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First Gay Civil Union in Rio de Janeiro

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A Rio de Janeiro registry office in Estacio has performed the first gay civil wedding here yesterday, Wednesday 24 August. The headline in O DIA was "And the Justice said "I declare you Husband and Husband"" Estacio happens to be very close to the Prefeitura/City Hall. Just past Central do Brasil, the Sambodromo and Praca Onze.

Rio - A história de amor entre Cláudio Nascimento Silva e João Batista Pereira da Silva ganhou nesta quarta-feira o selo da Justiça. Em uma cerimônia simples no cartório da 7ª Circunscrição, no Estácio, eles se tornaram o primeiro casal gay do estado do Rio e o terceiro do Brasil com direito à certidão de casamento.

A history of love between Clausio Nascimento Silva and Joao Batista Pereira da Silva won this Wednesday the stamp of justice. In a simple ceremony in the Estacio 7th registry, they were the first gay couple in the state of Rio and the third in Brasil with the right for the certificate of marriage.

A troca de alianças chamou a atenção de testemunhas e convidados — cerca de 150. Em vez de um anel para simbolizar a união, o casal optou por duas. “Uma delas é de ouro e a outra de tucum (tipo de madeira), que representa os direitos humanos”, explicou o cabo reformado da Marinha e assistente social, João da Silva, 40 anos. Já o superintendente de Direitos Individuais, Coletivos e Difusos da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos do estado, Cláudio Nascimento da Silva (ele incluiu o ‘da’ no nome de casado) garantiu que está nos planos a adoção de uma criança. “É preciso planejamento financeiro e controle emocional porque criança exige cuidado, mas queremos”, contou.

An exchange of rings called the attention of the witnesses and guests, close to 150. Instead of one ring to symbolize the union, the coupe opted for two. One was gold and the other of tucum wood, that represents human rights, explained the retired captain of the navy, Joao da Silva, 40. Already a superintendent of Individual Rights in the State Secretariat of Human Rights, Claudio Nascimento da Silva(he included the "da" in his married name)assured that it is in their plans to adopt a child. "A financial plan and emotional control are needed because a child requires care, but we want this, he said."

Com mais de mil cerimônias matrimoniais no currículo, o juiz de paz Leandro de Oliveira Rodrigues disse que encarou o primeiro realizado para unir um casal gay com orgulhou. “É um marco para a sociedade carioca. São cônjuges e têm direitos iguais a qualquer casal”, explicou Leandro. Com três recepcionistas drag queens na porta, a festa foi realizada em restaurante ao lado do cartório.

With more than a thousand marriage ceremonies performed, the justice of the peace Leandro de Oliveira Rodrigues said that he faced the first gay marriage with pride. "It is a mark for Carioca society" They are spouses and have equal rights of whichever couple, explained Leandro. With three drag queen greeters in the doorway, the party was celebrated in the restaurant on the side of the registry office.

O casal, em união estável desde setembro, pediu a conversão para casamento civil em 1º de julho. Dia 15 de agosto o juiz da Vara de Registros Públicos, Fernando Cesar Ferreira Viana, deu sentença favorável a Cláudio e João, mas a notícia só chegou na sexta passada. Ontem, entre as 6 testemunhas do casamento, estavam o secretário estadual do Ambiente, Carlos Minc, e o desembargador Siro Darlan.

The pair, in a civil union since September, requested the change to a civil marriage on July 1st. On the 15th of August, Justice Fernando Cesar Ferreira Viana, on the Public Registry Staff, Gave a favorable ruling to the happy couple, but the news only arrived the Friday before. Yesterday, between the six wedding witnesses, there were the State Secretary for the Environment, Carlos Minc and judge Siro Darlan.

“Com esse manto de legalidade, eles dão um tapa de cidadania no ódio homofóbico. Depois que o Supremo Tribunal Federal reconheceu a união civil, agora juízes e cartórios a transformam em casamento”, resumiu Minc. “O Brasil precisa ser uma república inclusiva, que respeita a dignidade do ser humano”, concluiu Darlan.

"With this cloak of legality, they gave a slap of civility to the hate of homophobia. After the Federal Supreme Court recognized the Civil Union, now justices and registries are transforming marriage" summed up Minc. "Brasil needs to be an inclusive republic, that respects the dignity of humanity" concluded Judge Darlan.


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Sorry I goofed on the title. This is actually the first gay marriage in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

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Wonderful story. Thank you!

Especially liked this part:

the justice of the peace Leandro de Oliveira Rodrigues said that he faced the first gay marriage with pride. "It is a mark for Carioca society" They are spouses and have equal rights of whichever couple, explained Leandro. With three drag queen greeters in the doorway, the party was celebrated in the restaurant on the side of the registry office.

I was wondering all the way through if you had done the translation. It must be wonderful to speak a second language so well. thumbsup.png Thanks again for sharing it!

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