Guest Makwa Posted March 21, 2013 Posted March 21, 2013 No rentboy, no matter how gorgeous, is worth $2000 a night. I've been offered sex by very handsome guys for next to nothing. And I'm no pin-up. Quote
Members msclelovr Posted March 21, 2013 Members Posted March 21, 2013 ​​​ "You are saying that the going rate is $1000/day in NYC, London, Miami, etc.? It's just not true. The top rent boys in those places charge $500/hour, sometimes more. The rates are sometimes $20,000/weekend or more. And they get these prices. Look, it doesn't do to misrepresent the market this way..." "The boys who take $1000/night in the US are not at the top of their game. The top escorts charge $500/hour or more, like I said. The rates they ask for 24 hours or a weekend are obscene" I know that Parisrio is not going to believe me but, in my direct experience, this is nonsense. I live in London and travel widely in Europe, the US, Latin America and Australia. When I hire, I only hire truly handsome guys who have superb muscled physiques. They are what I prefer, and I find them to be eager bottoms in bed. I have never had to pay the rates Paris rio suggests, and I have slept with a runner-up and a winner in the Mr Brazil contest, a winner of the similar Argentine competition, and 2 cover models for DNA. Currently the rate in London asked for an overnight is $600 but some ask $900. There has been a great increase in the number of guys working in London, Barcelona and Madrid, and the guys are in great physical shape. There has also been a marked increase in the number of amateurs supplementing the income from their day-job as models and personal trainers. I hope we will all now get back to enjoying Tomcal's great reports on his encounters. RA1 and ihpguy 2 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted March 22, 2013 Posted March 22, 2013 Wedneday night I was back at Meo Mundo, it was slower but there were still about 20 guys there. Four of the guys were sitting at our table with Oz and I and one of the guys who started telling a story about the new guy sitting with us who is 19, he said that the previous week he had tried bottoming for the first time and Passed Out!...everyone started laughing and one of the guys said lets go upstairs and try again. The 19 yr old said he wasn't going to try it again, but he would like to do a 4 way and be a top! He then showed everyone his hard dick! It was a pointing straight up at his chin and he was "snapping" back against his abdomen to show us how hard it was. two of the other boys said "let's go!" We went up and had a great time, i think we spent as much time laughing as having sex! it was great! I left there at about 8:00 and stopped by Pointe202 as it is on my way back to the apartment and wanted to see if it was better then the previous night but it wasn't, still slow within maybe 10 guys working. Yesterday, Oz and I had lunch at a restaurant a block from the gay beach and where everyone passes by to get from the beach to the city buses. great eye candy. I was going to get a taxi at 4:30 to go get Oz and head to Meo Mundo and when I walked outside to get the cab up walks Washington, one of my favorite guys! I hadn't talked to him this week as he had been gone but he says "I know you are always here in the afternoon before heading to the saunas! So I quickly called Oz and said to head out without me and I would meet up with him at Meo Mundo. Washington and I went back up to the apartment and after an hour with him, fell under his charms and invited him to have dinner and spend the night after I got back from the sauna. I got to Meo Mundo, didn't see Oz but ran into two of the guys from the previous day's 4some and then convinced me we should try it with just the 3 of us and I couldn't say no! :-) When we came back down to the bar area there were two other guys there and they joined us and with the four of them there at the table the discussion turned to who had the Hardest dick and very quickly they were all showing off and we were all laughing. It was alot of fun watching them try to and I are facebook friends and he knew outmacho each other! Since I still hadnt see Oz I decided to go over to 117 to see if he went there to meet up with Marco again, it is a quick ride from Meo Mundo to 117 especially with the cab driver I had! It was busy and I ran into Jonathan who I have know for at least 8 years, met him when he was 19, he knew I was going to be here this week and we had been texting so I told him I was going there. We went up to a room and it was as good as ever! He is in the second pic below. We went to dinner at Azumi in Copacabana, a very good sushi restaurant, Washington joined us and afterwards Washington and I went back to the apartment and I got a good nights sleep! Tonight is Meo Mundo and I have already made committments there so it should be a fun night. The picture below is of Washington that I had posted last year but it is one of my favorites! the second pic is Jonathan Quote
Members Gotti Posted March 22, 2013 Members Posted March 22, 2013 I tried to stay away on this fee discussion on Brazilian rent boys, but can't resist. The guy in the photo above, Jonathan is white, easily approachable, (so much for the absurd idea tha whites are constantly mobbed), very personable, perfect and well maitained phisique, I've had him many times and never paid more thn R$ 80. Case is closed. flipao and ihpguy 2 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 one of the "views" from last night at Meo Mundo Quote
