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Everyone can have their own opinion on the best way to get new members, but when stating them, please mention which ones you have personally tried and how they have worked for you. For me, every once in a while I get tired of internet posting. I see the same people all of the time, nothing new happens. It always seems that I am one of the top posters of the day, and I would like to see others have that honor more often.

So, I am going on holiday to try some new things, perhaps my newly hooked up Roku. In the meantime, enjoy posting. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, and Happy New year. See you in 2012.

Guest FourAces

People come here to look but don't post for a variety of reasons:

4) they just want to look at photos

5) they want to be entertained, not to entertain

I often come to the site, read through the topics quickly, and leave without participating. There are two things that MIGHT make me write more:

1) if I didn't have to log-in every time I want to say something, because the "remember me" feature doesn't work for me (and others, who have made the same complaint)

2) if one could see something more than just the title of a thread before one opens it, as one can on Daddy's site when one places the cursor on the title

Charlie at top I agree with 4 and 5. I feel that is the case for many visitors to the site. But your number 1 & 2 just above are really you nad anyone else who feels this way just being lazy. If the site doesn't keep you signed in then your browser should be able to remember it for you to click one button. But after looking at number 2 I see its too much effort for you to click a button to read a post :(


And Lucky you mentioned there were about 115 people online keep in mind that does not mean in the forums. That count is for the entire site ... if for some reason I am wrong then I have no problem telling OZ his state counter is incorrect.


And BBB really? You are not aware enough of high and low times on the Internet that you even had to create this thread?


And to whom it may concern. People began posting on the other site about a decade before this site even launched. Habits are hard to break believe me I have many I would love to give up.

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CharliePS, you've hit the nail on the head!! Those are many of the reasons why I don't post more. And, another feature I really like at Daddy's is the ability to click on "new posts" in an individual thread and by-pass all the stuff I've already read. Here, I have to scroll through and entire thread and try to figure out what has been added since I last visited.

Can't participation be made a little easier here?

Another reason I don't post often is due to timing. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. so I can be to work by 6:00 a.m. I don't leave work until 6:00 p.m. and usually arrive home by 7:00 p.m. After dinner and taking a shit, there isn't much time to participate.

Then, there is the fact that by the time I do read a thread, it's already been answered by those that can participate during the daylight hours. Why should I chime in at a late hour with a "me too"??

Finally, I don't like being shamed or brow beat for not posting more. I have a life outside this forum and sometimes wonder why I come here just to read about lack of participation.

Guest jimboivyo

the few folks I've corresponded from here offline have all shared my own feeling- the design of this site is anything but discrete. daddys message board is a lot easier to browse when in mixed company. opening mer, either on title page or message center, can be tough when you don't know who's looking over your shoulder. just a thought.

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And Lucky you mentioned there were about 115 people online keep in mind that does not mean in the forums. That count is for the entire site ... if for some reason I am wrong then I have no problem telling OZ his state counter is incorrect.


What a great catch, FourAces! Woe betide the card counter who sits down at your table. I just toggled back and forth between the Review site and the Forum site and the online number stayed the same. Further, the last on-line-at-once record was set at 8pm one evening, which is probably prime time for checking out escort reviews.

This may well mean that we really don't have 80 folks lurking in the Forum right now waiting to see what erudite, witty, and occasionally catty post will drop from above for their edification and amusement. In fact, there may be nobody here but us chickens.


That would certainly make sense, as some of the world's finest hectoring has taken place within this very forum, and on more than one occasion. For it to prove fruitless nearly beggars belief. Could it simply be that there's no one here to hear it? huh.png

By the way, it's fine with me if the present Group stays as it is a while longer, some posting daily, some weekly, some as the spirit moves. As long as there's no one gathering up their wraps and storming out in the middle of one of my posts, I'm happy with the present Merry Little Band. I do wish Lucky would surprise us with a brief cameo or two before the New Year, but I think I heard him say he's fiddling with his Roku and I'm sure no one wants to get in the way of that. rolleyes.gif


I will say that I wish the "keep me logged in for two weeks" feature actually works. It is a pain in the ass sometimes to get an email saying there is a response and click on it and then realize you are logged out and have to log in and then find the thread that you were trying to respond to in the first place.

