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WTF is Wrong with AMERICANS ????

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OK, so Miley Cyrus gave a ranchy, sexually suggestive performance with Robin Thicke on the VMA's.

But isnt that what the VMA's are known for ???? Remember Madonna writhing on the floor and touching herself in a Wedding dress, singing "Like a virgin", or an Oiled up Britney Spears gyrating with a massive snake around her neck singing "I'm a Slave for You".

America, WTF is wrong with you ? If you are so offended, switch the channel. The performance was creative , and did exactly what it intended to do, GET US TALKING.... But outrage and protest persist and are getting out of hand. Europeans wouldnt blink an Eye at THIS, and probably would consider the performance TAME.

Miley WASNT naked, just suggestive, and since when has being suggestive become a crime. ???

Come on America, LIGHTEN UP and have some fun.... You are way too Uptight. Stop pushing for Censorship. Some of us like this sort of stuff and appreciate Freedom of Expression. You have the option of not being exposed by simply turning the offensive material off. Excercise your rights instead of Whining and complaining and trying to deprive those of us that Enjoy it.... Put your time to Better use and protest things that actually HURT us... That's where change is Needed ! :poke:

Miley Cyrus sticking her tongue out and pointing at her Vajayjay will nOT make your daughters have sex. It may give your sons a Boner, but THATS a GOOD thing right ???? Means he aint Gay, because GAY would be Bad too, Right ????? :hyper::hyper:

Guest hitoallusa

I didn't like her performance, not because it was racy but it was not balanced.. Even though something looks chaotic, if there is some balance to it then I consider it an art.. Miley's performance totally fails to have that fine balance that makes her performance beautiful and enjoyable. I think that's what people are offended about. I don't call it a performance.

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This gives the LOL's something to chatter about. They are always ready to be outraged when they can find the fodder. Rather than ignore it and let it pass quietly in the night like a bad chinese meal, they piss all over it with their bladders full of gasoline to demonstrate their moral rectitutde. Who gives a shit about them or Miley, any of it.

You are right, that is what the VMAs are for, at least partially. And that is what young celebrities do, many anyway, incuding Miley and Bieber. They make some bad choices in chasing celebritydom. That comes with youth. You might think that Robin Thicke, if that is his name, might be a little more mature in his choices. I guess he is chasing the teeny boppers too.

Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning
CommentaryOpinionnews media ISSUE 49•35 Aug 26, 2013
By Meredith Artley, Managing Editor Of CNN.com

Over the years, CNN.com has become a news website that many people turn to for top-notch reporting. Every day it is visited by millions of people, all of whom rely on “The Worldwide Leader in News”—that’s our slogan—for the most crucial, up-to-date information on current events. So, you may ask, why was this morning’s top story, a spot usually given to the most important foreign or domestic news of the day, headlined “Miley Cyrus Did What???” and accompanied by the subhead “Twerks, stuns at VMAs”?

It’s a good question. And the answer is pretty simple. It was an attempt to get you to click on CNN.com so that we could drive up our web traffic, which in turn would allow us to increase our advertising revenue.

There was nothing, and I mean nothing, about that story that related to the important news of the day, the chronicling of significant human events, or the idea that journalism itself can be a force for positive change in the world. For Christ’s sake, there was an accompanying story with the headline “Miley’s Shocking Moves.” In fact, putting that story front and center was actually doing, if anything, a disservice to the public. And come to think of it, probably a disservice to the hundreds of thousands of people dying in Syria, those suffering from the current unrest in Egypt, or, hell, even people who just wanted to read about the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech.

