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Police Vow Major Crackdown on Pedophiles

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Guest luvthai

Three weeks and it will be business as usual.

Guest Geezer

According to the article police will take two steps to curtail under-age sex by farangs.


1. โ€œThere are plans to erect a large signboard in Pattaya City warning visitors of the penalties of having sex with children.โ€


2. โ€œThe Central Investigation Bureau says it would also investigate the owners and operators of apartments and hotels in which sex crimes with children take place to see if there is any evidence that they are involved.โ€


It appears no thought has been given to visiting the establishments which rent underage boys. You can see the boys in brown are really serious about this.

Guest gwm4sian

Shall we get it all in context?



Pol Maj Gen Panya and Pol Maj Gen. Surasit say there are an estimated 200 or more foreign pedophiles in Thailand, and that police activity is being stepped up to arrest and deport them, after which they would be placed on a blacklist and forbidden from re-entering the country.


How does that number compare to murders? More than that number died during Songkran road accidents.


No way am I condoning anything, but it is nice to have the numbers in context.

Guest naughtybutnice
  Gaybutton said:
According to the PATTAYA MAIL, the police are not only going to go after the suspected pedophiles themselves, but now will start going after the owners and operators of properties where these offenses take place.

It is good to see that this board is not afraid to air such news, whilst over at the Sawatdee forum anything to do with the subject is removed to the Global forum, quite strange to move it from a board mainly devoted to Pattaya happenings. Maybe it eases the consciences of a few of the members.

  naughtybutnice said:
It is good to see that this board is not afraid to air such news, whilst over at the Sawatdee forum anything to do with the subject is removed to the Global forum


They have their methods and we have ours. I think doing whatever we can do to stop the pedophiles is an important thing to at least try to do for two reasons. One is the harm it causes to such young boys and I don't think the gay community should ignore it. The second is the stigma it places on the rest of us simply because we're gay. On this board, discussion of this issue is welcomed and encouraged. The threads that discuss it are clearly titled. If some people don't want to deal with it or discuss it, then nobody is forcing them to read the threads.


We, of course, have no way of knowing if the discussions and threads about it have ever stopped a single pedophile or even caused them to think twice. But maybe our efforts have done something. I hope so.

Guest gwm4sian

ANd just in case you think it is a Pattaya only problem.......


Members of a paedophile gang have been jailed for a string of child sex offences against British boys in the UK and abroad.


Four men were sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court after pleading guilty to 17 offences on three vulnerable boys from Tyneside.


The offences were committed in Spain, Kent, London and Northumbria between December 2004 and December 2007.




My concern is that pedophiles is beginning to be reported as "gay". It is beyond reason to not hear of people having sex with under legal age girls. Statistics show that most pedophiles and other sex deviance is heterosexual. Also male "victims" are usually with females, yet it seems only male male is reported. Is this because Pattaya is statistical different or that the feeling about gays is different?

  PattayaMale said:
Is this because Pattaya is statistical different or that the feeling about gays is different?


I don't know. What I do know is that in every recent instance it has been male farang arrested for sex with under-age boys. I don't remember ever seeing a news article about a male or female farang being arrested in Thailand for sex with under-age girls. Does that mean it's never happened or it goes unreported? I have no idea.

Guest luvthai

Gee 200 foreign pedophiles in thailand but how many Thai pedophiles are there? I would guess that number is much much higher than the farang numbers. I wonder how they came up with the 200 figure anyway.

Guest xiandarkthorne

I am not trying to explain away or condone pedophilia of any sort for any reason here but let's be honest about this, guys. There are undeniable reasons for their targeting Male/Male pedophiles -


1.It is easier to generate mob hysteria against gay men for sleeping with underaged boys than against straight men sleeping with underaged girls. Gay relations of any kind in most Asian societies are still defined as "the love without a name" and even in a society where a gay man is considered to be "suffering for his sins in a past life and therefore to be pitied instead of being burnt and sent to burn some more in hell" there are still a helluvalot more people who are prepared to "take up arms against a sea of troubles" at the mention of any kind of gay relations, to put it mildly.


2.In general Asian tradition, boys are considered to be "more precious and worthy as providers for the future" than girls. The mindset prevails even today, especially in the poorer, less-educated segments of Asian society. Therefore a sexual attack against an underaged boy is tantamount to attacking the potential future of Asian society.


3.In Asia, the older man having a young or even underaged concubine is an age old tradition, hence heterosexual pedophilia between an older man and a young girl is not looked at in quite the same way. For many poor families, having a daughter sleep with a rich old fart is one way of generating income - and if the young lady is beautiful or smart enough to be "adopted" then it also means a slightly better life for the whole family with resulting connections for the male relatives to higher positions, better pay, etc. Therefore, in the past when a young daughter of the family happened to catch the eye of a rich old man, she instantly became a valuable commodity (unlike in the case of a son) and which poverty-stricken person is going to upset a golden apple cart just because some foreigners insist it is wrong for him to "sell" his daughter like that? His ancestors were doing it for hundred of years before already and nobody ever said it wasn't right!


