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It's Uphill For Obama

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I thought about heading this: "Obama Is Toast", but you never know.

How is he going to manufacture new jobs when consumers have cut spending, manufacturers have adjusted to lower levels of employees, and Republicans are out to stop him at any cost to the nation?

Our president has been outmaneuvered by the Republicans to his great embarrassment. He looks like a junior president, and the nation has picked up on it. Sure enough, he gives a great speech, but what can he say next week that will make a difference? Not much, in my opinion.

Guest hitoallusa

He might be able to do well in his second term. Harry Reid chose Obama because his ability to mesmerize people and that he didn't have any political and vote record that could count against him since his career in politics had been very short at that time. Sarah Palin was right that he didn't have any executive experience and people put him there anyway. He needs time to learn and grow too. You can't just throw someone in the Oval office and expect one to do a fantastic job. I hope he can learn from his current term and do well in his second term. You never know. People say it's hard for a person to change. But with some right motivation he might be able to pull it off. You can't expect a person who didn't have any leadership role before presidency to do his job well and make no mistakes. That's expecting too much. If we had other good politicians but we didn't at that time. How did the country come to this? The US population is over 300 million and there is no talent to set the country in the right course. There got to be one. But before we blame other people, let's think that the change we want need to start within ourselves. You can't expect any change when we stay the same and expect others to change. That's the problem with these two political parties.

I thought about heading this: "Obama Is Toast", but you never know.

How is he going to manufacture new jobs when consumers have cut spending, manufacturers have adjusted to lower levels of employees, and Republicans are out to stop him at any cost to the nation?

Our president has been outmaneuvered by the Republicans to his great embarrassment. He looks like a junior president, and the nation has picked up on it. Sure enough, he gives a great speech, but what can he say next week that will make a difference? Not much, in my opinion.


If I had wanted a Republican in office, I would have voted for McCain. He may be a nice guy, but he is not presidential material.

He seems weak and caves into the Republicans at every turn.

I wish him luck on his election as he is going to need it. If the Republicans are smart, they will nominate someone that will get the support of a few democrats. It will be interesting to see if they nominate someone with intelligence or one of those loonies who are running now.


A poster on another site, BgMstr4U, posted this link to an article claiming that Rick Perry is likely to be the GOP nominee:

BgMstr's Link

Interesting article. Perry is one that would make me vote for Obama. Truthfully, I can't imagine not voting Democratic but I like to think I'd keep an open mind.

Perry is an idiot who believes his prayers to God will bring rain to Texas. Just want we need in the oval office.

Guest hitoallusa

A part from his political view, I find Rick attractive though. Anyways, it will be interesting to see several TV debates between Rick and Romney. As long as Rick can pull them off well then I think he will win the nomination.

Guest DarnTop82

I thought about heading this: "Obama Is Toast", but you never know.

How is he going to manufacture new jobs when consumers have cut spending, manufacturers have adjusted to lower levels of employees, and Republicans are out to stop him at any cost to the nation?

Our president has been outmaneuvered by the Republicans to his great embarrassment. He looks like a junior president, and the nation has picked up on it. Sure enough, he gives a great speech, but what can he say next week that will make a difference? Not much, in my opinion.

I guess outspending Bush 2 to 1 in HALF the time is good, when it's Obama doing it.

I guess running business into the ground and sending companies running overseas is good, when its Obama doing it.

I guess conducting wars is good, when its Obama doing it.

Obama has done just about everything Bush did, and in many cases doing it MORE, yet no one says anything.

Obama could shit in a cup and people would worship it.

No, Obama's the community organizer's time in teh White House is over. Thank god.

Now, we just have to keep the likes of Romney, Palin and Bachmann out. Thanks.

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Does your post mean that you think it is Perry or no one? Just curious.

Best regards,


Guest DarnTop82

Does your post mean that you think it is Perry or no one? Just curious.

Best regards,


I don't particularly like Perry either. Religion is good, but I refuse to vote for someone who I have the slightest fear of them pushing their version of religion on the country.

At the end of the day, a steaming pile of crap dripping down a freshly fcked asshole would be better than what we have right now.

