Members gap1972 Posted October 6, 2012 Members Posted October 6, 2012 1 week into my trip. Not knowing the special days in RIO saunas, planned weekend stay in Rio by mistake. Went to meio mundo on Sep 29 around 5. About a dozen boys there, more coming in later. More boys than clients. Not any knockouts ( I like twink boy next door type, not into muscle or 6 pack abs). Went up with a very outgoing dark boy, who kisses me in front of other people and giggles frequently. To convince me, he even took me to a corner, swallowed my half hard cock to the end! I was sold:) he is a great bottom, small twink build, decent boyish face. All for 70 (asked for 80)! Rio rocks! He gestured afterwards for food, but not knowing any their language, I decide to just call it a night. Give him 10 extra for being so pleasant. Being 1st time visitor to the beautiful city, I made the mistake walking all day long the two days in niteroi and central. My legs are killing me, as the burn on my neck. The central area is deserted ( metro Carioca) at 5:30 pm on Sunday. I quit while walking to the metro planning to hit 117 on Sunday the 30th. Plenty opportunities later. First impression of Rio, stunningly beautiful. Amazons the next! lookin, flipao and TotallyOz 3 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 6, 2012 Author Members Posted October 6, 2012 Flying out Monday oct 1, cursing myself for not reading the posts here and missed Monday at mm. Arriving Manaus close to 4pm. Traffic jam into town, as the road in city is only two lanes each way. 50 to get to hotel prearranged. Driver doesn't speak any English. Hotel is cheap and all locals. Cultural shock kicks in not knowing how to turn on the light ( drop key card into the slot beside the door), no restaurant catering to foreigners around the area ( so I can order stuff by pointing at the item or pictures), and I am drenched in the feel like 45 weather in a 15 min walk around the hotel. Bought two slices of watermelon only for dinner. Feel like trapped in prison not having a guide. Grindr is very active though. To be fair, every front desk staff, all young men, though not speak a word of English, are all very nice and tried to help. Arranged a tour at a lodge deep in the amazon system, 4 hours away from manaus by boat, car, taxi, boat again. All pick up are on time and efficient. Great 3 days in the middle of nowhere watching lightening and listening to nature. Caught a pariah on my first ever fishing attempt as well. Also great the driver in manaus speaks fluent English! Back to manaus thurs afternoon with my flight at midnight to São Paulo, it's great he agrees to drive me to h20 and pick me up at 10pm. All for 60. H20 is compact with nice facilities. Fresh smelling steam room, clean throughout. About 50 lockers, only open 5-10. About a dozen people visited during the night, all locals, one boy discreetly offering massage but not my type. Did manage to hook up with a slim decent looking local boy, had a great time in the dark room. As all other brazilians, he gave me a thumb up when he left, I gave him one back. Great place to kill a few hours if u need to wait for flight. 25 for the night. No food offering though. Pick up to airport is again right on time, free wifi in the small but ok airport. Lagoa is the next! flipao, lookin and TotallyOz 3 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 7, 2012 Author Members Posted October 7, 2012 Since I only have one sat night in MM to compare with, it's probably not very fair, but lagoa is on a whole different level! Way way better! Day one was Friday night, arrived at 4:30. Got locker 51. Quite busy already with more than 2 dozen boys and a bit fewer clients. After walking around a bit, it's very clean and all staff are very professional. The client lockers are right by the reception, all the boys keep themselves out of there respectfully. Not at all like someone commented boys would steal your stuff or staff will over charge you. There are 3 boys I would love to go after. While in MM there were barely one. One tanned slim white boy with some exotic (non-north american) look, one a bit beefier skater boy, one Latino boy. Except for the skater boy, the other two are in their jeans. Someone has commented these boys not in towels might have a bit attitude and ask for more. However, the tanned boy notice my smile at him, walked over right away. I was smitten already with his prettier than girls but not girlish looks, so even though he is not very warm, I didn't bother bargaining when he asked for 100. He asked the staff for the good room (40). The session was ok, he is cooperating when btm, but find excuses