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Thread deleted

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I have deleted a thread that began with "That's what I wrote to a guy I naively thought he was a friend of mine"


Before another brouhaha starts with regard to me and the other moderators of this board being trigger happy about deleting threads, this particular post was in flagrant violation of the posting rules. I understand this person posted the same message on other boards and the thread has been deleted on at least one other board.


My apologies to those who had posted responses, but the board software provides no means of deleting the first post without deleting the responses along with it.


Once again, this board is not the place for people to fight their personal battles. I suggest to the person who wrote the original post, since you are obviously well acquainted with the person with whom you have a dispute, take it up with him personally or contact him via email or PM.

Guest jaidee454


censorship in order to oppress the truth is the favourite practice of the regime in North Korea ... keep going if you think this is the right way to deal with problems or or unwanted truths :(

censorship in order to oppress the truth is the favourite practice of the regime in North Korea ... keep going if you think this is the right way to deal with problems or or unwanted truths :(


Jaidee, it was your thread that was deleted and for good reasons. Its only purpose was to stir up trouble as disparage someone that you no longer consider a friend. There was no helpful piece of information there and the thread's agenda suggested a strong vendetta against another person. That was your only reason to post it and it was deleted. If you consider that censorship, so be it. It was taking up space and the world is too full of shitty space to add more to it.


Your tread is still in full view on SGT and now the most infamous gossip guru has joined in your love fest. Perhaps the two of you should go out to dinner and compare notes. "Table for one please"


Gaybutton rightly took the thread off the site. It was not needed and unnecessary. I am glad he posted that a thread was deleted as several had responded to it. Other such threads will also be deleted. Use personal e-mail or PM to settle disputes. It is best for all.

Guest fountainhall
Gaybutton rightly took the thread off the site. It was not needed and unnecessary.


Totally agree. There was no point to the post - except perhaps to illustrate the gullability of the poster. There have been enough posts on this board about the need to be careful with one's money, however one wishes to part with it - or be parted from it.

censorship in order to oppress the truth is the favourite practice of the regime in North Korea ... keep going if you think this is the right way to deal with problems or or unwanted truths :(


I have been trying to decide whether to respond to your post. I think I will. In my opinion, the removal of your post is not censorship of the truth. It is merely removal of a post that violates this forum's posting rules. What you wrote may or may not be true, but it was clearly an accusation with no proof or evidence of any kind other than your word for it. Nobody even knows who you are, so just taking your word for it would be out of the question under any circumstances. This is a message board. It's not an attorney's office in which you are testifying under oath during a deposition.


Even if what you wrote is absolutely true, the posting rules clearly state this forum is not here for people to settle their personal disputes or post accusations. If we had no such rule, then the deletion of your post would be censorship. However, since the rules are clearly stated, your post was in violation of the rules and resulted in deletion.


I suggested that you personally contact the person with whom you have a dispute. That is the appropriate method for settling the matter. Posting personal accusations on this forum is inappropriate and not permitted even if you have iron-clad proof that the accusation is true.


After recent stormy events, I wrote a message which I intended to send to our Moderators. I left it to mull and then decided against. However, this trail has stiffened my resolve to encourage fair and consistent moderation and I have now updated it to publish as an Open Letter:


Dear GayThailand, Gaybutton and Stef,


We seem to have had some storms recently regarding moderation and I would like to offer you some member feedback for your consideration. As you probably know I have been posting on Gay Thai boards since 1994 and have some thoughts on the best ways to moderate effectively and equitably.


I put quite a lot of effort to help this board get established as I thought it important to have more then one Gay Thailand board. We now have four and that's great. I am an admirer of Ting-Tong which seems to have achieved a polite board with little overt moderation.


I am prompted to write as my recent suggestions seemed to be accepted and then the whole, innocent looking, trail was deleted without comment. Subsequently vicious posts calling Gaybutton a Nazi and another a North Korean Censor were not deleted and the latter even got a reply! This makes me feel that I have not got through and that you are not even following your own Mission which states that abusive posts will not be tolerated.


