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Guest rimchair

When the mighty fall...

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A word to the wise

But then they, by definition, are not the problem. ^_^

Grateful to TY for expending the effort to articulate -- yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more -- the principles here.

For what good it may do. Hope, per RA1, springs eternal.

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It is almost summer here in MEM, if not officially, then by temperature. ^_^ So I don't know where hope goes during.

As before what happens is somewhat dependent upon the principals and clients, so to speak. The principles have been stated, now the results are in play.

Best regards,


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Also, what happens over there is not of concern over here. We simply do not care. We evaluate people by their contributions here and only here. If you do not like someone's actions over there then complain about it there and leave it there.

We do not invite discussion about the other site but we do not ban it either.

Finally, I urge everyone to treat each other with respect while at Boytoy. If you cannot manage respect then a modicum of courtesy, charm or civility will do. It will be appreciated all around.

TY, I respect the opinions of the management here, and play by the rules at any site I choose to participate in. If I dont like the Rules, I LEAVE. The only comment I have to make on your previous post concerns the excerpt I have included. While we may NOT care about what happens OVER THERE, in this particular case it IS a concern because it involves Escort behavior which was exposed by several reviewers, and afterall THIS is a site about Escorts, is it not ??? I think the conversation is relevant, and in all fairness to you Mods here, you have allowed ALL opinions to be heard. Generally, peoples behaviors DONT change, and if they were BAN worthy over there, most likely they will be Ban worthy here, but still, they do deserve the chance you allow them.

If they "make their own Bed, then they will Lie in it". I have always been a proponent of Diversity, and respect for that diversity. But you must EARN respect in ALL aspects of life, including your Internet life. :bye:

Guest NCBored

My, my.... what a tempest in a tea pot. Been a while since I've seen such energy applied to a thread here.

First, I do not know what happened over at Daddy's. I never visit unless someone points out a compelling reason to do so. That seldom happens as I do not care about their meltdowns which seem to happen with some regularity. I may take a brief gander at this kerfuffle to see what all the hoopla is about if I do not have anything more pressing or interesting at hand.

That being said, I did read the two review links posted above. It seems Daddy may have the same No-Show review policy that we have. I do not post No-Shows... unless money or transportation fare has been fronted. No-shows are impossible to verify and may be intentional or unintentional or the charge an actualization of an agenda. Sometimes appointments are imagined but never finalized through faulty communication. None of that applies if money changes hands. Things become very definite as does the ill intention of the escort.

As for people hurling charges and accusations back and forth, first I urge everyone to read what is posted carefully by others and do not imagine the content base on a few leading words.

Also, what happens over there is not of concern over here. We simply do not care. We evaluate people by their contributions here and only here. If you do not like someone's actions over there then complain about it there and leave it there.

In addition, being banned from Daddy's is not a reason to be banned from here. I've known posters, good and ill, that have been banned from over there. That management does not set the standards for this site. Period. If we adopted that standard at the beginning many of the original members of this site, not to mention several newer arrivals, would have been excluded. These members have been excellent contributors to our site. Some members may have been unfairly banned over there. Others may have gotten off on the wrong foot and invited to leave. If they show up here with a changed demeanor seeking a new start then they are welcome as long as they follow our site policies. We believe in redemption and second chances. It has served this site and our members very well.

We do not invite discussion about the other site but we do not ban it either. This site has no interest in the daily travails and periodic convulsions that take place over there, or any of the name-calling or back-biting that may take place. However, we as admins recognize that some people may need to discuss events, express opinions and release steam that may not be permitted over there. We are an open community with free discussion as long as the site policies are observed.

Finally, I urge everyone to treat each other with respect while at Boytoy. If you cannot manage respect then a modicum of courtesy, charm or civility will do. It will be appreciated all around.

As lurker posted in another thread, I believe it's possible to disagree and remain civil. I have endeavored to do that. If I lapsed in the heat of exchange, I regret that.