to give head with a condom even though we agreed otherwise beforehand. A good enough experience though. Name is junior, we chatted over google translate a bit, he asked to come to my hotel, but he is rather distant during the chat, so I said goodbye. Still a good night. Tonight is the second night, I went a bit later arriving at 5:30. A lot of boys and clients there already, much busier than yesterday. Got the locker 101 this time. Junior is there, actually i ran into him at cathedral Se earlier. he was talking to a girl by a light post. no words, but we did exchanged a thumb up. But not anyone else in the same caliber tonight. Junior came to say hi, but still distant, so I told him maybe later. Around 6:00, both the other two boys from yesterday arrived. However, the Latino boy hooked up with someone soon. We said hello while he waited for his client to get the room. He is much warmer with a nice smile. The skater boy is in heated chat with another boy for a long time and didn't respond to my stare. 6:30, more boys arrived. It seems I was a bit early yesterday. At least two more boys are even better looking came in. I normally don't fall for guys over 6 feet, but this boy is just way too handsome. He is also very friendly, nice smile and sampled some kisses when I asked if he kisses. Name is daniel. He asked for 150, and immediately explained apologetically over google translate that it's his first time here. Not that I mind the price at all. But I did ask him to throw in a few photos. He agreed after a few seconds. Man, is this a much better session. He kisses and give head with a passion, and has a hard on himself once we started. They have mirrors in the more expensive room, definitely worth it! Heavenly! Now that I hit 40, there s no way I can do more than once a night. But if only I could as I check out an hour later, I am wishing I can live in São Paulo already. Only scheduled 3 nights here, since comments suggesting RIO boys do it better. I can hardly imagine that. Will comment next week after I check out 117. flipao and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 10, 2012 Author Members Posted October 10, 2012 After 2 days at Iguacu falls, finally reached Rio again. Got to 117 at 8pm. Since there were some high remarks about the club, my expectation was probably a bit high. Have to say, not my cup of tea. There is simply no competition with Lagoa. Very crowded, too crowded. Feel dirty and run down. Left after an hour. Unlikely to return. More muscle dudes. Didn't find any at "must have" caliber. They did run out of rooms, so some chances the best ones are already taken. I am surprised there were not much postings about São Paulo here. While Rio sure is more beautiful, gay sauna wise, São Paulo is miles ahead. Also Rio is way more expensive ( hotel, food ...). Deeply disappointed. If only I knew, would have scheduled more days in São Paulo. Quote
Guest lurkerspeaks Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 I am surprised there were not much postings about São Paulo here. While Rio sure is more beautiful, gay sauna wise, São Paulo is miles ahead. Also Rio is way more expensive ( hotel, food ...). Your comments surprise me, concerning costs of Rio vs Sao Paulo. I have never been to Sao Paulo, but everything I heard was that Sao Paulo was more expensive than Rio. Add to that the fact that the sauna scene is very spread out, making taxis a necessity, where in Rio, the subway is a viable option for travel. Any other Brazil visitors care to chime in on Rio vs Sao Paulo? Quote
Members mvan1 Posted October 10, 2012 Members Posted October 10, 2012 Your comments surprise me, concerning costs of Rio vs Sao Paulo. I have never been to Sao Paulo, but everything I heard was that Sao Paulo was more expensive than Rio. Add to that the fact that the sauna scene is very spread out, making taxis a necessity, where in Rio, the subway is a viable option for travel. Any other Brazil visitors care to chime in on Rio vs Sao Paulo? Since you have never been to Sao Pauo, I heartily recommend that you consider a visit to the city. Sao Paulo is quite different than Rio. There are many more things to do and see in Sao Paulo. If you like museums and other touristy places you will find more than eighty museums. You do not need to take taxis to the sauna. The metro is more than sufficient to get you to Sauna Lagoa. You must walk about four blocks from the Metro to Lagoa but that is nothing for Brazil. With respect to Sauna Fragata, you can take the Metro to the stop near Avenida Paulista and walk the difference which is about twenty minutes of a walk. On the other hand, taking the