There are three main areas of current concern, I think,


1) Trolls who raise a false or exaggerated topic to cause a stir


2) Posts that abuse other persons


3) Posts that are very rude and impolite dare one say un-gentlemanly


In my opinion moderators should act as follows:


Any moderator seeing a contravention should delete it immediately and put up a notice "Post by xxxx deleted as contrary to board policies, the poster may PM any objection", and possibly "no further discussion on the board please" If required then the trail should be stopped.


It would be fine if the moderator sees fit to consult his colleagues and PM the poster and put him on notice that further infringement can lead to scanning of his posts by a moderator before publishing and/ or banishment from the forum.


Leaving 'trail deleted' posts open is an invitation to trouble as is any form of public debate.


I think that you may like to review your Message Center Policies and I suggest pinning them at the top of each forum to make them more obvious.



I think it might help establish that moderators act in accord if moderators other then Gaybutton are seen to act.


I probably have not raised any new ideas but I hope that it may help to make the board a ,nasty free, happy place where we can all exchange information, discussion, advice and have a bit of fun.


Should you have read this far then thank you for your attention.


Best wishes,



Your tread is still in full view on SGT and now the most infamous gossip guru has joined in your love fest. Perhaps the two of you should go out to dinner and compare notes. "Table for one please"


I find it very nieve of you to cut this poster short when all he is trying to do is advise everyone to be careful of this man LMTU, ear wig etc etc

AND as for the comment "imfamous gossip guru" I wonder if you are a close friend of this fraudster ???



MMM..? I see my suggestions not taken up - shame. Mr BUCKET's silly post ( yet another one ) deleted without comment.

Guest xiandarkthorne

I fully agree that moderators should immediately delete threads which go against a particular board's posting rules. Otherwise, why have moderators to begin with?


And I think that anyone who purposely goes against a board's rules should not complain if his thread or reply gets deleted. It is up to the poster to read, understand and follow a board's rules - it is not a moderator's job to keep posting reply after reply quoting specific rules to justify deleting an unsuitable thread.

MMM..? I see my suggestions not taken up - shame. Mr BUCKET's silly post ( yet another one ) deleted without comment.


Some of your suggestions will certainly be taken up and all of them will be carefully considered. I have great respect for your opinions, as I am sure the other moderators do. We also have some opinions and procedures of our own, so please do not feel slighted.


As far as the name calling directed at me, after all these years dealing with message boards I'm used to it and quite frankly couldn't care less, especially when I take a look at who it is that does the name calling.


By the way, before the accusations start up again, I am not the moderator who removed the latest MSBUCKET post. It had already been removed by the time I checked in.

MMM..? I see my suggestions not taken up - shame. Mr BUCKET's silly post ( yet another one ) deleted without comment.


Actually, your suggestions were taken up. Not all of them. But, we have started to revise the current Message Center policies. They have been on the site since the beginning and are linked at the bottom for all to read. Part of them deal with privacy issues and not posting names of people as well as not allowing known posters on this board who egregiously attempt to start flames. It just is not going to be tolerated.


As for your suggestion that more moderators take action other than GayButton, we did. So, you see, many of your suggestions were not only listened to but enacted upon. Others are under discussion. We can't solve all issues in one day. :)


And, we appreciate the input. Very much.


Thank you for your kind words gentlemen.


I would just say that acts by Moderators, in my opinion, need to seen either as a consensus post or an individual post. That will avoid any Moderator having to say " It was not me who did it".


Dear GB, may I suggest that whether you feel slighted or not, the wise course of all moderators is to follow the Forum Mission and not permit any abusive posts, personal or otherwise.


I thank you!

Dear GB, may I suggest that whether you feel slighted or not, the wise course of all moderators is to follow the Forum Mission and not permit any abusive posts, personal or otherwise.



I look forward to being able to post some posts in future without the usual rubbish replies I get from some quarters. Many thanks

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