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TY, I respect the opinions of the management here, and play by the rules at any site I choose to participate in. If I dont like the Rules, I LEAVE. The only comment I have to make on your previous post concerns the excerpt I have included. While we may NOT care about what happens OVER THERE, in this particular case it IS a concern because it involves Escort behavior which was exposed by several reviewers, and afterall THIS is a site about Escorts, is it not ??? I think the conversation is relevant, and in all fairness to you Mods here, you have allowed ALL opinions to be heard. Generally, peoples behaviors DONT change, and if they were BAN worthy over there, most likely they will be Ban worthy here, but still, they do deserve the chance you allow them.

If they "make their own Bed, then they will Lie in it". I have always been a proponent of Diversity, and respect for that diversity. But you must EARN respect in ALL aspects of life, including your Internet life. :bye:

I generally concur with your above remarks.

We have no objections about discussing escorts, their performance and practices, at this site whether or not they were discussed at other sites. That includes reviews from other sites as well as escort comments made at other sites. Such discussion is one of the missions of this site. There is a caveat though that discussion must be legitimate discussion which is agenda free. We do not lend our site to prosecute agendas against escorts by individuals.

My comments about other site activities were directed at discussion about members and interactions between members at that site, for the most part.

As for the assumed legitimacy of bans at other sites, I have known some that were legitimate and some that were not IMO. So we assume no authority of other sites to set member status for this site. Each individual is welcome and will be evaluated on his own actions here.

Some will take their show to a new venue with no change. Eventually they will disqualify themselves from participation. Others may decide that the diminished returns from abrasive actions are counterproductive and turn over a new leaf. Still others might have been wrongfully terminated for something as benign as asking for explanation or clarification of site policy in view of certain admin actions. Others may exhibit coarse behavior only in response to perceived hostile treatment in other environments. A new site brings new atmosphere and different admins that respond differently to some situations.

Everybody starts fresh and makes of their participation what they wish. We are reluctant to mete out the death penalty unless and until someone has proven incorrigible in engaging in substantial and sustained negative social interaction. And my mother taught me early on about the principle of lying in the bed one makes -- a principle we embrace.

  • Members

I generally concur with your above remarks.

We have no objections about discussing escorts, their performance and practices, at this site whether or not they were discussed at other sites. That includes reviews from other sites as well as escort comments made at other sites. Such discussion is the one of the missions of this site. There is a caveat though that discussion must be legitimate discussion which is agenda free. We do not lend our site to prosecute agendas against escorts by individuals.

TY, I truly and honestly believe that Everything we as people do in life has a purpose and agenda. Its what makes most people GOAL oriented. In discussing TB, his behavior and practices, the goal as I see it was to educate, and allow members to draw their own conclusions for their decision making. In very few cases here do I think the discussion was just vicious and malicious gossip mongering. and for the most part I think the discussion was beneficial for those that took something away from it. As an adendum to the story TB just posted a long winded explanation and apology of sorts, blaming depression etc, etc for his erratic behavior.

For me, it was just Damage control, a lot of smoke being blown up the members asses, and the gullible ones who have placed TB on an untouchable pedestal believed him, and ate up his monologue. For me, any guy who thinks he is so important that he needs a handler distances himself from his clients. It sends a powerful message IMO. Respectfully - Suck

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TY, I truly and honestly believe that Everything we as people do in life has a purpose and agenda. Its what makes most people GOAL oriented. In discussing TB, his behavior and practices, the goal as I see it was to educate, and allow members to draw their own conclusions for their decision making. In very few cases here do I think the discussion was just vicious and malicious gossip mongering. and for the most part I think the discussion was beneficial for those that took something away from it. As an adendum to the story TB just posted a long winded explanation and apology of sorts, blaming depression etc, etc for his erratic behavior.

For me, it was just Damage control, a lot of smoke being blown up the members asses, and the gullible ones who have placed TB on an untouchable pedestal believed him, and ate up his monologue. For me, any guy who thinks he is so important that he needs a handler distances himself from his clients. It sends a powerful message IMO. Respectfully - Suck

The purpose of sites like this is to identify the good escorts and illuminate the shortcomings of others. Any civil discussion that achieves that end it most appreciated.

