dead bodies, cleaning them and preparing them for funerals. It's delicate work. Go ahead, ask me anything

'My job is fulfilling when a particularly difficult case comes out better than expected.' Photograph: Zefa RF/Alamy

Jenn Park-Mustacchio is a licensed funeral director and embalmer who works in New Jersey, USA. She studied anthropology and human biology at the University of Pennsylvania, and has been in the funeral industry for 14 years. So what would you like to know? Leave your questions in the comments. Jenn will pop in throughout the day to answer them.

Take us through a regular day at work:

Typically, my day begins when someone dies. Since I'm a trade embalmer, I don't handle the first call or transport of a deceased person (although I've previously done both). My boss calls me, and I arrive at the funeral home shortly after the deceased has been taken into our care to begin the embalming process. I suit up in personal protective equipment (a gown, apron, shoe covers, gloves etc) and evaluate the person to decide how I will proceed. Every case is different and requires a special combination of fluids (which are mixed according to the height, weight and physical conditions of the deceased). I mix the fluids accordingly and begin to set the features.

Setting the features involves closing the eyes and mouth and placing cotton in the mouth to give the person a more natural expression. Next, I gently flex the arms, legs and fingers to relieve the muscle tension or stiffness of rigor mortis. I position the hands one over the other, wash the body, cover the genitals (to preserve modesty) and prepare the tools I will need to embalm.

Typically, we use a scalpel to make a small incision near the right collarbone. From there, we search for the common carotid artery and internal jugular vein. A small incision is made in each. Arterial tubes are placed in the artery (one is directed towards the heart, while the other is directed towards the head). A drain tube, or angled forceps, is also placed in the vein to facilitate drainage of blood. The hose, connected to the embalming machine, is then connected to the arterial tube directed towards the heart. The embalming machine is then adjusted to regulate pressure (the force of the fluid) and rate of flow (speed of the fluid). These knobs are adjusted differently during embalming for each case to create the optimum rate of injection for the body. The machine is switched on and the fluid begins to move through the hose, through the arterial tube and into the body. As the embalming fluid is pushed through the arterial system, the blood is forced out through the jugular vein.

The body is vigorously massaged with a soapy sponge to help facilitate drainage and distribution of embalming fluid. The tissue will begin to firm and take on a rosy appearance, which is an excellent indication of adequate distribution and a successful embalming. The tubes are then removed, the vein and artery tied off and the incision is sutured. Next, the cavity is treated. Fluid is suctioned from the hollow organs with an instrument called a trocar, then a high-index (very strong) fluid is placed into the cavity and the incision is closed with a small circular plastic button like device referred to as a trocar button. The deceased is again washed. Their hair is combed and cream is placed on their face to prevent skin dehydration. The deceased is then covered and will remain in the preparation room until they are dressed, cosmetized and ready to be placed into a casket for viewing.

Typically the viewing takes place a few days after death. So I will clean up the prep room and leave until it's time for the next embalming or until its time to dress and casket someone who's been previously embalmed.

*The above is a description of a "typical" embalming. If a person dies tragically (murder, suicide, automobile accident) the embalming process is drastically different.

Tell us about something surprising, or unexpected, that happened to you while working:

I've had several interesting things happen on the job, but one particular moment comes to mind. I went in for a 3am embalming and heard a strange whisper. I quickly fumbled for the lights and, upon turning them on, figured out that the noise was coming from the occupied stretcher. I approached with caution expecting the person inside could be alive. However, upon unzipping the cover, I found a tape recorder (that I later found out was playing a Buddhist chant). The next day the family explained that, ideally, a monk would be at the place of death to chant when the soul exits the body. Chanting calms the soul, which the buddhists believe, is in a state of confusion and fright after exiting the body. The soul of the deceased must be put at ease with food and chant throughout the difficult time of transition. This particular experience was both enlightening and frightening!

What makes for a really good day at work?

My job is fulfilling when a particularly difficult case comes out better than expected. If a family decides to keep a casket open, when they previously thought they wouldn't be able to, or when someone compliments my work. The best compliment I got was from a woman whose daughter died of bone cancer. She took my hand and said, "Thank you, she's so beautiful, she looks like she could get up and dance."

What is your salary? Do you get benefits?

The median annual income for funeral directors in the US is over $52,000 (with the annual salary in New Jersey averaging above $79,000). Regulations vary state by state, but here in New Jersey we are embalmers/funeral directors and are licensed to handle all aspects of the funeral (from first call to final disposition). In other states they have separate licenses for funeral directors and embalmers.

Even though I am licensed to perform all aspects of the business, I work as an embalmer because I enjoy that particular aspect of the business and found that it allows me to spend a significant amount of time with my family. Trade embalmers, like myself, are paid by the job. Usually we work for more than one location and will embalm, dress, casket, cosmetize and do restorative work. Trade embalmers have the potential to make significantly more than the average funeral director depending on how many locations they work for and how busy those locations are. However, we do not receive health benefits because we are not full-time employees.

Have you ever made a mistake at work?