If only Ron Paul could stop acting like a crazy fool with his foreign policy idea's.

Look into Herman Cain, he is an amazing black guy, but you don't hear about him cause the media refuses to admit that there are black people out there that don't toe the liberal, handout, plantation style politics that they provide.

Guest epigonos

Regardless of what one thinks of George Bush, he DID go to Yale (let's not get into a discussion of how he got in). Rick Perry went to Texas A. & M. and didn’t do all that well academically while there. In Texas the A & M Aggies are the brunt of multitudinous jokes. The jokes are in the vein of the old Polish jokes. To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield the Aggies get no respect. They are characterized as country bumpkins and buffoons. As far as I’m concerned bumpkin and buffoon are great words with which to describe Rick Perry.

If the Republicans want to capture the Presidency in 2012 the last thing in the world they need to do is get hung up on the damn right wing social issues again. Those very issues killed them politically until 2010 when they managed to shut up regarding religion, abortion, and gay marriage. The Obama people are probably on their knees praying that the Republicans nominate Perry so he can resurrect these stupid issues all over again. Rick Perry is the ideal candidate of the religious right which glories in pyrrhic victories.

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So, does that make you a Romney man? Just asking.

Best regards,


Personally, I am very tempted at this point.

Guest epigonos

RA1 when I look carefully at the "current" roster of Republican Presidential candidates YES I am a Romney man. Initially I was a Mitch Daniels fan. Nearly all of the current morons running for the Republican nomination simply are NOT electable. I will only support a candidate who, I believe, can defeat Obama in the 2012 general election.

Guest hitoallusa

I believe Republicans lost because of the bad economy in 2008. I think Romney will be able to win the nomination in the end if Rick Perry fails to exude confidence and get rid of his apparent nervousness. If the economy gets worse then Romney will easily win in 2012 despite of whatever right wing social agendas he has.

Guest DarnTop82

RA1 when I look carefully at the "current" roster of Republican Presidential candidates YES I am a Romney man. Initially I was a Mitch Daniels fan. Nearly all of the current morons running for the Republican nomination simply are NOT electable. I will only support a candidate who, I believe, can defeat Obama in the 2012 general election.

in all fairness, a cockroach could run for office and beat Obama. This guy is a tool. Even New York is waking up to the liberal poison.

Guest hitoallusa

In fairness, the housing bubble Engine that had fueled the economy suddenly stopped. Lesser demand and growth equal lesser jobs. Amazing thing is our society is dynamic and organic that it will be able to adjust itself to get out of this mess. It just takes time. In my opinion, I don't think we can't blame Obama for what's going on. He and his team of experts are doing their best. Let's give time. No plan can be perfect because we have to look at the long term effects too. Something that can be helpful in the short term can be disastrous in the long run. You have to always balance things and it's not easy to do that. I admire Obama for stepping up and doing his best. I do have to admit that he lacks experience and there is nothing we can do about it. People wanted change and they elected him. I believe Obama loves this country any less than we do. I hope he learned something from his two and a half years in the Oval office and use that experience to finish his term well. We have to find something that can replace the broken housing bubble engine and the economy somehow find its way to adjust itself. I think our economy as a living form. It senses changes and reacts to them.

in all fairness, a cockroach could run for office and beat Obama. This guy is a tool. Even New York is waking up to the liberal poison.

Guest epigonos

Anybody who sincerely believes that Barak Obama does not love this country is a FOOL and I don't have the time or the interest to address fool's statements. With that stated I do believe he has been a disaster as President. While the economy burned he fiddled with Obama care, etc.

The one thing, I’m afraid, we must all concede is that in the era of a global economy U.S. labor costs make American manufactured products prohibitively expensive in the world market. I have said for years that as the standard of living in, places like, China, India, and Indonesia increases the standard of living in the U.S. will decrease. Look at the price of meat in the U.S. Over the last year meat prices have increased dramatically and at the same time the export of meat to China has increased dramatically. Over the last few years the price of grains and grain products in the U.S. has increased dramatically. Huge amounts of soy beans and other grains are being exported to China.

