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The Right Price for a LTR boyfriend

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I have had many boyfriends over the years and know a few things. One, you don't want to give too much as it may be wasted or used on yabba or sucked up by the family. Two, you don't want to give to little or they will seek greener pastures. I think somewhere in the middle is a way to make both the farang and the boy happy.


I have had 3 different e-mails this week asking what I give to my boyfriend every month when I am not in Thailand. It is not a number that I am willing to share on a public board but it is a price that both I and he are comfortable with.


I want to make sure that he has enough for school, food, clothes, fun and family. For someone that you are with a long time, I do think this amount needs to increase the longer you are with them. I decided on a number that was about what he would be able to make if he was a very popular boy in any bar in Thailand.


I have heard many say that 5k baht or 6k baht is enough for the boy to live in his village and be happy every month. I don't think that is quite enough. They leave the village to make more money and to just get it and go back to the village when Farang is not in Thailand is not quite fair.


My BF also has a son. The son is 5 years old. I must take the cost of school for him and food and clothes for him into consideration as well. I also must try to imagine if I were 23 and someone were taking care of me, what is it I would want from them on a regular basis not just to survive but to thrive in life. I am sure most can live on 6k bath in their village but is that a life I would want for the person I care for and adore? I think he is with me so that he does more than just survive. He wants a chance for a better future.


For me, I often base a number on going to school. If he goes, he gets money. If he doesn't go, he doesn't get any. This has been a pretty big encouragement or him to stay in school. He wants the education anyway and said this on Day1 when I met him but he knows that I want a better future for him and that a good education or trade is the only way out of the life he was once living.


Everyone will have different numbers and I know that most are more than the average Thai can make in a job. Perhaps that is enough. Perhaps there are those of us to overspend and those of us who underspend.


For those that wrote and asked how much I give him, all I can say is that he is given enough to have a nicer life than most would have. He also gets enough to save and do something wonderful with should he desire to save the money.




Guest laurence

GT, I think you give your BF more than most farang would give. Many farang think 5K or 6K TB a month is enough since that is what they may earn. I think same same you. I want my BF to have a nicer life than most. But I think 4 K a week is not really enough . I could not survive on it.

Guest yedo

Why paying much for a BF when you're in a long relationship?


If the relationship is based on love and not sex , then you pay for his needed costs, like food and maybe a good education , and its always a good rule to stay away from BFs with own kids , pretending to be gay....


Maybe thats why Im not in a long relationship....




Why paying much for a BF when you're in a long relationship?


If the relationship is based on love and not sex , then you pay for his needed costs, like food and maybe a good education , and its always a good rule to stay away from BFs with own kids , pretending to be gay....


Maybe thats why Im not in a long relationship....


LOL. Thank you. You made my night. The rain is pouring down outside and I had to laugh when I read this. Do you know Thailand? :)


Money, sex, love: a mixture that can bring magical feelings, happy thoughts and good times.


My boyfriend is NOT gay. I am. He is just along for the ride. (sounds like I am kidding but I really am not.) :)

Guest laurence
My boyfriend is NOT gay. I am. He is just along for the ride. (sounds like I am kidding but I really am not.) :)


An honest answer if there ever was one!


I have had many boyfriends over the years and know a few things. One, you don't want to give too much as it may be wasted or used on yabba or sucked up by the family. Two, you don't want to give to little or they will seek greener pastures. I think somewhere in the middle is a way to make both the farang and the boy happy.


Frankly, GT, while I've always appreciated your sentiments and respectful feelings towards your Thai friends, I think these particular comments are simply wishful dreaming. If the kid has a yaba habit,

he's going to buy more regardless of how much money you give him (sorry, but the stuff is nasty and just too addictive - and also indicates he surely is hanging around the wrong crowd). And, if he's in the habit of giving funds to the family back home, he'll continue with that as well. Obviously, he'll spend less for bad habits or supporting the family if he has less money - which is really what I think is all you're saying there. He(GT)'s my brother but sometime his thinking isn't too heavy! hehe


(Not trying to lambaste you here, just a mild spanking (oh, you like that?) for fuzzy brain activity.. :p )



Frankly, GT, while I've always appreciated your sentiments and respectful feelings towards your Thai friends


Thanks. I appreciate that!


