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As many of you know, Songkran is Thailand's water festival, during which you're going to be soaked. In Pattaya, the main Songkran day is always April 19. Usually, the water splashing starts sporadically about a week before and the pace picks up until the entire city turns out for the holiday on the 19th, which is a Saturday this year.


Most farang run for cover during this time period. I'm already hearing about plans being made to hole-up or go somewhere else for that week. Not me. I'm going to be right here and I am one of the crazies who thoroughly enjoys it. I only know of two other farang who love it, as I do. Of course, being able to get around in a car does help . . .


One of the reasons I like it so much is all the soaking wet, shirtless boys who will be all over town! Even the ones who usually avoid the beach because they don't want to be "color black" are usually shirtless on the 19th.


I think it's a lot of fun, but I know I'm in the minority as far as farang are concerned. I do recall that last year, people who remained on the sidewalks, close to the buildings, were mostly spared, but I wouldn't want to bet the farm on that. If you're here, you're going to be soaked and that's all there is to it.


If you are going to be here during that time period, it is advisable to take certain practical precautions, such as protecting your valuables. I wouldn't carry around any more cash than is necessary and you might want to keep it in a plastic bag. Protect your ATM card too and try to withdraw whatever cash you'll need either before the 12th of April or at night, when the splashing stops (or at least dramatically slows down). If you're going to carry a camera, make sure it's also in a plastic bag. If you have a watch that is susceptible to water damage, don't wear it during Songkran. Wear clothes and shoes that can take a soaking. Songkran is not exactly the time to be wearing a tuxedo. Carry disposable wipes. If you wear glasses, take along whatever materials you use to clean them, and keep them in a plastic bag.


I wonder how you feel about Songkran and what those of you who will be present in Thailand will be doing during that week.

Guest xiandarkthorne

Loooove Songkran! I usually spend it in Phuket so's I can run around in Speedos all day at the beach (none of those awful Seven Dwarves' pantis for me) and wear whatever's the minimum needed to be decent at night. It's fun!

Guest buaseng
I wonder how you feel about Songkran and what those of you who will be present in Thailand will be doing during that week.

As a regular twice a year visitor to LOS, I made a deliberate decision about 10 years ago NEVER to be in Thailand during the three weeks commencing the second week in April. My one visit during that period put me off Songkran for life!


I tell everyone who enquires that Songkran is OK to experience once in a lifetime but one must be a masochist or mentally deficient to want to repeat the experience. :rolleyes:

I made a deliberate decision about 10 years ago NEVER to be in Thailand during the three weeks commencing the second week in April.


If you don't enjoy Songkran, I can understand that, but why three weeks? The holiday exists everywhere in Thailand on various dates from April 12 through April 19. That's only one week. You won't get splashed before that and you won't get splashed after that.


The only thing I dislike about Songkran is when some people, usually drunken farang, get carried away and cause real danger to other people, especially those driving motorcycles. There are enough accidents as it is, but I've actually witnessed bunches of idiot farang who intentionally try to temporarily blind people on motorcycles. Those are the kinds of people who ruin it for everyone else.


It was either last year or the year before, I don't remember which, when one farang was actually caught squirting people with a caustic acid mixed in with the water. He seriously hurt a 12 year old boy. He was caught and arrested, but there are, unfortunately, others like him out there. I fail to see how intentionally hurting others can be anyone's idea of great fun, but apparently for some it is. That's another one I can add to my "I Don't Get It" list. I never see or hear about Thais doing things like that. Only farang.


Fortunately, those kinds of incidents are not common, but they do happen. In any case, if getting splashed for a week puts you off, then yes, I would avoid Pattaya during that week. In most other areas of Thailand, the splashing only occurs for one day.




Yep, there are those that love it and those that hate it.

Having been to the crazy songkran activities in Chiangmai a few times, I'm one of the crazies that thinks its a blast. But I dress for it and go with an attitude of having fun....and I always do.

Yep, there are those that love it and those that hate it.

Having been to the crazy songkran activities in Chiangmai a few times, I'm one of the crazies that thinks its a blast. But I dress for it and go with an attitude of having fun....and I always do.