bus to Sauna Fragata is cheap and easy. The buses run often. All you need is ANY bus that says on the front of it "via Reboucas" and you take it as far as MacDonald's. From there, you cross the street and walk two blocks to Fragata. Rio is fun but Sao Paulo is huge and has much more to offer. Try it, you'll like it. flipao and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 10, 2012 Author Members Posted October 10, 2012 I also read somewhere São Paulo ranks in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world. But that's clearly not my experience. The hotel park republica I stayed in, at 50 us$ a night (closet, huge bathroom, large terrace, decent mattress) beats the 72$ a night 'cheap' love hotel (no closet, futon mattress for action, not sleep) in centro rio hands down! There are also tons of shops and restaurants at very reasonable prices in SP, about 50% more expensive in RIO. For example, there are many sit down quick meal restaurants around park republic, about 10R for either some brazil dish or pseudo Japanese. Around gloria, where I am staying now, similar plate runs into 20R, in centro, difficult to find a restaurant where you feel comfortable walking in not speaking their language. Lurker, If you are into twinks as your posts suggests, you are really missing out not hitting SP. give it a try next time! Coming from Canada, I have to say Iguacu beats niagara hands down, just as Sauna wise, Lagoa puts MM and 117 to shame. The only western standard sauna among the three, both facility and staff, very professional. flipao and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 10, 2012 Author Members Posted October 10, 2012 On transportation, as mvan1 stated, piece of cake to reach Lagoa via metro. As a first time visitor to both RIO and SP, taking buses are a bit overwhelming. Also Lagoa is so good, I didn't bother try Fragatta, which is supposedly easy to reach with several buses going there from republica. From airport to city, SP's express bus is more expensive (35). But stops right at Republica, half a block from the hotel I stayed in. Can pay by credit card and no stops in between. Also tried the regular bus+metro on arrival thinking it should not be crowded at 6:30 in the morning. Vow, in the mega city of SP, rush hour starts pretty earlier. 7am on metro is like back to china outside rush hours, not too bad. they have a much more extensive metro than Rio. Takes a bit to get used to, but easier than Paris for example. Although both Rio and SP should have a tourist pass so we don't have buy tickets more than once. Overall, I felt very at ease as a first time visitor to SP, almost feels like Toronto except i don't speak Portuguese. Much less so in Rio. flipao and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted October 10, 2012 Members Posted October 10, 2012 Too bad you didn't ask for recommendations. Before heading to 117 last night, we had a very nice lunch at a "por quilo" for 2Reais/100grams -including churrasco of alcatara, fraldinha, filet with garlic, beef/chicken sausages and chicken hearts. I think when it comes to restaurants in Rio de Janeiro, you really need to know where to go or for a foreigner, how to order. A bit difficult without knowledge of the language. Restaurants almost always have pratos executivo or feito. For 10Reais or less usually. Besides many with a full galeto special. Right now for around 17-19. Depends what one is looking for. You can also easily find fancier por quilos with prices in the 4.50-5.50/100gram range. I've posted here before that in my opinion, the best cheap meal in Rio is the full kafta meal as Rotiseria Sirio-Libanesa on the Largo do Machado either before or after a visit to 117. And around the corner is authentic, pure acai at a lanche that only features products from Para. pauleiro, flipao and TotallyOz 3 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted October 10, 2012 Members Posted October 10, 2012 A friendly reminder: ihpguy--appreciated your most recent post, but remember most of us do NOT know Brasilian Portuguese; thus some of your post here today is not very understandable since we, unfortunately, are not conversant, knowledgeable, or reasonably fluent in the language! flipao 1 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted October 11, 2012 Members Posted October 11, 2012 Sorry about that Ax. A prato executivo or prato feito is offered by many, many restaurants that are not of the por quilo/kilo variety where you go through a buffet line and at the end, your plate is weighed. Most restaurants serve a portion that is enough for more than one person and with a higher price. So as