If the kid has a yaba habit, he's going to buy more regardless of how much money you give him (sorry, but the stuff is nasty and just too addictive - and also indicates he surely is hanging around the wrong crowd).

I can not agree with you more. There are many ways to help someone who has a habit and still letting them make the decisions based on your contact with them. There are many guys that when given the right amount of cash also attract the wrong friends. Money in Thailand is a strange thing. The Thais that I know really do take care of each other when they are down and out. I find this very refreshing. It is often the opposite of the American culture. But, when you give someone too much money, the friends they have relied heavily on are still there and you add to that the others that want to come along for the ride. I hate yaba and refuse to have any dealings with guys that I know use it. It is hard at times as I have known many for years. But, I do not pour money into their pockets and help them feed their habit. It is just not something I am willing to do.


I had one guy I know was staying with me at one point and I know when I went home he started using Yaba again. I know that the money I gave him helped with this. I also know this was largely due to the friends he hang around. My solution was to remove him for the group of friends he tended to hang with when I was away. This worked for a bit as his family looked after him. But, eventually, he wandered back into the same scene. The money stopped. I am sure his habit was still there but it was not me helping him.


Some guys really do want a way out. I was very lucky with the bf I have. He was the one out of 200 I have tried that really did want a way out of the life he was living. He is simply amazing and is wonderful to me every day. He is also very thankful to me for helping him and VICE VERSA. When I start spending time with a guy that I know is a "bad" boy, I always get shit from the BF. I remind him of our first year together and how many times he slipped up. Today, he is just simply the most amazing guy I know. 4 years ago, he really was a problem guy. I am sure he sits around with his Thai friends saying the same thing about me. :)


I have one guy right now I am spending time with. He is a good guy but has had trouble with Yabba in the past. He and I are very upfront on this issue and we talk to his family about this and try to find a way to get him on the best path for his future. He is honest when he tells me he will try his best but he is only 70 percent sure he will not go back to Yabba as soon as his money builds up. It is a disgusting habit. It is hard to get under control. I have had friends in NYC that have the same problem. It is not easy as you still love them but you have to set your own limits as to how much you can take before you move on. I think all deserve a second chance and even a third at times. I know when I falter, the ones around me have always given that to me. The guys I deal with deserve the same.


And, if he's in the habit of giving funds to the family back home, he'll continue with that as well. Obviously, he'll spend less for bad habits or supporting the family if he has less money - which is really what I think is all you're saying there.


I love the fact the guys here send money to the family. UNTIL the family takes advantage of them for that. It is good they have a good heart and do this but they should first plan for their own future and then try to find a way to help the family. Or, help the family a little bit and their future a little bit. It is only when all the money is given to family and none is saved for rainy days or plans for future that it really bothers me. It is NOT my money and not my business and I say this all the time. When you give someone something it is theirs to do with as they see fit. You can try to place limits on it but that will never work. If it is truly given to someone, it is theirs. I have bought many things for the BF. I have asked them not to sell them as long as we are together. I know when things are over he will have them to fall back on. In the meantime, if he needs something that his doesn't have the money for, just ask. I would never say no to him for anything he would ask. But, like I said, he is one of 200 I have tried and he just consistently makes sure that he does the right thing.


He(GT)'s my brother but sometime his thinking isn't too heavy! hehe

(Not trying to lambaste you here, just a mild spanking (oh, you like that?) for fuzzy brain activity.. :p )


LOL. Thanks. My thinking is in synch with my belly. :) Both are being worked on. :)


Who told you that I don't mind a mild spanking? I hate it when the boys talk. :)



Guest joseph44

How much does my LTR cost me?

It did cost me: a car, 2 motorbikes, 5 stereo-sets, 6 TV's, 1 PS2, 7 telephones and of course the daily allowances, clothes allowances, dinners out and his going-out-allowances. Don't worry, I'm still alive and happy.


Now it cost me: approx. THB 8,000 per month all in.


I cut him down to an absolute minimum for at least 2 years after moving my stuff to several pawnshops. Now he's got more sense in his body and brain and leaves my stuff alone. He's got a job (finally).

He's not on drugs, but he adores the liquids ending on ......ohol (not gasohol) and going out every night. Bit by bit I'm getting him in a 'normal' way of life and I'm learning him to take responsibilities.