But boy oh boy did it get us some web traffic. Which is why I, Meredith Artley, managing editor of CNN.com, put the story in our top spot. Those of us watching on Google Analytics saw the number of homepage visits skyrocket the second we put up that salacious image of Miley Cyrus dancing half nude on the VMA stage. But here’s where it gets great: We don’t just do a top story on the VMA performance and call it a day. No, no. We also throw in a slideshow called “Evolution of Miley,” which, for those of you who don’t know, is just a way for you to mindlessly click through 13 more photos of Miley Cyrus. And if we get 500,000 of you to do that, well, 500,000 multiplied by 13 means we can get 6.5 million page views on that slideshow alone. Throw in another slideshow titled “6 ‘don’t miss’ VMA moments,” and it’s starting to look like a pretty goddamned good Monday, numbers-wise. Also, there are two videos—one of the event and then some bullshit two-minute clip featuring our “entertainment experts” talking about the performance.

Side note: Advertisers, along with you idiots, love videos. Another side note: The Miley Cyrus story was in the same top spot we used for our 9/11 coverage.

Now, let's get back to why we put the story in the most coveted spot on our website, thereby saying, essentially, that Miley Cyrus’ suggestive dancing is the most important thing going on in the world right now. If you clicked on the story, and all the slideshows, and all the other VMA coverage, that means you’ve probably been on CNN.com for more than seven minutes, which lowers our overall bounce rate. Do you know what that is? Sorry for getting a little technical here. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. If we can keep that bounce rate low, and show companies that people don’t just go to CNN.com but stay there, then we can go to Ford or McDonald’s or Samsonite or whatever big company you can think of and ask for the big bucks.

So, as managing editor of CNN.com, I want our readers to know this: All you are to us, and all you will ever be to us, are eyeballs. The more eyeballs on our content, the more cash we can ask for. Period. And if we’re able to get more eyeballs, that means I’ve done my job, which gets me congratulations from my bosses, which encourages me to put up even more stupid bullshit on the homepage.

I don’t hesitate to call it stupid bullshit because we all know it’s stupid bullshit. We know it and you know it. We also know that you are probably dumb enough, or bored enough, or both, to click on the stupid bullshit anyway, and that you will continue to do so as long as we keep putting it in front of your big, idiot faces. You want to know how many more page views the Miley Cyrus thing got than our article on the wildfires ravaging Yosemite? Like 6 gazillion more.

That’s on you, not us.

To be sure, I could have argued that Miley Cyrus’ performance merited the top spot on our website because it was significant in terms of what’s happening in the world of pop culture, or that her over-the-top theatrics are worth covering because they are somehow representative of the lengths to which performers must go to stand out in the current entertainment landscape. But who the fuck are we kidding? Truth be told, anything at last night’s VMAs short of Lady Gaga beheading Will Smith with a broadsword belongs tucked away in our entertainment section, far from the homepage, far from the top spot, and far from the eyes of anyone who logged on to our site this morning to see what was happening in the world.

But then not nearly as many people would have seen it, which wouldn’t get us the page views we want, which wouldn’t get us the money we want, which wouldn’t get me the congratulations I want. So you see, there’s no stopping this. And what is this, you ask? Modern-day journalism. And what is modern-day journalism? Getting you to click on this link.


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Let us also NOT forget Gene Simmons, of rock band Kiss, infamous for making a Long and successful career out of Doin the Miley

(sticking out his tongue). He never got the kind of heat and outrage Miley is getting, and this is 2013 folks...... Double Standard ??






But, his Son is Cute, so maybe that's why WE forgive him ?


Guest hitoallusa

If my Justin Bieber had done what she did then I would forgive him...^_^ I think Justin Bieber would have been so cute, my Suckrates?

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  On 8/30/2013 at 7:57 PM, Suckrates said:

Let us also NOT forget Gene Simmons, of rock band Kiss, infamous for making a Long and successful career out of Doin the Miley

(sticking out his tongue). He never got the kind of heat and outrage Miley is getting, and this is 2013 folks...... Double Standard ??






But, his Son is Cute, so maybe that's why WE forgive him ?


Gene's Son is definitely Cute!!!


Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance spawned hundreds of complaints to the FCC, which was pointless as the FCC has no control over cablecontent. But they’re worth reading, because just like Tea Party rally signs, these people don’t have a great command of spelling or grammar. Or even her name.


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