a way to compete with the por quilos, they offer and executive plate or "done"/prepared plate. It includes the "base" or base Brasilian meal - rice, beans, farofa and usually either fries or pure / mashed along with a small fresh salad of lettuce, tomato and onion. Along with a chosen protein. One place I often pass in the center of Rio near Largo do Carioca offers half-dozen daily options with a fish variety or two, chicken, pork loin and two beef choice. Never more than 12Reais. It is normally hard to finish it all. At a por quilo/kilo, when you enter, the door person gives you a ticket and then you can choose a table. Tip the chair(s) forward against the table top as the signal that those places are taken. Then hit the food lines. At the end, after your plate is probably pretty full, you get to the churrasco or grill station. Depending on the price per 100grams posted at the entrance to the restaurant, the grilled proteins will vary. More expensive, higher-quality cuts. Everybody here loves picanha - top sirloin. Me, not so much. Sometimes stupendous. Quality varies. My favorites are the harder-to find maminha. It is surrounded by the more common and less expensive alcatra.Some places offer "maminha de alcatra" but still not true"maminha" Think of boneless eye of the round. Not much available in any one animal in comparison to other cuts. A great one has super taste but tender like filet mignon/tenderloin. And my other fave is a lean fraldinha or bottom sirloin. Lots and lots of flavor. But if the restaurant doesn't get great quality it can be very fatty and disappointing. It is nice if they slice it, then crisp it on the grill after slicing off of the rotisserie. I guess you could day I like my men like my fraldinha - lean. Steak here - contra-filet is NOT going to be like a NY/KC Strip. Usually cut thin and tough/chewy. They apply a sticker to your check and at the table a waiter comes by and asks for your drink order and marks that down as well. You are able to go back and grab a fresh plate and repeat the procedure. It is very popular here for not only the main lunch meal but also at the fanciest of weddings/private events. Cariocas prefer to dine in this manner and choose what they wish than in the US with the preferred plated supper. Many times por quilos are hard to find. They are hidden behind the front display counters in confiterias/bakeries or lanches/snack bars. There is a nice cheap one right near the metro entrance at Gloria. Unless you were really looking and peered into the back of the snack bar, you'd miss it. Around the corner from my dentist downtown, just behind the Library is a wonderful half block straight out of Paris on the Rua Pedro Lessa. There is a cafe there. Great coffee. And if you find your way in, and you speak Portuguese and can understand the menu, there is a stairway with no markings leading you to a super breakfast buffet for 12Reais. Most everyone would never know. And right in front is a flower stand, benches to read, totally shaded with trees and just across the street, a wonderful spot behind the Library. In the back, as it were(our kind of spot), totally hidden from the hustle and bustle from the Avenue Rio Branco which the front side of this building faces. TotallyOz and flipao 2 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted October 11, 2012 Members Posted October 11, 2012 By the way, I went to Ipa and Farme today with a friend visiting from Washington DC. Prices have gone up. Considerably. Me being more of a saver than spender, got my large bottle of cold mineral water that I schlepped to the beach for only 3.50Reais. When the vender for the O Globo biscuits came by, he wanted 3 for each or 2 for 5. Well, in the center we pay 1,50 per bag. I told him he was too high and he sold me them for 2/bag. Ditto for fake sunglasses. Another vendor had prices ranging from 35 and 50 up to 80. When I told him that I bought them for 15 and 20 at the corner of Rio Branco and Barao de Inhauma, right in front of Casa "Joy" Behar, where I change money, he told me I could buy anything he had for 30. Ditto for the acai there. I had a jones on for some today. In Ipa, the price is now, more or less 2Reais for every 100 ml. At the very expensive Amazonas Soul on Texeira de Melo and General Osorio, they were asking 13Reais for 300ml. NOT. At Lanches de Para, that will get you a nice bowl/tigela of the real stuff. Back at the Praca XV, 500ml went for 6. Almost half the price. flipao 1 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 11, 2012 Author Members Posted October 11, 2012 Thanks for the tips, ihpguy! As ax said, it's too advanced for us