Basically our relation is a landlord - tennant relation, and in his eyes I'm his daddy. I hate this position, I don't like kids!!


He's 23 and he's staying with me 3 years now. More and more I'm trying to get him to stand on his own feet and make him more and more independent. I don't expect him to stay with me forever.

More and more I'm trying to get him to stand on his own feet and make him more and more independent. I don't expect him to stay with me forever.


Very interesting comments in your whole remarks joseph. Thanks. I think we have been in the same boat on different occasions. :)


Your quote from above is a great way to look at this and it is the way that I live my life in Thailand. When I know I am of no longer use to them to grow independent from my finances and they have decided that their education is finished, we both move on gracefully. I am still friends with all of my ex's. I go out with, help them from time to time, talk to them, drink with them, have fun with them. But, the full support stopped long ago and we were both able to move forward and be friends.

Guest yedo

OK maybe I dont understand Thailand like you do , if you're rich it doesnt matter anyway, so buying every thing a beautiful thaiboy asks for to keep a relationship , its up to you.


Keep it going for a few years just for the entertainment, its your money.


I can't afford it so I maybe I have to search for someone thats really gay and likes farang not only for money.


I'm sure they exist.






Guest Asmerom
How much does my LTR cost me?

It did cost me: a car, 2 motorbikes, 5 stereo-sets, 6 TV's, 1 PS2, 7 telephones and of course the daily allowances, clothes allowances, dinners out and his going-out-allowances. Don't worry, I'm still alive and happy.


Now it cost me: approx. THB 8,000 per month all in.


I confess I'm baffled by that impressive list of hardware. Are you saying one or various boys have stolen these items in the past or simply that they are generous gifts you've made? "It did cost me" could be either.


My own twenty year old boyfriend whom I've known for only three months and see for two or three days every three weeks or so, due to the inconvenient fact that he now lives with his family North of Kanchanaburi although I met him when he was in Pattaya, has presented me with a puzzling problem.


The last time he visited, he rifled through the drawers and cupboards in the bedroom on the morning of his departure while I wasn't there, discovered my Panasonic Camcorder, concealed it in his travel bag, and calmly kissed me Goodbye as he set of for the seven hour journey

home to Kanchanaburi where he is now living with his father, mother and three brothers. His father drives a tax in BKK, has had an accident and is not at present working. (I'm sure this is true) His mother works. He, the boy, seems just to hang very charmingly around. To return to the point, I assumed that was the end of the relationship and this criminal act was a sort of Goodbye present in reverse.


The next day he texts me (using the phone I'd bought for him the day before ; ( his had fallen out of his trouser pocket into the toilet a few days ago ; I believe him, really) his usual daily message, "I miss you. I love you". I replied "I miss my Panasonic Camcorder".

Now, comes the puzzle.


He replied,quite smartly too , "Your camcorder is with me. I want to show you pictures of my home. I'm coming back on Wed. 9th July. Sorry. ..."

Did he steal it or not? That's the question. I'm convinced he did.What do you think, Sherlock?


But surely if he'd stolen it he would have denied all knowledge of the offending article. "Camcorder? What camcorder? I didn't know you had a camcorder."But if his motive was really as he states then why on earth would he slyly conceal it in his bag saying nothing at all to me and behaving exactly as a thief would behave, intent on stealing it?


Possible theories :


1. His motive was just as he says--a genuine desire to surprise me with a home movie when he returned. I don't believe it for a moment.


2. He intended to steal it and sell it but something has interfered with that plan.He's had a change of heart, his family have persuaded him he's a bad boy, or, more likely, they've collectively decided that keeping their current farang on a string for a bit longer will pay better dividends in the long run. He's already had 25,000baht out of me. 10,000 supposedly for renting a room in BKK (one months rent plus deposit) where he should be going to school but due to his father's being off work he can no longer go. Cant pay for it I suppose.It all gets a bit blurred just here, a bit fuzzy round the edges. The fact that he can't speak English (save for a few simple words) doesn't help with the explanations ; it's also a convenient ruse for not offering any.


3. Selling a Camcorder bought in England six years ago isn't so easy or maybe even impossible ; compatibilty problems, maybe.