Guest EXPAT Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 O. M. G. How could you ever leave that butt once you found it? Quote
AdamSmith Posted March 23, 2013 Posted March 23, 2013 Channeling Spinal Tap! "...How could I leave her behind?" lookin 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 this is going to be a short report with the full version tomorrow! I just got back to the apt with a "friend" and he is doing a quick shower and than we are off to ToNemAi the gay bar in Ipanema. Tonight at meo Mundo was the birthday celebration for George one of the co owners of MM. I have made about 70 trips to Brazil since 2001 and I got to say tonight was probably the best night EVER!! Tomorrow if I can remember all the details and boys I will post it with pics! --to be con't--hopefully!! lol Quote
Guest tomcal Posted March 24, 2013 Posted March 24, 2013 I was going to Pointe at 5:00 but changed my mind and decided that I would go there on my way back figuring that would be around 8:00 as I wanted to see if it was any better on a Saturday night and get out of Meo Mundo before it got really crowded when the birthday party started after 9:00 pm. I had made arrangements to meet the one guy from the previous nights sleepover at the apartment at 10:00 and then go out. I got to MM at 5:00 and there were already a lot of guys there both customers and sauna boys. I went upstairs to the bar area and there were still guys working on decorating and putting up lights for the celebration later that night. I sat down at a table and was quickly joined by 6 guys from the previous two days activities. Quickly suggestions were being offered as to who would be the best combination to go upstairs which included up to 5 guys and me! I said no that it was going to be a long night and I was going to only go up with two right now. There has been one of the boys who I have been going up with the last three nights who has a nice toned body and nice dick and more importantly is a really nice guy, he is 19 and energetic in the bedroom, he is the one that I previously mentioned had fainted the week before when he tried bottoming the first time! But he is not the best looking of the boys there, but everything else more than compensates for that. I picked him and the little 19 yr old twink that OZ had went with the first night. They were great together and when we got done I started to dress and they go you are not going to take our pic together? Knowing that I had been taking pics of everyone the previous nights. So that is the first pic below. When I got back down to the bar, there was Washington, my intended sleepover looking for me! He is in the 2nd pic below with one of the many drag queens in attendance for the party! He said I thought we could leave from here to the bar, plus I wanted to see what you were doing! He sat down at the table and I introduced him to the 7 guys that were sitting there and you could see excitement in their eyes at the thought of fucking this new cute guy! Pretty soon they were making gestures to me, pointing upstairs and to themselves and Washington(take me and him with you upstairs to a room!). Surprisingly he picked the same guy from above who I said is not the best looking but there is a sexual energy to him that comes across! The third pic below is them, and this was taken about 10 mins. after we were all done, which shows if you pick the right combo for a 3 way, they are really into it. I have to go to breakfast so will continue later, I am about 1/2 thru the night's activities so far... :-) Quote
Popular Post TotallyOz Posted March 24, 2013 Popular Post Posted March 24, 2013 You know my dear, I let you out of my sight for one minute and all the boys that I haven't met come out of the woodwork. LOL I Love Washington. Very sexy! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your night. You already did more by 6PM than most of us do in a month. ihpguy, flipao, lookin and 2 others 5 Quote
Members TownsendPLocke Posted March 25, 2013 Members Posted March 25, 2013 Thank you TomCal for your wonderful trip/boy reports! flipao 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted March 26, 2013 Posted March 26, 2013 Sorry for the delay in posting the 2nd part of the Saturday night acivities! too much was going on and I came home yesterday. So to continue where I left off, after getting back to the bar area after the 3 way with Washington, there were still 7 - 8 guys sitting at our table and I really wanted to go up alone with the 18yr old from the previous nights 3 way with Jefferson so after sitting and talking for about 15 mins, I asked him to go and he got a big smile on his face and we went upstairs. While standing at the desk waiting to get a key to our room from the attendant, I noticed a 3rd guy had followed us up, he had sat at our table the previous night and while he seemed like a really nice guy, was not my type(I know that may be hard to beleive!)So I had my friend tell him that we just wanted to be alone together. This was a good choice, he was passionate, very sweet and importantly wanted to prove to me that he was better then the other boys in bed! I forgot to take of pic of him separately but here are repeat picc of him and jefferson together