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Rudy Huxtable IS................

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How GREAT, and how visible that the youngest child Rudy from the Cosby Show, Raven Symone came out as GAY... Who knew ??? eventhough it has been whispered about in circles....

Congrats Raven.....You GO Gurl !!! (and she DOES have a Great RACK too ! ) all the lesbians are creaming their panties.


Guest hitoallusa

Oh my I love Raven.. She is so vivacious and energetic.. Although I approve and support lesbians, I don't know why but thinking of having sex with women or two women having sex is repulsive to me. Do lesbians feel the same about having sex with a guy or watching two guys having sex??? I'm not sure whether my repulsiveness to having sex women is genetic or something is wrong with my brain???? Anyone wants to study me??? lol.. You can watch me but not allowed to touch me though.. ^_^

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Just to clarify, Raven-Symone, played Olivia on the 1980s sitcom "The Cosby Show" and not Rudy. She was the step-daughter of Denise Cosby.

Anyway, congrats and I hope she will have a very happy life.

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Oh my I love Raven.. She is so vivacious and energetic.. Although I approve and support lesbians, I don't know why but thinking of having sex with women or two women having sex is repulsive to me. Do lesbians feel the same about having sex with a guy or watching two guys having sex??? I'm not sure whether my repulsiveness to having sex women is genetic or something is wrong with my brain???? Anyone wants to study me??? lol.. You can watch me but not allowed to touch me though.. :smile:

hito, my PHD degree tells me that you live by the Rule that there can be ONLY ONE woman in the room, and that be YOU !!!!

You just don't want any competition.....its a perfectly Natural response, although picturing you as a LAB-RAT in Valentino loafers sure puts a smile on my Face :D

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Just to clarify, Raven-Symone, played Olivia on the 1980s sitcom "The Cosby Show" and not Rudy. She was the step-daughter of Denise Cosby.

Anyway, congrats and I hope she will have a very happy life.

You are soooooo RIGHT Wayout.. I was clearly thinking of Keisha-Knight Pulliam, but she should be Gay too.... THANKS for clearing up my faux-pas..... I was too concentrated on my Saturday pic Gallery :thumbsup:

Guest hitoallusa

Oh my AS, aren't we going to be buried together???? We need a better grave epigram than that... What about "AShito, one true love that transcends sex, religion, ideology, and bias"

Then why don't you do it?



Oh my AS, aren't we going to be buried together???? We need a better grave epigram than that... What about "AShito, one true love that transcends sex, religion, ideology, and bias"

I must confess it tickles me to think some will read our epitaph as "Ah, shit..." :P


To his Coy Mistress

by Andrew Marvell

Had we but world enough, and time,

This coyness, lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way

To walk, and pass our long love's day;

Thou by the Indian Ganges' side

Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide

Of Humber would complain. I would

Love you ten years before the Flood;

And you should, if you please, refuse

Till the conversion of the Jews.

My vegetable love should grow

Vaster than empires, and more slow.

An hundred years should go to praise

Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;

Two hundred to adore each breast,

But thirty thousand to the rest;

An age at least to every part,

And the last age should show your heart.

For, lady, you deserve this state,

Nor would I love at lower rate.

But at my back I always hear

Time's winged chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie

Deserts of vast eternity.

Thy beauty shall no more be found,

Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound

My echoing song; then worms shall try

That long preserv'd virginity,

And your quaint honour turn to dust,

And into ashes all my lust.

The grave's a fine and private place,

But none I think do there embrace.

Now therefore, while the youthful hue

Sits on thy skin like morning dew,

And while thy willing soul transpires

At every pore with instant fires,

Now let us sport us while we may;

And now, like am'rous birds of prey,

Rather at once our time devour,

Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power.

Let us roll all our strength, and all

Our sweetness, up into one ball;

And tear our pleasures with rough strife

Thorough the iron gates of life.

Thus, though we cannot make our sun

Stand still, yet we will make him run.



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