Remember, if you're still with me, his reply to my querying text the morning after the crime was practically immediate, indicating that no hard thinking was necessary to come up with that warm, homely "excuse".The explanation was readily available in his mind and required no scrabbling about searching for genuine sounding alibis. Appearing to support its being true. I just find this impossible to square with his thief- like behaviour.


Any offers gratefully received from those more experienced in these rather sordid matters.This is my first boyfriend and my first visit to Thailand.

A potent mix of "MONEY, sex and ........love'.

How right that sounds.

Guest Geezer
My own twenty year old boyfriend whom I've known for only three months and see for two or three days every three weeks...

Many farangs would hardly consider that arrangement as being a “boyfriend”, and not enough to warrant tolerating such complications.



3. Selling a Camcorder bought in England six years ago isn't so easy or maybe even impossible ; compatibilty problems, maybe....

They often take the gadget, but not the charger. Usually that is no problem with a mobile phone as generic chargers are available. For a camcorder or, as in my case an expensive pocket PC, a charger is rarely available, rendering the item useless.

his reply to my querying text the morning after the crime was practically immediate, indicating that no hard thinking was necessary to come up with that warm, homely "excuse".


I haven't met one yet who can't come up with a quick, plausible answer when confronted. He took your camcorder without asking. To me, that's stealing, no matter what his reason was. Was there anything else of value he could have easily taken, but he left alone? If yes, then I suppose it's possible he's telling the truth, but I still wouldn't want to bet the farm.


You said he already has gotten 25000 baht out of you. I guarantee that no matter how much you give him, it isn't enough.


If you get your camcorder back, that will be a pleasant surprise. But whether you do or not, he broke your trust. I learned a long time ago, when one of these boys breaks your trust, the best thing to do is get rid of him . . . fast.

Guest Geezer

I believe every farang should be made to repeat these two sentences from memory before they are issued a visa to enter Thailand.


1. “I haven't met one yet who can't come up with a quick, plausible answer when confronted.”


2. “…when one of these boys breaks your trust, the best thing to do is get rid of him . . . Fast.”

Guest joseph44
I confess I'm baffled by that impressive list of hardware. Are you saying one or various boys have stolen these items in the past or simply that they are generous gifts you've made? "It did cost me" could be either.


It was one bf and I didn't say that it was stolen. The stuff disappeared as being "borrowed", but never returned. Why did I let it happen again and again after the first time? Dunno, maybe I'm a financial masochist or very naive!!


Anyway, I have the same TV, stereo, telephone, washing machine and other stuff for more than 6 months now, and it's a bit boring (joke!)

Guest Asmerom
To me, that's stealing, no matter what his reason was. Was there anything else of value he could have easily taken, but he left alone?


You said he already has gotten 25000 baht out of you. I guarantee that no matter how much you give him, it isn't enough.


... he broke your trust. I learned a long time ago, when one of these boys breaks your trust, the best thing to do is get rid of him . . . fast.

Just a note of thanks for those helpful comments about my little problem.I am inclined to agree that, as there's no escape from the fact that he took my property without asking, he did steal it.No, there was nothing else of value in the room, although my passport was in there, but I suspect he didn't find it. I don't know if that is a valuable thing to steal. It probably is if you know where to sell it. But I welcome the advice not to tolerate this type of behaviour.


I was puzzled that the earlier contribution from Joseph describing that blizzard of hardware he had to shower over his boyfriends in order to command their loyalty evoked no response.So I was led to believe this sort of bribery was quite acceptable.And what's one camcorder compared with Joseph's impressive list! If you have to bribe your boyfriend with TV's, phones, cars!!, motorbikes, and more ,to stay loyal its not so far removed from having them stolen.In both instances you are parted from the goods unwillingly. Surely no one bribes willingly.


Anyway he broke my trust, he clearly has no respect for me, and I do feel that to overlook this behaviour could cost me a good deal of self respect. I just hope I have the srength to resist his sorrowful confession of guilt, his fawning, affectionate advances, his professions of deep regret, when, or if ,he returns the camcorder next Wednesday as promised.


I will try ,as you advise, to "get rid of him fast"




Guest joseph44
Just a note of thanks for those helpful comments about my little problem.I am inclined to agree that, as there's no escape from the fact that he took my property without asking, he did steal it.No, there was nothing else of value in the room, although my passport was in there, but I suspect he didn't find it. I don't know if that is a valuable thing to steal. It probably is if you know where to sell it. But I welcome the advice not to tolerate this type of behaviour.


