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Ideal Cine Buenos Aires

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After a long visit of the city of Buenos Aires in the morning, I headed to Ideal Cine, very close to the Buenos Aires Obelisk (Suipacha 378)

"The Cine Ideal is located near the Avenida Corrientes in central Buenos Aires. Designed by architect Alberto Bourdon, it opened in 1940 with 1,200 seats. Remodeled in 1980 to the plans of architect Lopez Leon, it was damaged by a fire on 23rd February 1983.

Now operating as a 5-screen adult cinema, it caters for a gay male audience over 18 years old".

Compared to the last Cine I visited in Rio, Cine Rex, which was terribly dirty, this one is very well kept and clean. A lady is regularly cleaning the toilets. Nothing like this in Rio Rex Cine (where there was only a poster in the toilets saying "por favor nao quebre as portas" (please do not break the doors) ...

At the ground level are the gay rooms : one small and one larger showing gay porn. On the first floor is the straight theater with 3 rooms. In the middle, both on ground floor and on first floor, there is a wide open space, fully lighted, that you use for going from one room to another, and where you can see who is in the place. Again, it is totally different in Rio, where there is no lighted place where you can see who are the current patrons.

When I arrived, around 4.30 pm, there was already some action going on, visitors sucking or even fucking, mainly in the gay rooms. In the first floor, 3 ladies were waiting, obviously whore waiting for clients.

I saw also 4 or 5 male prostitutes in the lobby. Most of them of average look. Not worth trying anything in the place. Soon arrived though a cute lad in a soccer outfit (with the name of HIGUAIN and the number 9 on the back). Clean lad. Tee shirts, shoes, hands, everything is clean. And he is really good looking. Nice masculine face. Hot. Eye contact: done...

He goes in gay room number 2 and I follow him there.

He goes to the front of the room, looks who is there and goes to sit close to another customer.

I move to the front also and sit down. When I passed in the alley, he looked at me. It does not take him long until he comes to sit next to me. The key is never to sit on the last seat of a row, but to leave 1 or 2 seats empty until the end of the row, so that the lad can sit down and quiet discussion can take place.

I do not want him to discover too early that I am not Argentinian. When I do not articulate, and for simple sentences, I can be taken for a local, at least during some sentences (I am interested in knowing the fare for the locals)

This is basically the discussion

Hello / Hello

Do you want something ? / Por que no ? (why not)

What do you want ? / What do you do ?

Are you active or passive ? / I am only active, but I just want to be sucked

No problem / How much do you want

50 Pesos (9 €) / You suck well ?

Very well ! / OK vamos

My dick is already hard as if it had understood the discussion ... The lad moves to my right, closer to the wall, and therefore in a more quiet place, puts his pants down, his tee shirt over his head and starts sucking me. He does it well. I stroke his cock which is soon hard and cuddles his firm and hairy ass, his chest and abs. Nice body he has indeed. Daniel is his name BTW.

Some people are coming around to look at the show, but no one dares to participate and I am protected by the seats before and behind me, and two seats separate me from the alley.

He sucks very well. He licks the balls. He proposes me to fuck him. But I stick to the original plan.

His hair is clean, he does not smell sweat at all despite the current heat in Buenos Aires. Nice taxi-boy as they call them here.

We end the session.

Very good session indeed.

I give him the 50 Pesos, plus a tip. He proposes another session in an hotel by the hour for the next day. 150 Pesos. He does all, he says. We may meet tomorrow at 2 pm in front of the cinema and he will take me to a love hotel (50 pesos).

I do not know what I will do tomorrow, but I might meet Daniel again ...

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I had always wondered about the cinemas in Buenos Aires. In 2006 I asked one of the owners of the now defunct 2Portenios which is the "best" cinema for gay men, and he failed to answer my question. I truly appreciate your relaying some vital information to us. It definitely helped. I also liked reading your scenario; pictures came to view!

Tchau, continue to enjoy and share (if you desire)!!! -^_^ -^_^ -^_^:flowers:

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One final comment on safety. I think that this place, at least until nigh (after I do no know) is totally safe. There is a cashier and another man controlling the tickets. The entrance of the cinema is an a street where there are lot of pedestrians.

BTW, they give you a condom when you enter the place.

I was just annoyed by another customer, maybe around 40 who touched my ass and my dick through my pants a couple of time. Every time, I removed gently his hand. The third time, I told him what hustlers say to the customers when they want to make sure they understand they ask for money : "yo cobro" (I charge). And he disappeared for ever !

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Went back to Ideal Cine today. Daniel showed up at around 2.30 pm. We stayed to have fun in the Cine. A more complete session than yesterday was 100 Pesos including tip. Very hot. Very good sex. Daniel is certainly gay because he had huge hard on very rapidly and some of his friends, obviouly gay, were also in the Cine for proposing some quickies to the visitors. Would have gone with none of them. I like macho guys, not queenie type.

Daniel was wearing a different outfit and was as clean and good looking as yesterday, not at all the tramp that you migth think of finding in this kind of place. When I asked him what time it was, he used his mobile phone, the latest generation of smart phone (the one doing toaster and telescope)... Only sad point is that he did not accept any picture to be taken ...

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