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Guest lurkerspeaks

What does it take to get participation?

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Guest hitoallusa

Aww those kids are so cute. Where are you guys getting these pictures? MsGuy is that you when you were much younger? They are so cute.

Guest JamesIvory

Once in a while when I check this site out I ...

Guest lurkerspeaks


I can definitely relate... I have been posting my ass ofg the last few days.. but I get the feeling that I'm

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Lurkerspeaks deserves a lot of credit for bringing up the subject and getting folks to open up about it. I doubt he feels too alone, as it seems that MER is attracting more posters than ever.

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And speaking of folks who have participated here, and made contributions that have kept the site interesting, I enjoy the contributions that EXPAT has made to the site. His picture collection alone is worth a Smithsonian of gay pictures.

Perhaps I don't always make my admiration clear, so I wanted to do so here, while I was also complimenting lurkerspeaks on his contributions. He and EXPAT are consistent contributors of high quality threads, and I do appreciate them. Of course others contribute too, but right now these are the guys on my mind.

Guest hitoallusa

Charlie I think you are very adventurous. Were you scared standing on the street?

Some days I read almost every post, and want to respond to many of them. Other days, I just don't feel like reading anything, and don't have the time or the inclination to reply. That's just the way it goes. Websites are like parties: sometimes they are a blast, but then they go on too long and get boring, and then something happens or someone else arrives, and they perk up again. I don't worry too much about the ebbs and flows.

As for something few people know: When I was 21, I tried out being a street hustler. It had to be the street, because there were no gay rags, and the computer hadn't been invented yet. I wasn't very good at it, so I made very little money, and gave it up as soon as I met an attractive older man who was happy to take me to nice places and give me nice things, since I was socially presentable. After a while, that ended, too, and from then on I just fucked with anyone who turned me on and paid my own way.

Guest CharliePS

Charlie I think you are very adventurous. Were you scared standing on the street?

I was too young and foolish to be scared.

Guest lurkerspeaks

First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who are participating in this thread. It is nice to see something last more an hour before washing off into the wasteland of dead posts...

I will add one more little "juicy tidbit" to the list..I had almost forgotten about it, but CharliePS' post reminded me.. Back in my younger days, growing up in Houston Texas, I was a big ole restroom queen. I cruised them all over the city.. (this started back when I was 15 years old, which was around 1975.)

I actually got paid for giving a guy a blow job once in a mall restroom, so I guess that means I had a very short-lived career as an escort. The funny thing is that the guy was someone I woulda done for free. He was young (probably under 20, which is about how old i was at the time..)He did seem a little inexperienced as to the actual act, but he knew all about restroom etiquette.

Guest hitoallusa

Thank you fir starting this thread and sharing your stories. I have enjoyed them at all. You guys are so energetic and passionate for life!

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You guys are so energetic and passionate for life!

Yep, regular party animals


(That's me on the left)

Guest hitoallusa

Once again it proves my point. If one is health and strong enough to walk around in public naked then that he's strong and well. I envy you MsGuy.

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