Your discussion is very welcome along with that of others as long as the discussion does not devolve into a slugfest between posters, and I appreciate that it takes two to tango. I'm not trying to mete out any blame to anyone but highlight that going forward we can accomplish our goal without receiving or making abusive personal remarks in the process. The discussion is about the escorts not us.

I look forward to the continued contributions of the participants in this thread.

Guest rimchair

Back to the mighty have fallen, anyone read Tristan Baldwin's explanation of his no-show appointments? I am still skeptical of why Daddy withheld the no-show reviews since 2011.

Somethin's up...

Guest lurkerspeaks

where is this "explanation" at? The only response I see over at Daddy's for Tristan is for a march negative review. Nothing about a no show review..

Guest lurkerspeaks

Thanks for the direction, wayout.

I do not know TB or do I care to meet him. But, personally, I think he should have taken the advice that he claims was given him and not said a thing. His response/explanation came across to me as excuses, excuses, excuses. And of course trying to deflect his own wrong-doings back on the submitter, questioning that person's motives. A better response, (if any) would of been a more straight forward, "Yes, I fucked up. I am truly sorry". I will gladly offer a free session for X client to show my apologies if/when we are in the same city. I have learned and grown since then.".. Simple, taking responsibility, and offering some sort of restitution for time wasted.

Guest jimboivyo

Thanks for the direction, wayout.

I do not know TB or do I care to meet him. But, personally, I think he should have taken the advice that he claims was given him and not said a thing. His response/explanation came across to me as excuses, excuses, excuses. And of course trying to deflect his own wrong-doings back on the submitter, questioning that person's motives. A better response, (if any) would of been a more straight forward, "Yes, I fucked up. I am truly sorry". I will gladly offer a free session for X client to show my apologies if/when we are in the same city. I have learned and grown since then.".. Simple, taking responsibility, and offering some sort of restitution for time wasted.

youre right. he should have stayed quiet instead of ramble and confirm what many already think of him.

he blames this, that, depression, medication, his dogs, his many business ventures, on and on. at the end of the day, its still his fault. a proper apology and maybe a big step back from this could help get him on the right track

Guest rimchair

youre right. he should have stayed quiet instead of ramble and confirm what many already think of him.

I agree. Just like when a escort gets caught serial plagiarizing on his blog.

Guest jimboivyo

I agree. Just like when a escort gets caught serial plagiarizing on his blog.

it's funny and sad that something that happened over five years ago is all you got

Guest justme1369

I agree. Just like when a escort gets caught serial plagiarizing on his blog.

Christ...what scumbag loser did that???

Guest rimchair

it's funny and sad that something that happened over five years ago is all you got

""I am filled with shame and remorse and, personally, I know I will have to live with my mistakes for a long time to come.""

Guest NCBored

it's funny and sad that something that happened over five years ago is all you got

It's called 'baiting'.

Guest lurkerspeaks

my favorite form of "baiting" is masturbating

Guest NCBored

my favorite form of "baiting" is masturbating

For most of us, it's the most rewarding! :yes:

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Some call it trolling. :getlost:

Trolls can be awfully Cute. I had one as a kid, and loved that thing. I use to love to comb its hair and give it Fabulous do's. And it always had its arms open wide, welcoming me into his heart :wub: Trolls get a bad wrap!

Guest hitoallusa

Wow Suckrates, so sweet of you.. I used to play my sister's dolls when she was not around or went to my friend's place and played with their sister's dolls. I would save my allowance and buy paper dolls and outfits since those were within my allowance budget. I wonder why I was not born a girl... I think I would be much happier if I were a girl..

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Christmas presents sometimes get a bad wrap and so do some rappers. Are we in the USA or some foreign country? I am not intending to cast aspersions at anyone but I do have some pet grammar peeves. ^_^

One I heard this morning. The child was thrown out the back door of the car. I doubt the kid was in the back door but maybe was in the back seat and thrown out of it via the back door opening?

I have many more of my personal wonderings but I shall leave you with only one more. More in less than 30 minutes. Should that not be more in fewer than 30 minutes? Sigh.

Best regards,


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