I'm fortunate enough to say that I have not made any major mistakes. When I was an intern, I was super careful and very aware that any mistake I made could potentially affect the grieving process of the deceased friends and loved ones, so I always consulted with senior funeral directors if I was unsure of what to do or how to proceed with difficult cases.

Do you have an interesting job? Know someone who does? Tell us! Email ruth.spencer@theguardian.com with your tips and suggestions for other people we should feature on A Day's Work.

Highlights (so far) from the Q&A



Have you ever worked on a friend or relative, or would you ask a colleague to do that?


60x60.png Guardian contributor
This comment has been chosen by Guardian staff because it contributes to the debate

I helped prepare my grandmother and embalmed my cousin and one of my high school teachers. I would draw the line at mom or dad. Although I do know of a few embalmers who have embalmed their parents. Those of us who choose to handle the preparation of our friends and loved ones usually do so because we feel as though we can do the best job restoring their natural appearance because we knew them so well in life. It is difficult, but it's a labor of love.



Is it true that they have to 'wire' people's jaws shut, and put 'velcro' contact lenses in people's eyes, and stuff their cheeks with cotton wool? And is it true that the last thing that everybody ever does is evacuate their bowels?


60x60.png Guardian contributor

The mouth can be closed by suture or by using a device that involves placing two small tacks (one anchored in the mandible and the other in the maxilla) in the jaw. The tacks have wires that are then twisted together to hold the mouth closed. This is almost always done because, when relaxed, the mouth stays open. We also use cotton to fill out hollow cheeks or give the appearance of teeth to those who have none, or are missing a few. The device under the eye is actually a serrated plastic eye cap that helps keep the eye closed. I do not enjoy the look of them, so I don't use them. Cotton is usually sufficient to use under an eyelid if the eye has deflated. However, we usually don't need to use anything under the eyelid at all. As for your last question, if someone hasn't recently evacuated their bowels they may defecate upon death (but not always.



I grew up living in a cemetery and used to help dig / re-open the graves (my dad was the gravedigger). It has left me with absolutely zero belief in ghosts,and a quiet and calm acceptance of death as a natural process.

Just wondered how you view the subject of ghosts and all the other cliches connected with graveyards?


60x60.png Guardian contributor

I feel much the same as you. I have yet to see anything that convinced me of the presence of ghosts. If they do exist, I'm sure they could think of better places to be than haunting me at the funeral home ;)



Thank you for the details of embalming. Respectful and professional.

I'm having second thoughts about being cremated now.

1. Is the body still a person or just a human body?

2. Does the dead person's religion change the embalming routine?

Many thanks.


60x60.png Guardian contributor

Thank you so much.

In my humble opinion, the deceased is a vessel where life once existed. I still treat that person with respect, but the spark that made them who they are is no longer there.

Certain religions do not embalm (Jewish and Muslim are the two that come to mind immediately). They believe the body should be buried with all it's components. So removing the blood would be a violation of their beliefs. They adhere to a more "natural" idea of burial that involves shrouding the deceased and/or placing them in a natural pine box.


This comment has been chosen by Guardian staff because it contributes to the debate

Bloody hell, they are giving the guardian picks out like it was Xmas, quick think of a question!

My actual questions (coughs, prepares..)

1- How do you keep up to date with current techniques? Are there conferences, trade magazines and an active collaborative community of..embalmers?

2- Can you elaborate on the techniques involved in more violent deaths? What is the most drastic repair work you have had to do and have you ever found this distressing to do or can you just zone out and focus on the task at hand regardless?

3- Related to the above, have you ever been really moved by something you've seen? After all these are real people and you must get a fascinating insight into their lives, maybe some of them haven't been seen naked for years.



60x60.png Guardian contributor
This comment has been chosen by Guardian staff because it contributes to the debate

You sure seem to have a lot of questions for this lowly mortician. Anyway, despite the minor insult, I'll answer your questions...

We must take continuing education classes in order to keep current with our licenses (which must be renewed every 2 years). There are also trade magazines and private funeral forums where we discuss issues.

The more violent deaths involve autopsies and require all the limbs and head be embalmed separately. The organs are also treated separately and placed back into the cavity post embalming. There is a great deal of suturing (the y incision on the body and the cranial incision of the head)

There have been many instances that have had great impact on my life. I'm extremely outspoken about the issue of domestic violence after handling the funeral of a 20 year old young lady who was shot by her boyfriend (who then turned the gun on himself). Children are always difficult as well.

As for the most difficult restoration. That would have to be making a nose for a lady that had craniofacial cancer.



I am in the UK and was always under the impression that at least partial embalming was done for viewing purposes. Is it necessary to allow viewing without extreme distress? Or can folk choose no embalming whether they are buried or cremated?