4.There are many other reasons but it would be too much work to go into all of them here. One of those additional reasons which I am going to mention here is quite simply that I really don't think there is any chance of accidentally landing an embarassing "big fish" on one of their raids against gay pedophiles. If they went after the heterosexual perverts who had sex with underaged girls, I suspect it would be quite a different situation completely.


Call me a bitter old fart if you will...but them's the simple facts of life in Asia.


Xiandarkthorne you just blew my sock off with your outstanding analysis. I would rather have my socks blown off this way, then the common way they are blown off with most gay men. Your name says it all. You are an enlightened one. Do keep writing. In fact, I really would like to know the rest of the reasons.

Guest xiandarkthorne
  KhorTose said:
Xiandarkthorne you just blew my sock off with your outstanding analysis. I would rather have my socks blown off this way, then the common way they are blown off with most gay men. Your name says it all. You are an enlightened one. Do keep writing. In fact, I really would like to know the rest of the reasons.


Dear KhorTose,

Thank you for your kind comment. I am glad you liked my analysis but I am afraid I cannot claim to be enlightened. The reverse, rather, or I would not be so determined to prove the astrologers right by *&%#ing my way to heaven. As for other reasons for the focus on gay pedophiles, perhaps I might be accused of being a conspiracy theorist but consider these -


1. It's all in the numbers. LOS is a beautiful country with many non-sexual attractions but what is one of the most important reasons for men to visit either singly or in groups? How many people actually come with their families in tow to see the historical/cultural etc. sights? Now consider the number of gay and straight men who come for that one simple other reason - what do you think would happen if straight men suddenly decided that they were too much at risk from "anti-pedo raids" when they came looking for sanook? If such a form of tourism brought in so much money, would you really want to rock the boat by targeting the largest segment of the market?


2. It's another of those cultural/historical things - think of the number of young women who sell themselves so that their siblings can go to school, mothers can go to hospital and fathers buy buffaloes. We might smirk knowingly at these stories as we also hear them all too frequently from the boys, but for many of the poor people, it is a reality. Unsavoury, no doubt, but a fact of life in many parts of Asia. So a very young lady who ends up sleeping with an older man isn't always regarded as either a hard-core slut or an abused person. To the old-fashioned mindset, she is doing the right things sacrificing herself for the benefit of her whole family. She would be considered a clever and highly filial daughter who willingly prostituted herself for the greater good. Confucian teachings that came from China hundreds of years ago are still more binding than prospects of progress, prosperity and modernization. She would also gain great spiritual merit for her unselfish action. Why would any poverty-stricken father or mother go against age old traditions, much less run the risk of losing a potential source of revenue all in the name of some newfangled western ideas?


3. An underaged son who slept with another man would no longer be "all male" - could he really be depended upon when Dad and Mum grew old and needed a strong son to take care of them in their dotage? Once a daughter marries, she would be part of anothr man's family. A son who married would be bringing another member into the home. If he became incapable of marrying, the whole extended familial group would be short of another potential pair of hands to share the labour.


4. Gay foreign pedophiles come, do their bad things and then go home - they would not have to bear the consequences of their actions. A local one who liked some poor man or woman's son enough to keep him, it might be hoped, would extend the same potential benefits if he had slept with their daughter instead. Why report a gay local pedophile if he represented a potential source of income and other indirect benefits?


I don't think I'd care to go into the matter more deeply on a public forum as I still plan on visiting LOS quite frequently, but as I have mentioned in my previous post, there are definitely compelling reasons for targeting gay foreign pedophiles specifically in these raids.


I think a lot of what you say likely hits the nail on the head. But with regard to the poor families, don't they send their boys to Pattaya and BKK just as they send their girls to "work" to help support the family knowing full well what work means. Do they really place a distinction on whether the boy or girl is 15 or 16 or 18 or 20?


I wonder if a lot of the effort against farang has to do with xenophobia. Thais are proud of the fact that they are the only country in their neighborhood that was never colonized and subjugated by the West. Of course the kings cut some deals and gave up certain things in order to retain a certain amount of autonomy. But the basic person on the street just knows that the white man never took over their country. So, I suppose the idea of white men coming to Thailand and physically and sexually holding power over their boys is seen as emasculating the country.


Great discussion. I've read many other Westerners complaining about how the laws are enforced or not enforced when it comes to gays and pedophiles in Thailand, but you two have actually put it together. At least in my head. What you both have explained rings so true, and fits so well that it is all beginning to make sense to me. I can not thank you enough for sharing you thoughts and observations with me.

Just one question and I would love to have your further thoughts. What if there was gay marriage in this country and Thai men could legally marry Western men? Would that change the paradigm any?

Guest xiandarkthorne
  KhorTose said:
What if there was gay marriage in this country and Thai men could legally marry Western men? Would that change the paradigm any?


