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Fucking Rush Limbaugh Up the ASS: could not happen to a nicer man

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Guest FourAces

Many of his advertisers are leaving him and one group made them add another one to the list. I love this. Check out their website.


I hope it works but to date very little has shaken this guy from his right wing hate filled thrown :(


Many of his advertisers are leaving him and one group made them add another one to the list. I love this.

Yet, you approve of silencing the very minimal of voices which attempt to reach out here.

Guest hitoallusa

I don't think Oz has not silenced anyone. Moving posts to other sections happen often so please do not take it personally. I'm not in the competition so I am not sucking up to OZ or TY ^_^


Money talks. Its flight also looks to be giving at least a little spine to at least some Repub politicians, who until now dared not cross The Blimp. Also electoral pressures: Scott Brown's tight Senate race in MA drove him to be the first Repub to speak out, tweeting "reprehensible" about Rush's spew.

Could this become a replay of the downfall of McCarthy? Once the first blow connects, the deflation can sometimes be swift. Sorry, can't copy/paste the text on my phone, but if interested, scroll down to paragraph 15 in this obit of Senator Sam...



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Has Senator Sam really been gone for almost 27 years? Where is his ilk when we need them? No where in sight that I can see.

Rush cannot be "censored" except by his sponsors indirectly or by the public ignoring him. Neither is likely to be the case for very long.

Best regards,



I use proflowers, in fact did so just last week, and wrote them telling them it was the last order if they supported hate radio. I got the notice from them of suspending advertising.


Now up to 9!

Lifelock is still advertising with him, as is GoldCoinPro. Not sure much can be done against these two, as idiots are the only people who buy their crap...

I heard on the radio today that Lifelock has now backed out too. But I may have heard it wrong, but that's what I thought I heard on Michelangelo Signorile's show today.


Sandra Fluke was on The View this morning talking to Barbara Walters and she said regarding the apology that it really doesn't mean as much when it comes after coming under pressure from your source of income. And she said that Mr. Limbaugh said enough personal things about me on the air that I don't really want a personal phone call from him. She is very well spoken and I'm sure that we have not heard the last of her.


he's the largest audience for Clear Channel and he makes the most money for them. So he won't be going anywhere soon. I suspect their lawyers may have pressured him into the apology. In fact I'm sure of it given the money at risk.


Patricia Heaton apparently agrees with Rush Limbaugh when it comes to Georgetown student and birth control advocate Sandra Fluke. The Everybody Loves Raymond actress tweeted a series of attacks aimed at Fluke last week, then deleted her Twitter account, Mediabistro reports. Some of the highlights, as preserved for posterity by Crooks & Liars, Angry Black Lady, and Fanity:

"If every Tweaton sent Georgetown Gal one condom, her parents wouldn’t have to cancel basic cable, & she would never reproduce – sound good?"

"G-Gal: you’ve given yer folks great gift for Mother’s/Father’s Day! Got up in front of whole world & said I’m having tons of sex- pay 4 it!"

"Hey G-Gal! Change major to Health Sciences, then look at pix of people w/syphilis, gonorrhrea [sic], herpes, and chlamydia! Instant birth control!"

"Hey G-Town: stop buying toothpaste, soap, and shampoo! You'll save money, and no one will want to sleep with you!"

"Hey G-Town Gal: Plz let us also pay for your Starbucks, movie theater tickets, and your favorite hot wings combo deal at KFC! Anything else?"


12 advertisers have now backed out of Limbaugh's show. But Rush said today on his show that 12 may be gone, but trust me we will easily replace you with those who do want to reach my 20 million listeners. If that comment doesn't tell you all you need to know about his character I don't know what does.


Shocked, shocked, EXPAT!

Poor man has bills to pay. The deeper under cover you have to keep your habit, the more expensive it gets.

... cf. Spitzer, Eliot. Client 9 paid more than 15 times what I do for a pop from a girl, hoping for some extra security thereby. (Oh, well.)


33 sponsors have now backed out of sponsoring Limbaugh's show. That's a lot of advertisers. I think there is some momentum there. You can't believe what he said on his show yesterday on why he apologized. It became a non-apology really quickly. What an idiot. But we do have a 1st amendment. . .but then the advertisers can vote with their cash too.

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Yep, the 1st amendment issue is why I don't support having him removed from Armed Forces Radio, though if all the women soldiers find him as offensive as I do and regularly get subjected to his blather...

But me telling a sponsor I will never give them a cent as long as they back hate speech is a 1st amendment right too. Perhaps even more so!

Another story on the subject and how he keeps making it worse.

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