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Guest gcursor


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I would like to take this time to apologize to any people that I may have unintentionally hurt in the past. I'm very sorry.


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Hmmm...you have not hurt me, gcursor. Here at MER we tend to be a forgiving group anyway and let bygones be bygones. So I am sure if you felt that you hurt anyone here it is long since forgotten...and forgiven...if such is needed.

Guest hitoallusa

Gcursor we love you here. You don't have anything to apologize for. I hope you post more and just be yourself. I miss your post. Kisses and hugs.


Dear xxxxx,

I was surprised and impressed by your post. After "a thought or two" I wondered if there was "a message behind the message".

I couldn't remember anything you had written that could be taken offensive, so I searched back in the posts you had recently made and I still couldn't find anything into that direction. To me personally you had even been very helpful.

I also noticed that you wrote that you wanted to apologize to any people that you "may have unintentionally hurt" in the past. That means that it's not even sure that you have hurt anyone here. And if you had, then it happened unintentionally and probably without you realising it.

This made me wonder if in the real physical world someone had felt hurt by you because of something you had said without you intending or realising that that someone else had been hurt. If that's the case, then the problem may not be so much what you actually had said, but more the fact that someone else actually took offense of certain words that weren't really offensive ...

My personal impression is that whatever happened in the real physical world didn't happen here in cyperspace.

I can only say; you never offended me in any way and please know that you remain an appreciated member of cyberspace.

A big hug, Anton.

(Please, no sharing of members names without explcit permission or their own self-use. Thanks. TY)


Nice try bi but no...I'm not in any 12 step program. Actually I don't drink, smoke or do drugs so I would have to pick up something and start abusing it then I could attend a 12-step program ALTHOUGH

I do have this problem of ordering a LOT of stuff from AMAZON.COM! SO if they start up a group for that then I'm pretty sure I'll have to attend.


I suspect this is part of a 12 step program. One of the things you have to do is go to any forum or community you have participated in and apologize for any harm you may have unintentionally done.

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Compulsive shopper? From Wikipedia:

Psychiatrists do believe that the behavior can be triggered by a need to feel special and to combat loneliness, as well as a hope that shopping will somehow change them for the better. But compulsive shopping satisfies none of those needs and therefore the shopper's behavior may escalate'.[12] Similar to other compulsive behaviors, sufferers often experience the highs and lows associated with addiction. 'Like people who have to shoplift, compulsive shoppers are caught in a cycle of anxiety: endorphin-fuelled highs and guilt-ridden lows'.[13] Victims often experience moods of satisfaction when they are in the process of purchasing, which 'gives shopaholics a sort of euphoria, excitement, and "high"' that seems to give their life meaning while letting them forget about their sorrows; but 'there is usually a feeling of disappointment afterwards, followed by guilt'.[14] Once leaving the environment where the purchasing occurred, the feeling of a personal reward may already have gone, so that to compensate, the addicted person goes shopping again in a 'vicious cycle of repetitive impulse buying...just one more thing to achieve a better self-identity'.[15]

'Compulsive shoppers are prone to shop in secret as the condition worsens, debt increases, and relationships with family members and friends become strained'.[16] At the point where bought goods may be hidden or destroyed, because the person concerned feels ashamed of their addiction and tries to conceal it, and 'when shopping habits involve lying about and hiding purchases, the mental, physical, and emotional toll goes up'.


anyway I wanted to follow-up with my previous response. people will still ask why did I post what I posted and what was the reason for it.

i have found that all too often we spend so much of our life worrying about why things are instead of accepting them for as is. Why did David post a response like that? Nobody will ever know except of course myself. It is just something that I posted and was meant to be reflected upon.

Now if you drag out all the backstory about why something happened and what somebody said and where it happened and all of that ....then my fellow posters you have lost the focus of my post. The post didnt name anybody or anything in particular that was done but was something that my soul said was the right thing to do.

in peace,



I am David, Lucky.

I was saying that as a viewpoint from how the forum members might phrase it.


"Why did David post a response like that?"

Um, I thought you were David?

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Well, we certainly have reflected on it. I hope you are pleased to see how many here and over at daddy's wish you only the best.

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