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"You're So Bain" . . .

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Meanwhile, that actual Obama ads are getting pretty good to!

Have to agree!

The Chicago dirt in BO's and his team's DNA definitely has its uses. No high-road let-them-bring-the-fight-to-us naïveté such as doomed the hapless Kerry campaign.

P.S. Saw an interesting bit in The Guardian, I think, on how this ad, and the accusations about when Mitt wasn't-but-was running Bain post-Feb-1999 or whenever, are designed to make him look not just wrong, but ridiculous. The deadliest thing for a candidate to be perceived as.

Delicious how he and his team are playing right into it with their clueless responses.

Michael Tomasky has a good piece at Daily Beast on how the Republicans got themselves to this pitiful point:


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Delicious how he and his team are playing right into it with their clueless responses.

Amen! Watching these guys and gals who are master spinners and deflectors is just must-watch TV. Every time one of these spin-meisters steps out to do their Obi Wan: "nothing to see here, keep on moving" is hilarious. When the crowd doesn't move on and the next question follows, the histrionic responses break out trying to change the subject or say shame on Barack Obama. I get a mind's eye image of a fat tuna flopping all over the boat deck trying to throw the hook but to no avail. I thought Mary Matlin was going to have a cat on George Stephanopolis. Ed Gillespie's 'Retoractive Retirement' was too funny for words. That type of double talk is a loser from the git-go.

These operatives are trying to salvage Romney's ship but the problem even they cannot overcome with their talent and experience is Romney's mouth vs Romeny's signature even though Romney will try to say "Obama made me do it". lol

Maybe Romney can fool some of the people by never really saying anything specific and attempting to sing America, The Beautiful, but 'Retroactive Retirement' ain't gonna sell big in the Midwest and West. Who are they going to believe, Romney or their lyin' eyes?

The tax returns are coming.

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From EXPAT's link:

"Mitt Romney: Fuck you.

...Black people don't want free shit, you out of touch Dr. Reed Richards hair having motherfucker..."

One question stands out: does Mittens really have Reed Richards hair? Inquiring minds want to know.

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I went back and watched several of the Obama videos that appear with JKANE's video link. Some of them seem pretty damned effective in defining Romney. Maybe that accounts for the diviation in poll results in swing states from the rest of the country.

My problem is that they rarely run outside the contest states & I don't get to see them. How about if MER posters who live in states under seige by the campaigns use this thread to post a link to ads (both Repub and Dem) they find particularly interesting/effective so those of us in solid red or blue states can keep up with the election.

Just a request.


Massive amounts are being spent early on this political season. Obama has been spending early trying to define Romney and has been successful in it. Romney has been playing catch up. If Romney picks the right VP, I am prediction that Biden gets sick and bows out and Hillary jumps into the ticket. ^_^

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LOL, Romney does that 'concern for the underclass' thing so well:

He told donors who paid as much as $50,000 to attend a Jackson, Miss., fundraiser that it was a good time to be a friend of the Obama campaign, but not a good time to be in the middle class.

"I know that people in this room are probably doing relatively well, relative to folks across this country. But not everyone in America is doing so well right now," he said. "The waiters and waitresses that come in and out of this room and offer us refreshments — they're not having a good year."

Romney, who struggled during the GOP primary to explain his suggestion that he doesn't care about the nation's very poor, spoke directly to the poor Monday.

"We're the party of people who want to get rich," he said. "And we're also the party of people who want to care to help people from getting poor. We want to help the poor."



Hillary jumps into the ticket. ^_^

She is too canny by half to do it this time round.

BUT: Clintons -- and Rodhams -- being unkillable, and irrepressible, you can much more likely look for her to "retire" end of this term, then re-merge for the 2016 race.

...Wanna bet money? ^_^ (I will now suppress 4 or 5 remarks: http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3724-three-dinners-with-andre )

(Lucky, one may pray, will do likewise. ;) )

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If Romney picks the right VP, I am prediction that Biden gets sick and bows out and Hillary jumps into the ticket. :smile:

I'll bet you a twenty room villa in Tuscany to the contrary. That would be a nice change in my later years and a sure winner too. :P.

I hope she considers 2016.


Romney -- the gift that keeps on giving. The Guardian, like I (like me?), cannot contain its giggles:

...Kevin Madden, a senior Romney adviser, who sat beside Cutter on CBS's Face the Nation, described it as "troubling" that the Obama campaign would label an "honourable" man such as Romney a felon.

Of course Mitt Romney is an "honourable" man. And that in no way brings to mind Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons."


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Romney -- the gift that keeps on giving. The Guardian, like I (like me?), cannot contain its giggles:

...Kevin Madden, a senior Romney adviser, who sat beside Cutter on CBS's Face the Nation, described it as "troubling" that the Obama campaign would label an "honourable" man such as Romney a felon.

Of course Mitt Romney is an "honourable" man. And that in no way brings to mind Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons."


You know, I have been in a sour mood with respect to politics since the takeover of the House by the GOP. With the excpetion of the GOP Primary I ignored most of it. To say American politics is the pathetic practice of lies, half-lies, deceit, accepting payoffs, etc. as a matter of course is to misplace it on too high a pedastal. It infects both sides, with the out-of-office party usually the most egregious, feeling they have to take extra measures to overcome incumbency or at least draw blood.

