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How can you be gay and a Republican?

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Buzzfeed talked to gay Republicans in Tampa, and asked them how you could be gay and a Republican. As far as I can tell, it requires that you divorce yourself from reality. But I suppose a bigger question is if you can be poor/working class and still be a Republican. Because these folks seem quite well off.


Guest Hoover42

Yes, and there were plenty of Jews who supported National Socialist German Workers Party before they realized the truth.

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Yes, and there were plenty of Jews who supported National Socialist German Workers Party before they realized the truth.

Mindboggling, isn't it?

I think we take a terrible risk when we vote for any party or individual that doesn't have a great deal of compassion. It's well more than half of my own voting decision.

Anyone who thinks a government that doesn't actively look out for all of its citizens won't turn its back on him one day is living a pipe dream.


Guest hitoallusa

Lol... In the future there will be more evolved government systems than what we have now. Democrats and Republicans fighting over their interests seem so silly to me but that's also part of our lives I guess. I strongly believe, however, in the future better political system that can run more efficiently will be established without waste. I hope I can see that time before I close my eyes but dreaming of it is the start of everything great.

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Buzzfeed talked to gay Republicans in Tampa, and asked them how you could be gay and a Republican. As far as I can tell, it requires that you divorce yourself from reality. But I suppose a bigger question is if you can be poor/working class and still be a Republican. Because these folks seem quite well off.

Exactly what I came here to say, how can you be a thinking human being who isn't a BILLIONAIRE and be a Republican is the main question. Because everybody who isn't is working against their own self interests and that of their families and future generations.

The core belief of the current Republican leadership (the people holding the purse strings) is "I've got mine, fuck all y'all". They will say anything and be as divisive/destructive as possible because they know that if anybody they love ever needs medical attention, an abortion, etc. it's just a quick ride on their private jet away. And they've got money stashed overseas for when the shit really hits the fan.

We are a nation of people who aspire, to a fault. We are duped into worrying about how unfairly we'd be treated if one day we got rich (even as the rich/poor gap widens and becomes much harder for anybody to transverse) instead of that the Medicare our parents rely on is failing (and will not be there at all for us--which is now officially part of the Republican platform), that the tuition our kids will have to pay has doubled, or a dozen other things of immediate impact to our lives and the lives of relatives... But hey, if I own a multimillion dollar business some day I might have to deal with some regulation, oh god NO!!!

Summed up fairly well:

Fox News: Billionaires paying millionaires to tell the middle class to blame the poor.

Guest hitoallusa

I love guys who recommend books.. ^_^ Can you read it to me at nights on the phone? LoL.. Anyways, increasing the efficiency and moderating interests are not an easy task. I am not so idealist.. I'm a realist.. If we have means to afford this then it will be great... One thing I want to point out is that we are what we are today not because we are morally better or ethically sounder than our ancestors. It's just we are have means to live in a different way and know that life can be lived in a different ways than those of our ancestors. That idea will help people to bring themselves from their high horses and think about our future.

You should check out the Technocrat Movement, Hito.


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