Members lookin Posted January 27, 2013 Members Posted January 27, 2013 Earlier, I made a post on the other site in a thread on the gun control issue. My views were very much informed by a couple of posts that AdamSmith made here a few days ago: one on How the gunmakers own the NRA and one on How the NRA went from pro-gun-control to where it is today. I read his posts, then the articles, then some more articles, did a bit of thinkin', and then a bit of postin', first there and then here. When I posted over there, my first impulse was to link to AdamSmith's threads over here. He had some things to say which were very insightful and would have been of benefit to the folks over there. But, while I praised the poster, and his posts, I decided not to use AdamSmith's screen name, nor to link to his threads. I'm not sure what the right thing to do is, so I'm asking you folks for your opinions. The first issue is whether or not OZ would appreciate a link coming from the other site over here. I've thought about this over the years. On the plus side, it could bring eyeballs from that site to this one and, not only eyeballs, but the same kind of eyeballs that OZ may seek to attract here. On the other hand, there may be a desire to keep to a minimum the cross-pollination, you should pardon the expression, between the two sites. It's really not my call to make. And the second issue is whether or not a poster here would appreciate being linked over there. As I said in my post, AdamSmith is an esteemed poster, and that is true on both sites. He might like folks over there to see something great he did over here. But what if he doesn't? If he wanted his posts to be seen over there, he could have decided to post in that thread. Again, it really didn't seem my call to make. So, I went with the conservative approach, and didn't link the threads. What would you all have done? It's not too late to go back and add the links in another post in that thread. But I'm not sure what's the etiquette for this sort of thing. Anyone have any thoughts? TotallyOz 1 Quote
Guest EXPAT Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 I think the risk you would have is Deej deleting the link to this site versus Oz being upset about a link to here. I'm sure Oz would appreciate the traffic no matter what. I read your post and I really liked it as it was anyway. You were able to make your point very well. Quote
Members Lucky Posted January 27, 2013 Members Posted January 27, 2013 What does Adam Smith think? We all know that the Politics forum there is not the best place to play because of deej. Several posters told him so the other day but it seemed to go right past him. Many of us agree with his political positions, but that's not enough for him. So my vote would be to do nothing that would link that forum here. Keep the sites separate. It's not as if folks there do not know how to find this site if they choose. lookin 1 Quote
AdamSmith Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 I have no objection to anything I post here being linked to from Over There, or from anywhere. The Internet's most humane uses being to inform and to connect people, the more the better. As for other folks' sensitivities, I think EXPAT put his finger on it. In the recent thread on daddy's forum in which many posters expressed regret at Lucky's departure, I and then lurkerspeaks politely noted that anyone who wishes to keep reading Lucky's posts need not engage a necromancer to commune with his departed spirit (we resisted the urge to put it quite that way!), but simply follow him here. It was after lurker's post to that effect that the thread was summarily locked. Then there are Oz's business interests: I wish to do all I can to support them. The more links TO a site (among other metrics of course), the higher it appears in Google rankings. So linking to here from daddy's is a good, in that regard. On the other hand, does that raise the risk of inviting an Asian-carp-like infestation of unwelcome species in the heretofore pristine waters of this forum? Dunno. Although to date, generally, it has not. I think both TY and Oz have made a separate point, and a good one: Spending a lot of time making aspects of daddy's site itself the subject of extended discussions here is tiresome, and a distracting or worse use of reader attention span and page real estate. Not the occasional sober thread such as this one, of course! Rather those that devolve into obsessive gnawing at a distance on daddy's or deej's ankle about something or another in their behavior that is not after all determinant of our happiness here. TotallyOz and lookin 2 Quote
Members lookin Posted January 27, 2013 Author Members Posted January 27, 2013 I think both TY and Oz have made a separate point, and a good one: Spending a lot of time making aspects of daddy's site itself the subject of extended discussions here is tiresome, and a distracting or worse use of reader attention span and page real estate. (Not the occasional sober thread such as this one, of course! Rather those that devolve into obsessive gnawing on daddy's or deej's ankle about something or another not really determinant of our happiness here.) Well, I sure hope this thread doesn't turn into one of those. And there's a long-held belief that greater communication is a gateway to greater understanding. Some good input so far, and I'm glad that you yourself are up for getting linked. I'm still not sure if I'd like it or not. On the one hand, the more views the merrier. But then there's the benefit of keeping it all in the immediate family. Still hope OZ and others will weigh in. TotallyOz 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Lookin and others, we love links from any site you post one. It is relevant to SEO and it helps us be seen by more people. Notice that we have links to Daddy's site all over this site and many escorts have it in their signature. We have never removed these as we think it is important for users to be able to link where they choose. Likewise, we love any links from any site anyone posts on. lookin and AdamSmith 2 Quote
BiBottomBoy Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Link when you want to. Anytime anyone posts anything on the web it's understood that other sites might link to it. lookin 1 Quote
AdamSmith Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Well, if she ain't good enough for her own kinfolk... lookin 1 Quote
Members RA1 Posted January 27, 2013 Members Posted January 27, 2013 I have no objection to anything I post here being linked to from Over There, or from anywhere. The Internet's most humane uses being to inform and to connect people, the more the better. As for other folks' sensitivities, I think EXPAT put his finger on it. In the recent thread on daddy's forum in which many posters expressed regret at Lucky's departure, I and then lurkerspeaks politely noted that anyone who wishes to keep reading Lucky's posts need not engage a necromancer to commune with his departed spirit (we resisted the urge to put it quite that way!), but simply follow him here. It was after lurker's post to that effect that the thread was summarily locked. Then there are Oz's business interests: I wish to do all I can to support them. The more links TO a site (among other metrics of course), the higher it appears in Google rankings. So linking to here from daddy's is a good, in that regard. On the other hand, does that raise the risk of inviting an Asian-carp-like infestation of unwelcome species in the heretofore pristine waters of this forum? Dunno. Although to date, generally, it has not. I think both TY and Oz have made a separate point, and a good one: Spending a lot of time making aspects of daddy's site itself the subject of extended discussions here is tiresome, and a distracting or worse use of reader attention span and page real estate. Not the occasional sober thread such as this one, of course! Rather those that devolve into obsessive gnawing at a distance on daddy's or deej's ankle about something or another in their behavior that is not after all determinant of our happiness here. Who are you calling a sober poster? Your reply was predictable and very sensible. Now, have another shot on me. Best regards, RA1 AdamSmith and lookin 2 Quote
Guest CharliePS Posted January 27, 2013 Posted January 27, 2013 Considering that almost all the regular posters here are alumni of Hooboy/Daddy's site, and many of us still participate there, it is inevitable that many posts here will reference that site in some way. Many posters there, however, are not participants here and do not know what has been posted here. If interesting or relevant information has been posted here on a topic that is being discussed there, I don't see any reason not to provide a link the way you would to any other site. If Daddy/deej chooses to obstruct it, that's their business. But I do appreciate your sensitivity towards the feelings of your fellow posters, and Oz, about the use of their materials. Quote
Members RA1 Posted January 27, 2013 Members Posted January 27, 2013 One can never be too tolerant towards others, can one? I thought the thread was going to be or should have been "What would Emily Post post?" Best regards, RA1 lookin 1 Quote
Members Lucky Posted January 27, 2013 Members Posted January 27, 2013 Having considered the opinions expressed above, I guess it's fine with me, too, to post links to this site at other sites, even in situations where they might be deleted. lookin 1 Quote