who don't speak a word of Portuguese. Had a great day at sugar loaf today. Planned to stay a couple hours, end up staying until 7pm watching the city lighting up. Charmed for sure. The view and comfy chairs make the 12R hot dog very reasonable! Cheaper than airport! Amazing. Afterwards, went to MM since nothing happened yesterday. Talking about class, the flip flops alone set Lagoa apart! Should have brought my own. Same at 117 last night. crappy flipflops. MM is more of a twinks place, more to my taste. Found Lukas after sticking around for 2 hours, had a great time. All u need is one. Only in RIO, taking in the scenery during the day, some guilty pleasure at night! If only the owners of Lagoa expands to RIO. Lacking of professional management seems to be the difference here. At Lagoa, they give you a print out with all the charges and ask you to confirm it before you pay. At MM, the cashier let you have a glimpse on the screen, then round it up when I pay by credit card. It's minor details like this and the towels and flip flops that make RIO's sauna looks cheap. Perhaps why they can't attract the "knock-out" good looking boys Lagoa has. flipao 1 Quote
Members flipao Posted October 11, 2012 Members Posted October 11, 2012 ihpguy: thank you for the culinary explanation! Quote
Members Gotti Posted October 11, 2012 Members Posted October 11, 2012 Lagoa does have expanded to Rio. They are part owners of Point 212. Unfortunatelly 50% or whatever that is, is not enough, and the place is almost always nearly dead, no pretty boys around, as a matter of fact there are no drop dead gorgeous boys at Rio's saunas, period, (plenty in the streets). Rio does have some hot boys at the saunas, but that's an entire different matter. To catch the beauties you must take a plane to SP. Just beware of the attitude. flipao 1 Quote
Guest Hoover42 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 eauties [with] attitude. Why would anyone want to fly all the way to SP just for that? Quote
Members Gotti Posted October 12, 2012 Members Posted October 12, 2012 Well, let's face it, after a certain age, most of us can only indulge with pretty boys in selected occasions and if one travel thousands of miles and spend thousands of dollars why don't go a little further and have it all? I know for a fact that with certain airlines you can stop in SP on your way to Rio at no extra cost ( TAM and American). That said this advice applies only to certain members, most visitors and posters to the Latin America section of the forum don't prioritize great looks and fancy facilities, these things don't conform with their idealized vision of what a third world situation should be, and Lagoa and their boys is certainly an insult. I myself, being the bad boy that I am, enjoy both Lagoa's cutties and 117 hotties, always trying to tango! flipao 1 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 12, 2012 Author Members Posted October 12, 2012 Apparently everyone has his own tastes. I am a face guy, some care more about body, some have to see the dick first In my own experience in MM, Lagoa and 117 (only one visit), like the place or not, I haven't experienced any attitude. Lagoa has more pretty boys, definitely my favorite, always someone I want to go after. MM is a miss and hit, on Wed, only one was my type, and he happened to be great in bed as well. Thursday, no luck. But I am a top looking for good looking boy next door type, so huge hard dicks and six pack abs don't trigger my fancy. Just to demonstrate different taste. Met a fellow MEWer last night (thur) at MM who is not a face first guy. while i left without much action, he had a blast there. I wish all saunas great business and stay prosperous. Brazil is truly one of a kind. The saying is true! Latinos do it better flipao 1 Quote
Members gap1972 Posted October 12, 2012 Author Members Posted October 12, 2012 Friday, cloudy all morning and raining around 2pm. Found a restaurant run by Asian people close by Gloria metro, noodles fried with shrimp + a beer costs 14R. Much better than the stake and fries dinner to my taste. Food actually is comparable with São Paulo, if comparing street corner shops. But SP praca republica area has more choices. Went to MM again around 5:30 hoping Lukas will be there tonight. Funny thing with MM and logoa for new visitors, to orient yourself out of metro, just look out for big church and walk in that direction While MM is right by a well lit major ave in centro, feel perfectly safe during weekdays as there are tons of street vendors and customers. Today is a holiday here and it's mostly deserted. No street vendors, dark and rainy, a