I am with you Bob. I think it is the best holiday in Thailand. I love it. May I ask how you dress for it? Is that with Prada or Calvin?

May I ask how you dress for it? Is that with Prada or Calvin?


Lol. Hardly. But I make a point of taking a few baggies with me and my wallet, in a baggie, has never gotten wet.

T-shirt, shorts, and waterproof sandals (without white or black socks....) are all you need. I almost always take my camera and, at times, stick that in plastic bag when I'm about to encounter a substantial soaking (but usually I'm standing back 5 yards or so and taking photos).


I only remember being pissed off once during Songkran. I was in Bangkok many years ago and was going out to dinner about 8:30PM with a couple of friends when we came around a corner and took a substantial pasting with that sticky white crap. I wasn't expecting it (it was after dark after the usual activities ended for the day) and wasn't happy sitting at the restaurant with that sticky crap all over my face and black shirt. By the way, I've never asked anybody what that white sticky crap (my term)

is made of....but it felt something like wet flour paste.


Lol. Hardly. But I make a point of taking a few baggies with me and my wallet, in a baggie, has never gotten wet.

T-shirt, shorts, and waterproof sandals (without white or black socks....) are all you need. I almost always take my camera and, at times, stick that in plastic bag when I'm about to encounter a substantial soaking (but usually I'm standing back 5 yards or so and taking photos).


All great ideas. The zip lock bags are a necessity. If you have time, please post some photos of the event here as many of us not here during that time would love to see them.

please post some photos of the event here as many of us not here during that time would love to see them.


No need. Just go to YouTube and enter "Songkran" on the video search. Page after page of Songkran videos will come up and many are quite good.

Guest xiandarkthorne
...that white sticky crap (my term) is made of....but it felt something like wet flour paste.


It's just white rice powder mixed with water and a little perfume (in some cases). Southeast Asians use it as a beauty treatment for pimples or just as regular face powder. You can wash it off with water or let it dry and then dust it off. It doesn't stain.



Thanks, Xian....I was thinking it might be some kind of rice powder. When it's wet, sticky, gooey, and splattered on you and your evening clothes, it's quite uncomfortable. But, no, it doesn't cause any lasting stains. I handled it well and only regretted that I didn't have a fire truck handy to retaliate bigtime.

Hmmmmm. Are you sure it's rice powder? :lol:



Hmmm. Now that you mention that, perhaps I dreamt the episode. Hell, at the time, I was rushing from the plane with my head down to avoid sniper fire in Bosnia so I could listen to my crazy pastor excoriate honkies. Or was I reading bible verses while getting an oil massage at One 2 Come in Chiangmai? Probably one or the other..... :rolleyes:

Guest xiandarkthorne
Hmmmmm. Are you sure it's rice powder? :lol:


It's supposed to be...on the other hand, I can't vouch for whatever other naughty thoughts might have prompted th boys to add to the mixture. Personally, I can think of at least one other non-toxic (I hope it is) fluid I could add to make the blessing more potent.


Oh and Bob....surely you had a fire hose handy to retaliate?

Guest lvdkeyes

They use talcum powder, often it is colored. It is a mess! Songkran is a mess! 3 years ago was my last time to be in Thailand for Songkran after having 6 days of being soaked and smeared with the powder. This year I am escaping to Hanoi, Halong Bay and Danang. I hope all you crazies who love Songkran enjoy it.


And now it begins . . .


Today I started to notice several stores selling water shooters. Traffic is way down. The beaches were quite empty of the throngs of farang that were here just a week or so ago. The beginning of April really starts the low season in Pattaya. This is the time of year when so many farang start to avoid Pattaya and the rest of Thailand, preferring to make their holiday here during another month.


That's fine with me. Now I'm not getting stuck in traffic and am easily finding plenty of parking when I wish to go to the beach. There isn't going to be any water spraying going on until April 12 and at about 7:00 PM on April 19 it will all come to a halt. That's in Pattaya. However in other areas of Thailand, where Songkran is celebrated only for one day, none of it begins until April 12 anyway.

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