I was puzzled that the earlier contribution from Joseph describing that blizzard of hardware he had to shower over his boyfriends in order to command their loyalty evoked no response.So I was led to believe this sort of bribery was quite acceptable.And what's one camcorder compared with Joseph's impressive list! If you have to bribe your boyfriend with TV's, phones, cars!!, motorbikes, and more ,to stay loyal its not so far removed from having them stolen.In both instances you are parted from the goods unwillingly. Surely no one bribes willingly.


Anyway he broke my trust, he clearly has no respect for me, and I do feel that to overlook this behaviour could cost me a good deal of self respect. I just hope I have the srength to resist his sorrowful confession of guilt, his fawning, affectionate advances, his professions of deep regret, when, or if ,he returns the camcorder next Wednesday as promised.


I will try ,as you advise, to "get rid of him fast"



I didn't overload my bf with all kind of stuff in order to win his loyalty, because first of all, a Thai bf, is usually not very loyal + I didn't buy the stuff for him, but for myself. Unfortunately I only managed to buy it back from the pawn shop a few times, because the bf stayed somewhere after the delicti and was always too late to tell me where he brought the stuff.




Guest fountainhall
Anyway he broke my trust, he clearly has no respect for me, and I do feel that to overlook this behaviour could cost me a good deal of self respect.


One point you must note is that you should never apply western logic to Thai situations. As long-time residents will confirm, Thai logic often seems to bear little relation to western logic. I've lived here nearly 10 years and it continues to baffle me!

Guest Asmerom
How much does my LTR cost me?


It did cost me: a car, 2 motorbikes, 5 stereo-sets, 6 TV's, 1 PS2, 7 telephones and of course the daily allowances, clothes allowances, dinners out and his going-out-allowances. Don't worry, I'm still alive and happy.


Now it cost me: approx. THB 8,000 per month all in.


He's not on drugs, but he adores......... going out every night.


He's 23 and he's staying with me 3 years now. More and more I'm trying to get him to stand on his own feet and make him more and more independent. I don't expect him to stay with me forever.


I love that marvellous list of items you were unwillingly relieved of, which you describe as being "borrowed" rather than stolen and not subsequently returned , no doubt due to absent mindedness on the boyfriend's part. I laugh every time I read it, and I'm drawn to reading it three times a day. It makes the disappearance of my camcorder pale by comparison.


You seem to treat these unwelcome events as par for the course, part of the price to pay for living in Thailand and accept them as easily as you accept the weather, not really bothering to attach blame to the offending culprit and throwing him out with the dishwater.

Unlike myself, who when the boyfriend spends 1500baht on a bottle of whiskey at a disco and comes home reeking of it, is given a long suffocating lecture the following morning on the immorality of such a wicked use of money.It probably bores him to death.As do my lectures on the evils of smoking.


Your comments lead me to imagine your living quarters to be in a state of general disarray possibly littered with discarded mobile phones,CD's, and video recorders, while the outside of your premises may well be a neighbourhood disaster area crowded with abandoned cars motorcycles and broken TV sets.But I expect you live in a Condo.


In other words I sense a man after my own heart ,not easily offended,quick to forgive, a bit lackadaisycle in your dealings with boyfriends, taking things as they come, going with the flow rather than applying strict rules of conduct which other contributors advise.


I'm not at all sure its the best way,but its certainly attractive.Of course its all now in the past and you've learned your lesson. But if your present boyfriend goes out EVERY NIGHT drinking how on earth do you support him on 8000baht per month.I reckon you have to give the boy 2000 baht to have a good night out. I think you should examine your accounts a bit more closely.You may be in for a big surprise.






Guest joseph44
I love that marvellous list of items you were unwillingly relieved of, which you describe as being "borrowed" rather than stolen and not subsequently returned , no doubt due to absent mindedness on the boyfriend's part. I laugh every time I read it, and I'm drawn to reading it three times a day. It makes the disappearance of my camcorder pale by comparison.


You seem to treat these unwelcome events as par for the course, part of the price to pay for living in Thailand and accept them as easily as you accept the weather, not really bothering to attach blame to the offending culprit and throwing him out with the dishwater.