when we did our threeway the previous night. When we were done and just laying on the bed talking there was a knock on our door, which is very unusual as the only one roaming the hallway when you are in the rooms is the attendant and no one knows what room you are in! The guy yelded out "it's Thiago". He was one of my favorites several years ago, but there was a Incident when he was doing drugs, that caused me to stop seeing him. I ran into him the previoius night and we exchanged hugs but that was it. So we opened the door and the 18 yr old left and thiago layed on the bed and kissed me and said how much he missed our dinners together(we had had dinner with OZ two years ago in Rio)He then said how sorry he was and had been off drugs for over a year. He was slightly more muscular and looked great. I told him I was glad he had gotten clean and he said "let's have sex!" and started kissing me. He than said "take a video of me to remember" and had me videotape him. All this was very surprising to me as I didn't even know he was at MM nor that we would hookup! The third pic below is him. When I went back downstairs the Birthday Party celebration for George one of the owners was in full swing and the place was packed! I was told that over 80 boys were registered and there had to be close to that many customers probably more. They had a Free Caprihinha Bar set up downstairs and platters of food being served upstairs. I finally found Washington and said let's go, it was 10:30 and we were going to go out to eat and then go the gay bar in Ipanema called ToNemAi, which was only about a 2 block walk from my apartment. When we got back and showered and changed and started walking towards the restaurants, He says to me "I don't want to have to sit and wait for food at a regular restaurant, let's just go to McDonalds which was right near us and then we can go to the bar. So that's what we did. One thing that has changed in the decade plus that I have been going to Rio, is the PDA's which you never saw among gay men before are now commonly seen in Ipanema. When we walked out the door of the apartment, which is on a major business street, Washington grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand the rest of the evening! The street was busy and I noticed that No one cared or took notice of us walking holding hands! Several times while walking he would Kiss me and I said "you don't care if people see you kissing me on the street?" and He said "No, I am happy and I like you and if they have a problem it is there problem not mine"! We went to the bar and stayed for about a 1/2 hr and then headed back to the apartment to sleep. We got up late on Sunday, and I met OZ at the Hippie Fair, which his located right across the street from the apartment in a park and after the three of us went to lunch at Galitos which is known for it's chicken. After lunch I went back to the apartment took a hour nap with Washington and than got up to pack as I had arranged a 4:30 checkout. That way I can go right to the sauna, check my suitcase and spent the last couple hours socializing before heading to the airport for the 9:15pm flight back. This was a great trip, everyday was fun! I really had a great time with OZ and the sauna was as much fun as ever! Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted March 26, 2013 Members Posted March 26, 2013 Wedneday night I was back at Meo Mundo, it was slower but there were still about 20 guys there. Four of the guys were sitting at our table with Oz and I and one of the guys who started telling a story about the new guy sitting with us who is 19, he said that the previous week he had tried bottoming for the first time and Passed Out!...everyone started laughing and one of the guys said lets go upstairs and try again. The 19 yr old said he wasn't going to try it again, but he would like to do a 4 way and be a top! He then showed everyone his hard dick! It was a pointing straight up at his chin and he was "snapping" back against his abdomen to show us how hard it was. two of the other boys said "let's go!" We went up and had a great time, i think we spent as much time laughing as having sex! it was great! I left there at about 8:00 and stopped by Pointe202 as it is on my way back to the apartment and wanted to see if it was better then the previous night but it wasn't, still slow within maybe 10 guys working. Yesterday, Oz and I had lunch at a restaurant a block from the gay beach and where everyone passes by to get from the beach to the city buses. great eye candy. I was going to get a taxi at 4:30 to go get Oz and head to Meo Mundo and when I walked outside to get the cab up walks Washington, one of my favorite guys! I hadn't talked to him this week as he had been gone but he says "I know you are always here in the afternoon before heading to the saunas! So I quickly called Oz and said to head out without me and I would meet up with him at Meo Mundo. Washington and I went back up to the apartment and after an hour with him, fell under his charms and invited him to have dinner and spend the night after I got back from the sauna. I got to Meo Mundo, didn't see Oz but ran into two of the guys from the previous day's 4some and then convinced me we should try it with just the 3 of us and I couldn't say no! :-) When we came back down to the bar area there were two other guys there and they joined