First of all, with regards to Feds' coment about xenophobia, I am inclined to agree with him as there will always be some xenophobia in any Asian society - it's endemic no matter how much we try to change our mindset. Besides, most of you whites are much bigger than the average Asian guy - it can be quite intimidating at a subconscious level, even. Heck, I'm just 5' 10" tall and I have been told that many smaller gay Asian guys find me scary...something about a fear of having strange and unnatural things done to them by me, I understand :D


As for gay marriage, I don't think it will change anything. The best target for any kind of "affirmatively punitive" action will always be the most vulnerable one - and the most suitable for gaining maximum political mileage, too.




Darn, you just broke my heart. I was hoping that if marriage was a possibility, that the status of Westerner would move from predator to asset.. The reason I thought this was possible was that I have seen personal ads where the boy is looking for someone from Europe or Scandinavia. However, when I read your reply and really thought about it, I realize that you are once again correct, Moving to Europe or Scandinavia would be just one boys decision, and would do little to change the attitudes of of Asians in general.

I can see that I will have to ponder this some more. Thank you for your reply and your input and if you come up with a way to make older gay male Westerners a more valued commodity, please let me know.

Guest xiandarkthorne
  KhorTose said:
The reason I thought this was possible was that I have seen personal ads where the boy is looking for someone from Europe or Scandinavia....I can see that I will have to ponder this some more. Thank you for your reply and your input and if you come up with a way to make older gay male Westerners a more valued commodity, please let me know.


Regarding Asians looking for foreigners - 2 simple reasons (I should know cuz I've been there...)


1. If he's straight, then it's economic.


2.If he's gay, he believes in the old myth about western society being less prejudiced against gay men.




And how to become a valued commodity in Asia if you're old, white and gay?


1. Marry an old girl.

2. Take her youngest brother as a lover

3. Buy their parents a house with air-conditioning in every room, couple of padi fields or fruit orchards, big gas-guzzling motorcar and a plasma TV for every room in the house

4. If you can swing it, make sure their daddy's a big enough fish...you not only become a valued commodity this way, you make it straight to the top of the endangered species list.


I did say that I was old, jaded and bitter, didn't I?




"I did say that I was old, jaded and bitter, didn't I?--Xian"


Yes you did say that, but I am afraid you only speak the truth in this case. Your reply made me smile and laugh. Thank you.

When I get established in Chiang Mai in 13 month and 14 days, you will always have a place to stay if you choose to visit.


Khor tose


  KhorTose said:
you will always have a place to stay if you choose to visit.


Someone told me the same thing one time. I went to visit. It turned out the place to stay was a Holiday Inn . . .

  Gaybutton said:
Someone told me the same thing one time. I went to visit. It turned out the place to stay was a Holiday Inn . . .


LOL :lol: Yes but you told him you were 21 year old with 9 horny inches.

Just kidding. I plan to rent a house for at the first year, as I love to cook, and a small condo does not do it for me. There will be at least one guest bedroom and good people are always welcome. I will be PMing you soon with a firm date.


Guest luvthai

Its a summary of all arrest so far. The last week or so has been pretty quiet tho so hopefully the worst is over. They should just publish thier list and give the men on it a chance to just leave rather than be arrested. Would save a lot of bad publisity.

Guest buaseng
  luvthai said:
Its a summary of all arrest so far. The last week or so has been pretty quiet tho so hopefully the worst is over. They should just publish thier list and give the men on it a chance to just leave rather than be arrested. Would save a lot of bad publisity.

What may be bad publicity for those on the list when arrested is certainly good publicity for the authorities in Thailand and Pattaya who can demonstrate that they are doing something about falang paedophiles - (hence the press conferences).


My view is the more these arrests are publicised the more it will deter the (mostly gay) paedophiles from visiting and abusing kids in Thailand and thereby giving us all an undeservedly bad name.


This clampdown should continue until all these sickos have been arrested and jailed or chased out of Thailand.


you think this is bad publicity? Bad for the guys being arrested for sure, but I think it's probably good publicity for Pattaya.


Here's an interesting tidbit from the Pattaya Mail article:

" A media briefing was held on May 19 by Pol Maj Gen Panya Mamen, deputy superintendent of the Investigation Center at the Department for Suppression for Transnational Crime, Pol Col Manoo Mekmorhk, deputy commander of the Tourist Police, Pol Col Naradet Klomtuksing, superintendent of investigation at Tourist Police 2, Tourist Police Headquarters, Pol Maj Col Suwan Un-Anan, chief investigator at Pattaya Tourist Police Station, Pol Col Nopadol Wongnom, superintendent at Pattaya Police Station, and Ms Mariel Schaltz, an official from the USA."


Only one of the arrestees appears to have been a US citizen. Most of the them are Europeans. So why is there an official from the USA at this briefing and no one from the UK for example?


Also according to the article Sunee Plaza is being closely watched, whatever that means.

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