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Today's politics

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Obama has a problem with the birth control insurance option in religious organizations. Frankly it's only the far right conservatives and religious right that is making a big deal out of it. Because 80% of catholics already use birth control and 28 states already require this in all organizations. So it's only an "election issue" in my opinion. But it appears that Obama will be making some sort of announcement today of a compromise but still sticking to the principle that women should have access to birth control without huge payments.



Santorum raises nearly a $1 million a day since his triple win on Saturday.

He's also attacking the policies of Obama and Romney on healthcare again. His speech yesterday to CPAC supporters was really shocking in discussing his stance on the birth control issue that Obama hates churches and will end up preaching to all churches telling them what to do. But no one asks him about the labor issue that workers should have certain things available to them regardless of where they work.



I hope that Rick Santorum didn't realize the unintended humor in this tweet he made after his three wins on Saturday. . .

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Huffington Post pointed out today that Newt Gingrich's new ad looked familiar. Now you know why !!

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God fucking damn it Newton, leave Fred Thompson dead and buried! Nobody wants to hear him snore through another interview. But of course he backs Newt, they're both lobbyists at heart (if Newt had one).

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