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Hectoring...browbeating...encouraging? It's all semantics. My point is that the sometime posters and the lurkers come here and they want content to read. And I am one of the biggest content contributors, certainly not the only one.

But I like to have content here to read when I come here too. If you don't see this as a community forum where we share the responsibility to keep the place lively, then I am in the wrong place and might as well stick to installing Roku devices. If it bothers you so much to be reminded that you have to contribute as well as take, then I might as well spend my time installing Roku devices.

Of course people have other things to do and may not have the same interest in the forum as the bigger content contributors do. But at least this thread has people thinking about what they expect when they come here, why they post and whether the place is important to them. If the conclusion reached is that you would miss it if it weren't here, then the logical conclusion seems to be that you need to do your part to keep the place going.

Okay, Lookin? Cameo complete? ^_^ On to the New Year.

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Ha! Ha!! thumbsup.png

Had to look up K. C. (learned it meant King's Counsel), although these days, the honorific would switch to Q. C., or Queen's Counsel.

In an especially fitting touch, As members wear silk gowns of a particular design . . ., the award of Queen's or King's Counsel is known informally as taking silk.

I'll just bet it is. rolleyes.gif

  • Members

I understand the Q.C.s are also entitled (on formal occasions) to wear the large floppy wig usually reserved for judges. :P


As the $1500 poster child, OK, one feels sufficiently chastised. But to the point: any of our participation here is tied to all kinds of other, not necessarily related life vectors. But which do affect desire/motivation/time to post here, as they affect so many other life pursuits that we chase with verve during more normal times. For me, divorce, rocky business transition, and trying (not too well) to navigate a complex of psychopathologies all conspire toward anhedonia (what Woody Allen originally wanted to title Annie Hall).

Back when and as one can. Love continues meanwhile.

  • Members


As the $1500 poster child, OK, one feels sufficiently chastised. But to the point: any of our participation here is tied to all kinds of other, not necessarily related life vectors. But which do affect desire/motivation/time to post here, as they affect so many other life pursuits that we chase with verve during more normal times. For me, divorce, rocky business transition, and trying (not too well) to navigate a complex of psychopathologies all conspire toward anhedonia (what Woody Allen originally wanted to title Annie Hall).

Back when and as one can. Love continues meanwhile.

This short sweet post reminds me how I have missed your regular contributions -- especially the Woody Allen line. :frantics: Not to mention all of the fun contributions you shared about your twink adventures and sojurn to clubs. :thumbsup: Just, please, no more pickle posts. :shocked::P

Guest hitoallusa

Good luck with your future endeavors Adam Smith. I love your innovative mind and most of all caring heart. I will miss your intelligent and witty posts. Please come back when things get settled.

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This short sweet post reminds me how I have missed your regular contributions -- especially the Woody Allen line. :frantics: Not to mention all of the fun contributions you shared about your twink adventures and sojurn to clubs. :thumbsup: Just, please, no more pickle posts. :shocked::P

Having met and spent time with AdamSmith in the club scene of New York... I can tell you that no amount of reading/reviewing his posts can prepare you for the intriguing and unparalleled experience of hanging with the man in person. Adam... we all miss you! Wishing you the best in finding what fulfills your love life!

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Oh.... what's he like on a circuit?

hmmm. indescribable really. imagine a talkative, slightly intoxicated Woody Allen... closest description I can come up with. It's just awesome to hear philosophical pearl after pearl come out of him mouth as we oggle over the same cute young thing on the dance floor! ^_^

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I would like to let Lookin have the last word here, as his word is simply gorgeous. But I need to say that I had always considered Adam Smith a treasure of this website, and was dismayed to hear that he had found other pastures to plow. Perhaps he is making the first step in returning to MER. That would be quite the occasion.

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