It is an interesting historical fact that during the first half of the 19th century the United States was a major exporter of agricultural products and a major importer of manufactured products. Beginning in the second half of the 19th century and during nearly all of the 20th century the United States became a major exporter of both agricultural and manufactured products. Now in the early 20th century the U.S. has returned to being a major exporter of agriculture products and a major importer of manufactured good. Traditionally those nations that have been major agricultural product producers have had a lower standard of living than those nations that have been major manufactured product producers.

I shudder to think what the economic future of the United States will be. Frankly I don’t see either Democrats or Republicans addressing the issue let alone offering any solutions.

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A gay man endorsing a Mormon for president, a Mormon who is also a very conservative Republican and has shown no interest in civil liberties for gays or any other group, except perhaps Mormons. Who says we are not self-destructive?

What has he done to make an income lately, Epigonos?

Guest epigonos

More than Barak Obama has every done Lucky!!!!! The only employment our President has ever had is for non-profits, universities and state and federal governments. When has he ever worked for a company that earned a dollar? He has only worked for agencies than spend other peoples money.

Guest hitoallusa

Epigonos, the US has been through much worse time than now. I don't understand why some people have this need blame one person or a certain group of people for the current crisis. That kind of mind set doesn't help at all, IMO. The term Obama Care is not a fair and objective term either. People come up with this kind of term because they want to blame a person or a group people. I really don't understand that since there are many players-stake holders, interests, republicans and democrats- who contributed to the health care bill. Why do we have this tendency to over simplify things to blame on someone?

Guest epigonos

Hitoallusa I do not essentially disagree with your point. The political truth is, however, that whoever sits in the office behind the door that has President written on it is going to get the credit or the blame for what happens in the economy. That is especially true if the occupant of the Oval Office has been there for more than two year.

Now if one is truly looking to place blame/responsibility on anyone or any groups for our current economic mess one must broaden ones vision. Blame/responsibility could easily be placed on all Presidents and Congresses since the time of Ronald Reagan. In the end even that wouldn’t be fair. True blame/responsibility must be placed squarely on the back of the American public. As long as the major concern of the American public is for the lowest price possible on everything they buy, manufacturing job are going to continue to flee the U.S. When Sam Walton opened Wal-Mart his major advertising slogan was that everything sold in Wal-Mart was made in the United States. Today one is lucky to find anything sold in Wal-Mart manufactured in the United States. Is that Wal-Mart’s fault, not really? As long the public demands cheap Wal-Mart is going to buy in the cheapest market it can find and that market is NOT in the U.S.

So in the end if one wants to blame somebody or something for our rotten economy and unemployment I guess they are going to have to blame the American buying public and the globalization of our national economy.

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More than Barak Obama has every done Lucky!!!!! The only employment our President has ever had is for non-profits, universities and state and federal governments. When has he ever worked for a company that earned a dollar? He has only worked for agencies than spend other peoples money.

Romney is no doubt the candidate of the hedge funds. This article from his fellow residents of Massachusetts helps understand his positions:


So, why Mr. Epigonos do you want to criticize a man who devoted his career to public service? Is that no longer an admirable way to make a living? I'll bet a lot of high school teachers would disagree with you.

Guest DarnTop82

Epigonos, the US has been through much worse time than now. I don't understand why some people have this need blame one person or a certain group of people for the current crisis. That kind of mind set doesn't help at all, IMO. The term Obama Care is not a fair and objective term either. People come up with this kind of term because they want to blame a person or a group people. I really don't understand that since there are many players-stake holders, interests, republicans and democrats- who contributed to the health care bill. Why do we have this tendency to over simplify things to blame on someone?

Oh, like "george bush hates white people"

and how everytime someone says something about Obama, the first thing is "you are racist" or "Bush was worse"


Guest DarnTop82

Romney is no doubt the candidate of the hedge funds. This article from his fellow residents of Massachusetts helps understand his positions:


So, why Mr. Epigonos do you want to criticize a man who devoted his career to public service? Is that no longer an admirable way to make a living? I'll bet a lot of high school teachers would disagree with you.

Wait, did you just compare what a school teacher does to Obama's "Community Organizing"?

Are you kidding? Sadly, you are not.

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