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Is Sexting Cheating? Showing Your Wiener to Others

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With Weiner's wiener hanging out so much lately:


I am curious if other actually think that sexting is actually cheating? I watch with disgust the press conference he had to call when the new allegations came out and all I could think was: did he meet someone in person.


Guest FourAces

The cock photos were sent long afteer he resigned and apologized for the first time he was caught. The man has issues not so much he is sending these texts but he is married and running for public office .. he needs to move on and get his own life together first.


I don't know why anyone would ever sext. Those photos are out there forever if you do that. Maybe I'm of an age that I would never consider such a thing. But I guess some people don't care.

It certainly is emotional cheating, that's for sure.

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This is not cheating, this is immature indiscretion IMO. It goes with the old addage: you can look but you can't touch.

Is it carried a little far? Yeah, but this is the internet age where indiscretion abounds whether in language or pictures.

Does he owe his wife an apology? Yes, and more, like dish and laundry duty until he grows up.

Clearly he is not looking for a hook up, he's just a big time exhibitionist. Not a good hobby for politicians.

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I agree that it is disrespectful to his wife as well as his constituency (past or future). I suppose one question is, would you rather know in advance the sins of your elected officials or find out about them later? They all will have some.

Best regards,


Guest josephga

I think its disrespectful to his wife falls more into the lines of emotional cheater.

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"Sexting" with someone is a RELATIONSHIP of sorts, and if its of a sexual nature, and NOT with your partner, YES, I believe its a FORM of cheating !

Guest josephga

I don't get this sexting stuff. is this like phone sex? oh yeah oh yes type it baby type it

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I was a huge fan of Wiener before, now, not at all. Especially since it's a democratic primary he needs to lose and go away. He's an embarrassment.

If he wasn't running as a married family man--who apologized for past indiscretions and *promised not to do it again* it wouldn't be a big deal. As with Clinton, the lie (Wiener's "Changed Man" cover story as he was actively still doing *worse* than what got him in trouble in the first place) is a bigger issue than the actions themselves...

Even putting aside any Puritanical reaction the lack of discretion / basic common sense makes him ineligible for public office.

The Daily Show did a great segment on him Weds. night.

I would still like to see Spitzer back in office though...

  On 7/26/2013 at 7:14 AM, JKane said:

the lie (Wiener's "Changed Man" cover story as he was actively still doing *worse* than what got him in trouble in the first place) is a bigger issue than the actions themselves...

Even putting aside any Puritanical reaction the lack of discretion / basic common sense makes him ineligible for public office.

Agree. Further, the (numerous!) repetitions post-resignation show not just indiscretion but compulsion/addiction. This guy, at this point in his life, is the last thing the mayor's office needs.

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  On 7/26/2013 at 8:54 AM, AdamSmith said:

Agree. Further, the (numerous!) repetitions post-resignation show not just indiscretion but compulsion/addiction. This guy, at this point in his life, is the last thing the mayor's office needs.

Well, did did previously display competence in public office, and I am sure his purient behavior was going on at THAT time as well.

Some people are adept at separating their public professional life from their private lives, and I believe Wiener is one of those.

He's a horny guy...... WHO cares ? As long as he is competent at his job, and doesnt steal from the people, I would endorse him.

I will not discuss his "enabling Good wife". I just dont get her on Several levels.... But then again, Hillary overlooked her husbands indiscretions, so who knows what these women think ?

  On 7/26/2013 at 9:16 AM, Suckrates said:

Some people are adept at separating their public professional life from their private lives, and I believe Wiener is one of those.

Well, with the teeny tiny exception that his private life cost him his public professional life.

And then, even with that hard knowledge in hand, he kept on doing it. Knowing, presumably, that he still wanted a career in public service.

That is called delusional thinking. It is one of the psychic maladaptions at the core of addiction.

Granted, some people can be that way and still be very high-functioning. See: Clinton, Bill. But Weiner failed that test outright by proving unable to hang on and hang in.

Granted too that in a non-Puritan world all this would have no bearing on his qualifications to be mayor. But reality is that if he does it again and gets caught at it, opponents will use it to fuck with his ability to do his job. Even if he does not do it or get caught again, enemies can be counted on to use his past actions to try to hamstring and impede him once in office.

Sure, he should be free to run. And like Mencken said, "Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want -- and they deserve to get it, good and hard."

Guest josephga
  On 7/26/2013 at 6:56 AM, hitoallusa said:

Oh my Joe you are so good at it.. :smile:

years ago someone asked me if I liked phone sex? I said I love how it feels when you pull the cord out. :hyper:

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Personally, I'd vote for more exhibitionism rather than less.

Could it be that Wiener is on the right track and the rest of us have some catching up to do? :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't disagree but offer one caveat; let's be sure we and the others have something worth exhibiting. :smile:

Best regards,


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  On 7/26/2013 at 9:16 AM, Suckrates said:

He's a horny guy...... WHO cares ? As long as he is competent at his job, and doesnt steal from the people, I would endorse him.

I would too, but instead of owning it (he did awkwardly try to at first, if I recall) he acted ashamed, apologized, and promised not to do it again. Which opens one up for blackmail (if he wasn't so incompetent at it) and makes it a spectacle.


FoxNews headline yesterday (while I was at gym): Weiner swells in controversy

Best headline on the day after newsconference: Weiner won't pull out

Best Weiner magazine cover?


Guest hitoallusa

Oh my Lookin, I didn't know you were so progressive.. ^_^ Are we going to reach a point where we do away with clothes in the future? I don't think the fashion industry won't like that... It will be awkward to wear only shoes..

  On 7/26/2013 at 3:50 PM, lookin said:

Personally, I'd vote for more exhibitionism rather than less.

Could it be that Wiener is on the right track and the rest of us have some catching up to do? :rolleyes:

Guest zipperzone

I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected.

So all the millions he is spending to achieve that goal (where ever they come from) is a gross waste of money.

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