Unlike myself, who when the boyfriend spends 1500baht on a bottle of whiskey at a disco and comes home reeking of it, is given a long suffocating lecture the following morning on the immorality of such a wicked use of money.It probably bores him to death.As do my lectures on the evils of smoking.


Your comments lead me to imagine your living quarters to be in a state of general disarray possibly littered with discarded mobile phones,CD's, and video recorders, while the outside of your premises may well be a neighbourhood disaster area crowded with abandoned cars motorcycles and broken TV sets.But I expect you live in a Condo.


In other words I sense a man after my own heart ,not easily offended,quick to forgive, a bit lackadaisycle in your dealings with boyfriends, taking things as they come, going with the flow rather than applying strict rules of conduct which other contributors advise.


I'm not at all sure its the best way,but its certainly attractive.Of course its all now in the past and you've learned your lesson. But if your present boyfriend goes out EVERY NIGHT drinking how on earth do you support him on 8000baht per month.I reckon you have to give the boy 2000 baht to have a good night out. I think you should examine your accounts a bit more closely.You may be in for a big surprise.


Haha Asmerom,


good analysis, but not entirely correct. I'm constantly trying to talk some sense in the bf's brain, regarding spending, drinking, responsibility, etc, etc. But our senses are not their senses.

I live in a nice home on a dark-side village, surrounded by other farangs and their female partners.


At this moment we have some kind of tennant-landlord relation and my bf is on probation for theft from a farang home (I'm the farang). So far the forgiveness.

My bank account is absolutely safe, my ATM and CC are within reach and the pin-numbers are in my head.

The bf has a job as a sales guy at a motorbike shop and makes another THB 5500 per month.


Living quarters + expenses, motorbike + expenses are free, so he can spend THB 13,000 a month. Usually a Thai Universtiy Graduate of around 30 yo gets less.





Guest laurence
In other words I sense a man after my own heart ,not easily offended,quick to forgive, a bit lackadaisycle in your dealings with boyfriends, taking things as they come, going with the flow rather than applying strict rules of conduct which other contributors advise.


Asmerom, I thought you were describing me! Like others I do not understand the Thai logic and gave up trying.


Asmerom, I thought you were describing me! Like others I do not understand the Thai logic and gave up trying.


Make that 3 of us. :)

Guest Asmerom
My bank account is absolutely safe, my ATM and CC are within reach and the pin-numbers are in my head.

The bf has a job as a sales guy at a motorbike shop and makes another THB 5500 per month.


Living quarters + expenses, motorbike + expenses are free, so he can spend THB 13,000 a month. Usually a Thai Universtiy Graduate of around 30 yo gets less.


I'm so relieved you appear to know what you're doing in that laid back way you approach these matters, unlike my naive self whose bf , having seemingly stolen my Camcorder, is now texting me to send him 150baht mobile scratch card number to top up his phone, so he can tell me how much he loves me, even though I gave him 6000baht a few days ago. I have not complied. I've told him the bank is closed due to a robbery.He continues to plead that he's given the money to his father who's off work due to an accident.I believe him. He complains over the phone, that I don't understand him. But I'm not here to support his family.I'm not the Pattaya branch of the Prudential Insurance Company.


Fortunately, your bank accounts ( assuming your head is tightly screwed on ) seem to be more secure than your hardware which I suggest you chain to the floor with pegs driven at least six inches into a concrete base. Though what these houses on the "dark side" are made of is anyone's guess. Reeds, brushwood, bamboo?


"The dark side", my goodness, windswept Cornish coasts, swirling curtains, doors banging, inexplicable midnight swishings,weird old housekeepers, romantic meetings on clifftops, shipwrecks, ghosts, drownings, murders. But no, we're not in a Hitchcock film with the shower curtain slowly revealing trickles of blood draining away down the plughole, we're in Pattaya, on the forbidding "dark side" where holes in the road and perfidious boyfriends are the greatest dangers to life and limb.


13,000 a month net to spend. Sounds good to me. I'm sure he's most grateful.



Guest joseph44
Make that 3 of us. :)


Wait, wait, please don't tell me that there is some kind of Thai logic. Djeezz!!

That makes things slightly more complicated :lol:


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