few homeless people here and there. They are not bothering people at all, but I made a note to myself to make a short stay tonight. Not very busy inside, they are having a sort of party tonight. A quick walk around, disappointed Lukas is still not there. Quite a few new boys tonight, a couple with cute boyish faces. One of them approached showing off his big cock using the few words I learned from this forum, we talked about the "business". He is rather friendly with some flirty kisses, fresh breath, very nice, smooth dark skin and cute bubble ass. He first states he is top, a few moments later as I try to explain with gesture me too, he concedes he is completo. Want to get out of here quickly, we went upstairs right away. MM has free rooms where for 5R they give you a sheet, a condom and a small packet of lube. The boy is a good kisser, willing but not too good at giving head and not a very experienced bottom. He can only get fucked in missionary position and apparently it hurts him. This makes it less exciting for me as he mumbled some words a minute later which I am assuming he wants me to finish ASAP. So I did. As I check out, there are two young staff at front desk guessing if a client is top or bottom for fun. They are rather friendly trying some chitchat, but all I can understand is 'activo' 'passivo' we had a laugh. It's an ok visit, not comparable with Lagoa, but pleasant nonetheless. Only one more day left and rain is in the forecast again. Not yet get to copa and ipa beaches yet this time, apparently I will have to come back again. flipao 1 Quote
Members axiom2001 Posted October 13, 2012 Members Posted October 13, 2012 Only one more day left and rain is in the forecast again. Not yet get to copa and ipa beaches yet this time, apparently I will have to come back again. Yes, you DEFINITELY "will have to come back again." I do not know your interests, but I hope they go beyond the saunas. I wrote a long message here below yours before I read your last three sentences. Decided to delete and write here. [brasil is MORE THAN its hot men, but if that is all that you prefer, then who am I to make alternative suggestions? I've been accused of being a "sexual tourist," which is far from the case, and can cite guides for travelers beyond the sauna scene. I've written at TripAdvisor as well as at Fordors and Formmers in there particular guides, but I mentioned nothing about the saunas. - Hope your trip was adventurous as well as enlightening. I might return to Brasil in 2013 with friends, my 9th trip since 2002. flipao 1 Quote
Members ihpguy Posted October 13, 2012 Members Posted October 13, 2012 Today is a national holiday to Brazil's patron saint. Nossa Senhora/Our Lady of Aparecida. Brasil has built the second largest basilica in the world to it's patron saint holding 45000 worshipers. That is the reason Centro is empty. Most everyone took off from work early yesterday for a near 4-day weekend. Keep in mind for everyone that the area around Meio Mundo is very safe. With the activities until 9 and 10 at night at BancoBrasilCC, Universidade Candido Mendes, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Seguros Souza Cruz and ElectroBras directly across from the sauna the area stays very busy EXCEPT on holidays and Saturdays. Ditto with tons of bars and restaurants on the Ruas Mercado, Comercio, Ouvidor and Rosario. flipao 1 Quote
Members pauleiro Posted October 13, 2012 Members Posted October 13, 2012 Too bad you didn't ask for recommendations. Before heading to 117 last night, we had a very nice lunch at a "por quilo" for 2Reais/100grams -including churrasco of alcatara, fraldinha, filet with garlic, beef/chicken sausages and chicken hearts. I think when it comes to restaurants in Rio de Janeiro, you really need to know where to go or for a foreigner, how to order. A bit difficult without knowledge of the language. Restaurants almost always have pratos executivo or feito. For 10Reais or less usually. Besides many with a full galeto special. Right now for around 17-19. Depends what one is looking for. You can also easily find fancier por quilos with prices in the 4.50-5.50/100gram range. I've posted here before that in my opinion, the best cheap meal in Rio is the full kafta meal as Rotiseria Sirio-Libanesa on the Largo do Machado either before or after a visit to 117. And around the corner is authentic, pure acai at a lanche that only features products from Para. I take note of these places for my next trip to Rio. I found a very nice and cheap por quilo place in Porto Alegre, close to center (crossing between Av Joa Pessoa and Av. Des André da Rocha Thanks for posting Quote