However, watching this Mitt Romney campaign operation with really experienced spinners/liars failing to successfully practice their slight-of-tongue acts so badly, with and because of their candidate's tactics and intransigence and the GOP base demands, has been delightfully entertaining. I know if may not last long. It may not affect the outcome in the end but I love to see those that lie and deceive for a living experience an utter public failure. Its' all the sweeter when they know it is a failure in real time. That's entertainment, for me anyway. :P


My worry is that the uneducated and unaware public (mostly in the midwest and south) fall for it all hook line and sinker.


My worry is that the uneducated and unaware public (mostly in the midwest and south) fall for it all hook line and sinker.

Fortunately (in this case), many of them are sufficiently bigoted religiously that the Mormon business may put enough of them off.

I can tell you that here in NC, the Jesse Helms voters (they are still legion) feel no compunction about calling Mitt's religion a cult.

(In contrast to their own traditions which, like as not, involve snake-handling.)

(...somehow, it occurs, an oddly apt term for where politics and religion intersect.)

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My worry is that the uneducated and unaware public (mostly in the midwest and south) fall for it all hook line and sinker.

There are those fully committed ideologues on both sides that will follow their party to hell no matter what they support or how they act, for sure. ( The South is an example.) But there are many many people who know that when you sign on the dotted line under penalty of perjury then you are responsible for what you say over your signature. These people sign income tax forms, mortgage applications, etc. When someone tries to tell them that it doesn't mean anything they know better. Whether that alone will overcome, in the end, other concerns is unclear but they don't toss off, so lightly, perjury or public lies.

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Found this interesting speculation on why Romney is so reluctant to disclose his tax returns before 2010.

The article also asks the baffling question, "How do you manage to lawfully stuff 100 million dollars into an IRA account?" and offers some dodgy possible answers.

" Romney's $100 million IRA is remarkable in its size. Even under the most generous assumptions, Romney would have been restricted to annual contributions of $30,000 while he worked at Bain. How does this grow to $100 million?"

Like Lucy, Mittens may have some 'splaining to do...


He certainly will! Isn't that tax article the best?

With several Republican bigs -- or big-mouths, viz. Herman Cain -- already on record saying just release the damned returns, Mitt is going to have a hard time getting off the hook on this one.

TY's ROFL flopping tuna image is so right.

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Titillating as this story is, I'm saddened it takes precedence over Romney's promise to repeal our nation's first national health care and his hawkish statements on war with Iran.

Money is money but lives are lives.

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TY's ROFL flopping tuna image is so right.

Given that Romney has the best political advisors his money can buy, one is forced to suspect that the decision to stand his ground on his taxes is based on a considered decision that the heat he will take from stonewalling will do less damage than whatever it it that opening his tax returns would reveal.

Time will tell but somehow I doubt that the boys from Chicago are going to let go of this one.

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Titillating as this story is, I'm saddened it takes precedence over Romney's promise to repeal our nation's first national health care and his hawkish statements on war with Iran.

Money is money but lives are lives.

The thing is nobody believes Romney when he huffs and puffs for the Republican base, LOL, not even the base.

For instance, does anyone really think on his first day in the White House, he plans to start a trade war with China right in the middle of their leadership changeover? Certainly not any of those Wall Street types that are funneling tens of millions into his campaign.

Kill Obamacare? No doubt he would sign the bill if the Dems lose so badly they lack even a blocking position in the Senate. Maybe he would tidy up some of the looser strings, maybe allow red states to dodge formation of insurance pools, but invest a lot of political capital in pushing for a repeal? I doubt it.

All that chest thumping about Israel and Iran? Not much hope for the Pals that a Republican is going to restrain Israel on settlements but I doubt Romney wants a shooting war in the Persian Gulf any more than Obama does.

Gay rights? As soon as he had the nomination cinched, the guy appointed an openly gay man as his press spokesman (until the base howled). I read him as not particularly caring about gays one way or the other. Probably finds it slightly unseemly when he has to toss us under the bus to satisfy the great unwashed.

Come to think about it, the only people who seem very sure they know what Romney has in mind are those above mentioned folks from Wall Street and they seem very satisfied.


Titillating as this story is, I'm saddened it takes precedence over Romney's promise to repeal our nation's first national health care and his hawkish statements on war with Iran.

But they are, regrettably, one and the same these days as far as campaign nonsense goes. If your latter is the point but the former is what the electorate will respond to, then the former is what one, cynically but realistically, advertises and jawbones about, no?

The alternative, as remarked the other day, would seem to be a high-minded but doomed campaign in the Kerry mode.

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True enough, AdamSmith, and what saddens me is that we the electorate, who bear the ultimate responsibility for swallowing this horseshit, don't seem to differentiate or even to care.

Granted, we once had Walter Cronkite and even Dan Rather to help us separate the wheat from the chaff but we don't even seem to realize that our pundits have been outsourced to the lowest bidder.

The question for me is what does democracy become when voters swarm around only the issues that sell ads and boost profits the quickest.

I guess we're finding out. :faceless::faceless::faceless::faceless::faceless::faceless::faceless::faceless::faceless:

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