60x60.png Guardian contributor

Embalming is not required by law (except in certain instances, and only in certain states). Here in NJ you are only required to be embalmed if you're being transported across state lines. Some people choose to embalm before viewing because they prefer the life like appearance that embalming imparts. Some are embalmed, have a viewing and are cremated. It's strictly the choice of the family. From what I understand, embalming is not common in the UK, but that doesn't mean that the morticians don't set the features. I'm assuming this may be what you're referring to. It is possible to set the features (close the eyes and mouth) and cosmetize the deceased for viewing without embalming.


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I wouldn't mind trying the Celebre line of products EXCEPT for the presumed prerequisite. ^_^

Best regards,



I wouldn't mind trying the Celebre line of products EXCEPT for the presumed prerequisite. :smile:

Well, Use the Twelfth, "Use it to relieve embalmer's eczema," would only require you to become an embalmer. :unsure:

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Well, to tell the truth, I have provided transport of the last remains a time or two, being hired by the funereal director. This creates a conundrum for the flight plan which traditionally calls for "souls on board". Does one state two + one "ex" or one in progress or what?

I have so far insisted that the funereal director accompany the flight. I don't wish to have to deal with the family and the remains. Only one discomforting task at a time, please.

Final note: It is considered bad technique to depart with one deceased and arrive with any more.

Best regards,



Final note: It is considered bad technique to depart with one deceased and arrive with any more.


"Souls on board" -- how do you count bankers and politicians? ^_^

Maybe the Grand Compromise -- 3/5 of a person?

  • Members

Actually, I think I would prefer that bankers and politicians be deceased before they got on my plane. ^_^

Best regards,


  • Members

Setting the features involves closing the eyes and mouth and placing cotton in the mouth to give the person a more natural expression. Next, I gently flex the arms, legs and fingers to relieve the muscle tension or stiffness of rigor mortis. I position the hands one over the other, wash the body, cover the genitals (to preserve modesty)

Swap fully closed eyelids for a casual droop and you've got my routine titivations for an evening out with the lads. :rolleyes:


Fascinating what you can find on Etsy.


Antique Embalming Pump / Unusual and Rare Art Deco Era by the Embalmers Supply Co Westport Conn / Working and Fully Functional
$288.00 USD
Only 1 available
  • Vintage item from the 1930s
  • Feedback: 258 reviews
  • Only ships to United States from Owensboro, Kentucky.

This Is unusual and rare old machine! We have been collecting, buying and selling these antique embalming machines for a very very long time now and never seen another cased example like this. Manufactured by the Embalmers Supply Co. Westport Conn. From the look of this machine around the 1930's or 40's and It works perfectly. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own this truly rare and bizarre antique machine.

The case Is very well constructed using steel and extremely heavy. It measures 6 3/4 inches tall X 7 1/2 inches wide X 9 inches deep. When opened It exposes the aspiration and injection nozzles, a regulator to turn the pressure up or down as needed and the original electrical cord which Is still in excellent condition too. The top of the case has the company name embossed into the steel on the underside and a brass warning label which states " Warning Glass Bottles May Break If Pressure Over Ten Pounds Is Used " (ESCO, Embalmers Supply Co.).

This unusual old embalming machine will be very carefully packaged to ensure safe transport and arrival and ship to you with insurance and tracking information all inclusive with your shipping costs. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have or for your international shipping quote.


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Adam, you SLAY me..... do you get up Every morning and say "I feel a Song Coming On " ????


I feel a song coming on

And I'm warning you, it's a victorious
Happy and glorious new strain

I feel a song coming on
It's a melody full of the laughter
Of children out after the rain

You'll hear a tuneful story
Ringing through you
Love and glory, Hallelujah

And now that my troubles are gone
Let those heavenly drums go on drumming
'Cause I feel a song coming on

You'll hear a tuneful story
Ringing through you
Love and glory, Hallelujah

And now that my troubles are gone
Let those heavenly drums go on drumming
'Cause I feel a song, I feel a song
I feel a song coming on

  • Members

Not every morning -- mostly just when reading your posts. :smile:

For the life of me, I couldnt figure out HOW to post the actual video, like how you do.... The Song by Judy Garland has much more impact when you actually SEE Judy !


For the life of me, I couldnt figure out HOW to post the actual video, like how you do.... The Song by Judy Garland has much more impact when you actually SEE Judy !

Get the YouTube clip running on your screen, put the cursor anywhere on the video, right-click, then in the menu-box that pops up, click "Copy video URL". Then paste that URL directly into the posting area here. (That is, no need to use any of the special posting boxes in the post menu bar such as the picture-post box, etc.)

That's how it works on a computer. I still haven't figured out how to do that on my iPhone. Anybody?

  • Members

Get the YouTube clip running on your screen, put the cursor anywhere on the video, right-click, then in the menu-box that pops up, click "Copy video URL". Then paste that URL directly into the posting area here. (That is, no need to use any of the special posting boxes in the post menu bar such as the picture-post box, etc.)

That's how it works on a computer. I still haven't figured out how to do that on my iPhone. Anybody?

Thanks for the tip, but for me, it only posts the actual Link when I follow those instructions in IE or Chrome browser.

AND, I work for an IT company...... guess it wasnt my technical skill that got me the job ? :hyper:

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