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Movie: 50/50

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In the huge auditorium where I saw the movie 50/50, there were 5 people, thus the party of five. I paid the senior rate of $7, but my movie loyalty card got me a free popcorn, which, if you believe the theater, is a $6 value.

The movie has five main characters,so it too is a party of five. Cancer movies usually are parties, right? Melodramatic music, a lovable guy dying with his loyal wife at his side, thinking all the way that he can beat this, until he can't.

Well, that's not 50/50. For one, the girl is out of it almost right away. After all, we can't have a girl who cheats on a cancer patient, can we? But if you are thinking that this might be your typical cancer movie, think again. Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars, and I dare you to find a JGL movie that wasn't good.

JGL gets his diagnosis right off the bat. The doctor who informs him of it should get an Oscar, as he nails the uncaring caregiver with gusto. And it's not a very nice cancer, either. Were any other actor playing the role, it might be a challenge, but JGL has that sardonic wit and know-it all smile that carries him.

After his diagnosis, he meets his therapist, who is much better than the doc at the TLC, but unfortunately for JGL, he is only her third patient. However she makes up in caring what she lacks in experience. By the end of the movie, you are quite fond of her.

So if the girl is out of the way off the bat, we don't leave JGL alone, No, he has Seth Rogen as his best friend and sidekick. I don't often like Rogen's movie roles, but for this one he nailed it. He keeps JGL suitably distracted as they go on well, beaver hunts. Rogen's guy wants to get laid, and he soon figures out how cancer can help in that department.

The other two characters in the movie, of the prominent ones, are the mom and dad. Dad doesn't have much to do as he has Alzheimer's and introduces himself to his son. But mom carries a big role. One might stereotype her, but I don't think the movie ever says that she is Jewish. But she could be. Does she seem a little overbearing? Perhaps, unless you understand how it might be to have a husband who can't communicate and a son who won't. (It takes the therapist to come up with that one, not me.)

The movie even has a scene with the hospital workers in the background, smoking. How often do we see that in real life?

So, being a cancer movie, something must happen, right? Either there is the tearful deathbed scene or the happy "he beats it" ending. I can't help you there, because I want you to see this movie. But trust JGL to make it all worth your while. He is credible throughout.

I did wonder how a person who in fact is dealing with cancer in real life might react to this movie, and I decided that it would be just fine. No one mocks the disease or makes it look easy. The fact that one who has cancer must deal with friends and loved ones who don't know what to say, and thus say the stupidest things, is part of the movie. But there is plenty in the movie to make the topic serious while providing some comic relief. The ending may not please the cancer patient, but then again, it just might.

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Glad that you liked the review. I posted it here and at daddys. 18 views here, 13 there. Of course, 29 of the views are me! ^_^


Amazing and very accurate review. I saw it last weekend with a group of 3 (like the trinity). You might call me the Holy Ghost of the group. ^_^

I thought the acting was incredible from the main characters and I loved seeing Angelica Huston as the mom. I LOVE her!

If I get to the movie this weekend, I'll try to do justice to the review but you have set the bar pretty fucking high.

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