us and with the four of them there at the table the discussion turned to who had the Hardest dick and very quickly they were all showing off and we were all laughing. It was alot of fun watching them try to and I are facebook friends and he knew outmacho each other! Since I still hadnt see Oz I decided to go over to 117 to see if he went there to meet up with Marco again, it is a quick ride from Meo Mundo to 117 especially with the cab driver I had! It was busy and I ran into Jonathan who I have know for at least 8 years, met him when he was 19, he knew I was going to be here this week and we had been texting so I told him I was going there. We went up to a room and it was as good as ever! He is in the second pic below. We went to dinner at Azumi in Copacabana, a very good sushi restaurant, Washington joined us and afterwards Washington and I went back to the apartment and I got a good nights sleep! Tonight is Meo Mundo and I have already made committments there so it should be a fun night. The picture below is of Washington that I had posted last year but it is one of my favorites! the second pic is Jonathan Both guys are simply stunning! ...wish Washington would not wear those ear studs. {I could not remember the correct name.} They distract from his beauty {in this pic anyway}. flipao 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted March 26, 2013 Members Posted March 26, 2013 one of the "views" from last night at Meo Mundo ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS and quite, quite enticing indeed! Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted March 26, 2013 Members Posted March 26, 2013 TEASE DITTO! You know you have it "good!" I'm jealous!! Quote
Members flipao Posted March 26, 2013 Members Posted March 26, 2013 thank you so much for the wonderful reports! stripfan 1 Quote
Members Strafe13 Posted March 27, 2013 Members Posted March 27, 2013 I love Jonathan! <3 Such a hottie, and a nice guy, to boot. Can't wait to get back to Rio! Thanks for stirring the memories, Tomcal. Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted March 27, 2013 Members Posted March 27, 2013 And not only the legs ! When I read your words, I'd already given the same thought! - - Quote
Members JKane Posted March 28, 2013 Members Posted March 28, 2013 Most of the guys do not speak English but I don't speak much Portuguese, it's usually not a problem. there is a app for your phone that translates and it works very well on my iphone, i use that to get thru longer conversations.(the mercure has Wifi) Google Translate now available offline! Quote
Guest tomcal Posted March 29, 2013 Posted March 29, 2013 Some final thoughts about this trip. I have made somewhere in the vicinity of 70 trips to Brazil since my first trip in Oct. of 2001. This one as far as boys/fun goes was in the top 5! there have been comments over the past couple years that the saunas are not as good or the boys are not as hot or there is not as many, etc., I can't debate that as it is each person's individual experiences and/or perspective. So this is my take on the trip. . There are definite busy and slow nights at the saunas, so it is best to check previous posts here to see which are best.(I think Pauleiro posted a Grid on this last year)But a quick note that Mondays and Fridays at Meo Mundo and Tuesdays at 117 at not to be missed! Even in the "off" nights there are a minimum of 15+ guys working. Monday night was amazing with over 70+ guys working and last Saturday because of the special event there were even more working! I have had the good fortune to travel for the last 7 years or so with a good friend to Brazil as well as Montreal, Prague, Barcelona, Miami and if you can find a traveling companion that you are compatible with it definitely enhances the whole expericence! This trip he had to cut his trip short due to business, but I was lucky enough to Have OZ to hang with! I had been to Rio and Porto Alegre two years ago with him as well as several dinners in L.A. so I know I would have a good time with him. We really had a great time and a lot of laughs together! Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted March 29, 2013 Members Posted March 29, 2013 Tom, I appreciate your recounting of your experiences and presenting them here for our enjoyment, and I also concur with you in traveling with a friend whose interests and desires are compatible to yours. Barr and I have developed a fairly good relationship in terms of traveling together and enjoying the culture that exists in Buenos Aires and Rio and Sao Paulo. By his being with me in terms of sharing apartments and going to events as well as to the saunas-- his presence and being able to converse in the language of the natives-- truly enhanced my travel experiences. Again, thanks and continue to enjoy life! JKane 1 Quote
Guest tomcal Posted April 1, 2013 Posted April 1, 2013 I was going over my photos and videos of this trip(most of the still photos have videos that go along with them but I can't post them on here). One photo of one of my favorite guys on my last night sums up this trip for me perfectly! To end up cuddling with a beautiful guy for the night! I love Brazil! :-) Quote
Members flipao Posted April 1, 2013 Members Posted April 1, 2013 both have beautiful teeth and lips! thank you for sharing this picture with us! I knew you made a visit to PARADISE. Quote