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A Nice Day For A Gay Wedding

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A Nice Day For A Gay Wedding

On Wednesday, five days before a certain red wedding, the city of Monptellier planned on having the first gay wedding in France. While people wanted it to be a day of celebration, there were lots of concerns as well. The weekend before, tens of thousands of anti-gay marriage protestors had set cars on fire and smashed windows in Paris. What would happen when the first marriage actually took place?

And so it was that Montpellier woke up Wednesday filled with affection for the grooms Bruno and Vincent, but also trepidation that things would go as badly as the various matrimonials in A Storm of Swords.

In the morning, the newspapers all flashed the first photos of the soon to be newlyweds on the front pages and it was clear, if nothing else, that they were gorgeous. Yay!

But there was good news and bad news in the papers as well. Out of security concerns, the wedding was moved from the Prefecture (town hall) in the center of town to the new Mayor's office outside of the historic center.

On the other hand, the mayor announced that the ceremony would be broadcast on a Jumbotron outside her office and that there would be free beer, wine and sausage for anyone who cared to come by.

Within hours, more than 4,000 people took the local (La Croix-designed) trams down to the site and started to drink and eat and get ready for the afternoon's festivities.

But then things got scary again. Another group, led by Marine Le Pen, the scariest right wing politician in Europe, showed up to counterprotest.

The goons, which is the only term that could be correctly applied to them, scared both local residents and the police force.

Soon, it was announced that the Jumbotron and free wine and beer were to be canceled, and that there would just be an audio transmission of the ceremony to those gathered outside.

Even more worrying, nearly 300 riot police were dispatched to the site in case Marine's goons got out of control.

But then, a funny thing happened. Marine seemed to realize that she was not making her cause look good, and the goons started to disperse. Things started looking up and word reached the crowd that Bruno and Vincent had been whisked into the mayor's office through a back door.

At this point the people gathered started to sing the French National Anthem, giving a sense that one was seeing a scene from Casablanca happen in person.

Then, tension struck again. Several bomb threats were called in, and the mayor's office was evacuated. More riot police showed up with dogs.

Thankfully, it was all a false alarm and soon the wedding party and invited guests were brought back into the mayor's office.

At roughly five minutes before the wedding was supposed to begin, the loudspeaker announced what website people could go to see the wedding broadcast live, and people fired up their smart phones.

Hearing the events from the loudspeaker while watching the visuals on portable electronic devices is probably the defining image of how life works in 2013, but it still created a sense of solidarity.

Then, at 6:03 p.m., the grooms began to exchange their vows. At 6:12 they both said their I do's, Cole Porter's version of Love And Marriage blasted across the loudspeakers, and shouts of joy could be heard throughout the city.

At the end of the day, the wedding happened the way it should have happened. The earth didn't explode. No riots happened. The goons went away in shame, and Bruno and Vincent went with their friends and family to a private location for their wedding reception.

A nice day for a white wedding indeed!

cc totallyoz 2013

  • Members

Is this article suggesting that both grooms were virgins or am I living way too far back in the dark ages? ^_^

With the drama shifting forth and back, this account is more like a soap opera than a wedding. However, I have been to weddings with more drama. ^_^

Good luck to them both, the city of Montpelier and folks around the globe. ^_^ I guess I should have said, much happiness but this is a gay wedding? ;)

Best regards,



RA, sorry, it is not an article. It is my first hand account (from News, Live TV, etc) of the wedding. :smile:

It was an assignment for an online course I am taking. :smile:

  • Members

So, you were there? I still offer my sincerest wishes for their happiness. ^_^

Best regards,


Guest hitoallusa

Oh my Oz.. What a great way of doing your homework...^_^

  On 5/31/2013 at 6:22 PM, TotallyOz said:

RA, sorry, it is not an article. It is my first hand account (from News, Live TV, etc) of the wedding. :smile:

It was an assignment for an online course I am taking. :smile:

  • Members
  On 5/31/2013 at 5:01 PM, RA1 said:

Is this article suggesting that both grooms were virgins or am I living way too far back in the dark ages? :smile:

Best regards,


I hope they figure out how to do it.

Guest hitoallusa

If they were virgins that's so romantic... It's unfortunate I can't be a virgin on my wedding day.. It's a good thing that I won't be wearing a white dress on that day.

  • Members

Gosh isn't there enough trouble getting past a "reluctant" sphincter without adding one of these? ^_^

Best regards,



Simply apply enough of our favorite Star Wars character, Lube Thighstroker. ^_^

(From my and dorm-mates' drunken college parody concept also featuring Princess Labia, Obi-Gyn Kenobi et al. You can imagine what the Death Star was to look like.)

  On 6/2/2013 at 12:30 PM, RA1 said:

I think I met him one night in a bar. :smile:

Doubtless we all think of that bar scene from time to time when we find ourselves wondering, Why did I come here tonight?


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