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Guest lurkerspeaks

Do you have a friend or relative who....

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Do you have a friend or relative who has no self-censure on his/her mouth? This person says whatever comes to mind, without thinking of how it comes across or how it affects others? While many of us might be thinking the same things ourself, we THINK before we speak. We realize that sometimes COMPLETE honesty is not always the best policy. As Confusious once said, "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt".

Guest Travissmith

My brother is that way and doesn't care who he hurts in the process. I feel like they do it so they are the center of attention.

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I just cannot imagine anyone who posts on this site or any other who might fit that description. ^_^

Best regards,


Guest CharliePS

My best friend was often like that. He said what he was thinking before considering how it would be received. I was with him at a class reunion when we encountered a woman we didn't recognize. She said, "You don't know who I am, do you?" and she identified herself. My friend immediately responded, "Oh no! What happened to you, Pat? You used to be so pretty!" It was a genuine reaction, and luckily she remembered what he was like, and calmly replied, "Life happened to me, Richard."

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We are only here to serve, just like your manservants. ^_^

Best regards,


Guest FourAces

My brother as well. He can say the cruelest things ... without a touch of remorse. I don't even think he is aware of how his words, at times, do hurt people. He has no self censorship.

Now I can also be that way but in my case I do think things through and its intentional .... which is slightly different than what lurker is talking about. However, I do usually feel bad after the fact whereas my brother is ready to go out and have a $50 steak.

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