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GOP Warns Of Shutdown Over Filibuster

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A partisan war is brewing that could bring the government to a screeching halt as early as January — and no, it’s not over the fiscal cliff.

It’s all about the filibuster.

Democrats are threatening to change filibuster rules, in what will surely prompt a furious GOP revolt that could make those rare moments of bipartisan consensus even harder to come by during the next Congress.

Here’s what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is considering: banning filibusters used to prevent debate from even starting and House-Senate conference committees from ever meeting. He also may make filibusters become actual filibusters — to force senators to carry out the nonstop, talkathon sessions.

Republicans are threatening even greater retaliation if Reid uses a move rarely used by Senate majorities: changing the chamber’s precedent by 51 votes, rather than the usual 67 votes it takes to overhaul the rules.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/84195.html#ixzz2DHCFczSA

Guest hitoallusa

Republicans will probably cooperate more and I think Obama has some chance to get things done. The Republican Party is a bit disoriented and they actually don't know where to head right now.. If there are some sensible republicans then they should seize this opportunity of uncertainty and reshape the Republican Party.

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The Republicans have shown for over 4 years that the good of the country means *nothing* to those that are left, all the people who did care have been drummed out.

So they deserve what they get--but maybe in return they'll be allowed to propose and debate amendments again. IF they can have them NOT all be political stunts, that is.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 12:37 PM, hitoallusa said:

Republicans will probably cooperate more and I think Obama has some chance to get things done. The Republican Party is a bit disoriented and they actually don't know where to head right now.. If there are some sensible republicans then they should seize this opportunity of uncertainty and reshape the Republican Party.

That's bullshit. McConnell and Reid struck a deal about a more reserved use of the filibuster for this Senate session which McConnell then promptly ignored. He is an unreliable partner when it comes to mutual understandings about the filibuster. Once bitten, twice shy. First time shame on you, second time shame on me. There should be no second time.

1. Filibusters should be reserved exclusively for final voting on a bill. No more filibusters allowed for motions to bring up bills for discussion.

2. The filibuster should be made more exceptional to prohibit its flagrant use. The number of filibusters per year or per session should be limited -- like timeouts in a football game. Each senator should be free to use it whenever he wanted knowing that it will be his only filibuster for the year. If he wishes to piss it away on a frivolous choice that is his call. I suspect most will choose to 'keep their powder dry' for a rainy day.

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On #2, don't think a limit works, but do think they need to hold the floor to sustain it! If it's important to them several will have to work together--and be seen to be working to obstruct whatever it is. NO MORE of this SILENT HOLD bullshit!

Guest hitoallusa

Eventually republicans will probably cooperate and Obama will be able to get something done. Change has come in the Republican Party. I hope for the better. I sense "doubt" in the Republican Party and that itself is enough to bring changes as Renaissance and th Enlightment did in the past... The seed of doubt is a powerful thing and it spawns ideas and leads to innovation. Thus I am optimistic..

  On 11/28/2012 at 12:27 PM, TampaYankee said:

That's bullshit. McConnell and Reid struck a deal about a more reserved use of the filibuster for this Senate session which McConnell then promptly ignored. He is an unreliable partner when it comes to mutual understandings about the filibuster. Once bitten, twice shy. First time shame on you, second time shame on me. There should be no second time.

1. Filibusters should be reserved exclusively for final voting on a bill. No more filibusters allowed for motions to bring up bills for discussion.

2. The filibuster should be made more exceptional to prohibit its flagrant use. The number of filibusters per year or per session should be limited -- like timeouts in a football game. Each senator should be free to use it whenever he wanted knowing that it will be his only filibuster for the year. If he wishes to piss it away on a frivolous choice that is his call. I suspect most will choose to 'keep their powder dry' for a rainy day.

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We have waited four years for the Republicans to cooperate. That's enough. They have burned the bridge not the Dems. It is time to move ahead, not without the filibuster but with a restructuring of it to limit it's use only to issues of national significance. Dems do not want to give up the filibuster either. It is an important tool for highlighting serious policy issues. However, it cannot be tolerated to disrupt normal operations of the Senate.

I see no reason why limiting the number cannot work. If there is no cost to spending a filibuster then they can be dispensed like Mardi Gras beads. That is exactly what we have seen the last six years. If everybody has only one they will be saved for truly significant purposes. Give each of the leaders two. The goal is to actually vote on bills eventually. If on rare occasion a bill cannot muster 60 votes to invoke cloture then so be it, but it should be a rare occasion, not common practice.


Agree absolutely.

Reid is getting taller & sturdier IMO (can the snickering ^_^ ). He has clearly after long suffering finally had it up to the eyeballs, and now that the last election showed that the electorate is more or less in the same mood, looks like he has at last decided to damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. Thank goodness.

McConnell by contrast is suddenly looking surprisingly hapless and rudderless. The power struggles will be fascinating to watch.

Now if only the House Democrats can pull themselves together and figure out how to capitalize on Boehner's confusion over how to marshal and organize his own troops. I think a lot of Pelosi but I wonder if she will find a way to wring some value out of the current mess.

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