Members KYTOP Posted October 9, 2012 Members Posted October 9, 2012 Being in my mid-50's now and having the blessing of being able to travel broadly from my late 30's until my early 50's, it may seem strange but I had never attended a Gay Pride Celebration. I even had a BF in Chicago during this time and never got to Chicago Gay Pride which has one of the largest Gay Pride parades in the world when we were together. Well that has finally changed this year. I was able to attend Chicago Gay Pride in June and attend the parade that had always been on my to do list. I must admit I did feel much pride as I noted the politicans, Local TV coverage and local celebraties in the parade. The major corporations (even Walmart) as sponsors or having floats in the parade. My pride came from realizing how far we as Gay people have progressed from the time of my youth until today. I also found that pride lost upon my younger 20 something companions who could not seem to appreciate anything beyond the Party aspect of our trip. I found myself, as one who has always loved history anyway, lecturing them with stories of Gay History such as NYC's Stonewall Riots, and how 30 years ago it was common to be arrested for just entering a Gay Bar in our own city. Sure they still see some Gay bias and discrimination but their starting point in their view is so far down the scale of the past. Atlanta has changed their Gay Pride Celebration to the fall, this coming weekend, and again my 20 something companions will travel with me to my second Pride event. One has even been asked to march in Sunday's Parade. So as I again feel a great sense of pride at attending the South's Gay Celebration, an area were Gay Sex was still illegal just a decade or so ago, my friends will have to put up with my lectures again. This as I put up with their all night parting,hang-overs and stories of the hot guys they chased all weekend and maybe the couple of guys they actually caught. LOL. OneFinger, Lucky and TotallyOz 3 Quote
Members TampaYankee Posted October 9, 2012 Members Posted October 9, 2012 Not to throw cold water on your warm appreciation of how far gay rights and acceptance has come or on the unfortunate fact that many 20-somethings do not appreciate that distance traveled but... Justice Scalia was commenting a few days back how he is an Originalist when it comes to interpreting the constitution. That is, he applies exactly what was written in the context of the time they were written and it is improper to interpret those words in any present day context. As two examples of many, he pointed out that it is a no-brainer that anti-sodomy laws are constitutional and that Roe v Wade is not. He seemed just itching to right many wrongs once a clear conservative court, free of swing votes, is at hand. Just to point out that rights that have been attained over the last four decades can disappear in one decade when six conservative old white men are sitting on the court -- maybe even five. Quote
Members Lucky Posted October 13, 2012 Members Posted October 13, 2012 "Just to point out that rights that have been attained over the last four decades can disappear in one decade when six conservative old white men are sitting on the court -- maybe even five." All of the Justices who might be expecte4d to vote with Scalia were appointed by Republican presidents. This is something that gay Republicans seem blind to. I simply don't understand how gay men can support people who will act adversely to their interests once in office. Quote
Guest hitoallusa Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 There should have been some kind of term limit for the supreme court justices. Let's say they can't serve more than 16 years.. It is to protect from one's bias and prejudice that seem to get deeper as one gets older. Quote
Guest FourAces Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 KY an interesting post to read thanks for sharing. We are about the same age and I too have never been to a gay pride event. I'm not exactly sure why that is however I think in part its because I have few to no gay friends. Therefore, its been difficult to approach someone over the years to see if they like to go check out the parade / festival. Our history is not lost on me but I can see how Gay Pride events have become little more than Christmas for many younger guys. Its all about the gifts and in the gay sense the party these days. The spirit seems to have faded the activism lost. Quote
Guest hitoallusa Posted October 14, 2012 Posted October 14, 2012 What! What am I to you, an enemy??? I have never been to one of these events.. It makes me uncomfortable to see guys in colorful clothes and showing off their bodies... Hot guys hanging out with only hot guys... If you wanna go we can go together sometime if you like but we have to wear matching pairs of shoes... I'm not exactly sure why that is however I think in part its because I have few to no gay friends. Quote