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INDIANA State GOP Rep Busted In Craigslist Gay Hooker Scandal

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Guest hitoallusa

Unfortunately, some escorts are not discreet. Not only they share info among themselves but with other clients. Of course most escorts who are discreet and I respect them. Most escorts need to be discreet otherwise they will lose their clients.

An escort's job is to be discreet. That is important no matter who the client in. IMHO


I didn't have any support and I didn't have a lot of friends. I was not masculine enough to have male friends. I played with my sister's barbie doll and played at tea parties with other girls while other boys played outside. Since I can't have a normal friendship with guys I got close to because I was attracted to them I just isolated myself from others and excelled in other areas. A few gays I got to know were not a very good people when I was young and their life didn't ended well. So I stayed in the closet for a long time. I wish I had some kind of support from other people. All they wanted was sex and that was it. Why they were like that I don't know. I sometimes feel guilty when gay teenagers kill themselves. People blame it on homophobes but when I was a teenager I only wished there had been even one gay man who would have looked out for my interests. None of them did. I thought about committing a suicide many times when young. We need love in this community.

Are you sure that you and I didn't grow up in different dimensions? ^_^ LOL

Much of what you said was so familiar to me as well. Sad, but I think that was what things were like growing up years ago! I hope things are different today for young people.

Guest hitoallusa

And to older gay people too. Like this senator. I would be him too if I hadn't stopped myself just in time. We all have a past. It's not too late. If someone can change his mind right before he dies it might be too late for others but for him I think he will be able to free himself. I hope that senator can do that.

I hope things are different today for young people.

Guest gcursor


Oz ran an escort agency! This explains so much now!


p.s. actually i had the chance to get in on the ground floor of an agency once who was gonna be owned by a friend of mine and his bf (an escort I used to see). however i didn't move in with them because I thought that more often than not, I would be sent to my bedroom while they auditioned the models. I did pay 6 months of rent though even though I didn't move in with them.

p.p.s. So is it true Oz? Is there a casting couch? They used to tell me some of the auditions they had for some of their newer models.

I have little sympathy for those that are closeted but preach something different and this includes politicians and clergy. At the same time, I remember being in the closet and avoiding contact with anything gay as to not give myself away. It is such a hard thing to do (coming out) and I would never out someone. I was so terrified that I did some really crazy things. Some I regret. I grew, I learned and I moved on with my life. I was lucky to have people that were supportive around me. Not everyone is so lucky.

When I ran an escort service in NYC, the biggest weekend ever was when the Republican Convention was in Philly. There were many speakers who talked about homosexuals in a very negative light and the boys and I watched the speeches and laughed. I remember one boy in particular who had just fucked a man in Philly for the night and he was a major part of the convention. The man booked 2 other escorts for overnights that week. They were such hypocrites. Some have since been outted and some have come out. But, it was not up to me or the boys to do that.

An escort's job is to be discreet. That is important no matter who the client in. IMHO

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"A few gays I got to know were not a very good people when I was young and their life didn't ended well."

You didn't kill them, did you?

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Oz ran an escort agency! This explains so much now!

It was a DAMN good one too!

BTW... in regards to the main flow of the discussion on this topic... I agree with these sentiments:

1) An escort's first loyalty should be to discretion, not political bent (even though I admit to enjoying it when someone like this client "get's his")

2) I draw a distinction between someone in the closet and someone in the closet actively pursuing homophobic agendas for whatever misguided notions are swimming around in his head. To me, being in the closet is a tough and difficult choice, and spending your life working to destroy those who are like you is an evil personality flaw... and I generally don't like those filled with malice.

So specific actions items for this case (lol) are:

1) Never hire that kid from CL no matter how cute he is because he violated the #1 rule of escorting.

2) Feel absolutely no pity for our friendly State Legislator (in fact even enjoy it a little as he's both stupid and despicable) and leave the olive branch offering to others.

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He did not violate the number one rule of escorting. If in fact he felt trapped and had to call his sister for help, then he openly did what was right to protect himself. If Mr, Legislator got outed as a result of imprisoning the kid, well tough tododoo.

If, as I said above, he had just gone through with his agreement and had sex, then we would not be reading about him now. But he had to brag that he was a bigshot so this young kid would be impressed and overlook his physical decline. You may be young and handsome, but hey, I am a somebody and you're not!

(Beyond that, Mr. Legislator is a creep. He wants sex for $80, and then suggests it could be extended into an overnight, with no increase in pay!)

Guest hitoallusa

Well I have to show my objection to your speculation ^_^ We don't know what went through his mind at that time. Let's not speculate. He may not be so bad a person as you might think.

He did not violate the number one rule of escorting. If in fact he felt trapped and had to call his sister for help, then he openly did what was right to protect himself. If Mr, Legislator got outed as a result of imprisoning the kid, well tough tododoo.

If, as I said above, he had just gone through with his agreement and had sex, then we would not be reading about him now. But he had to brag that he was a bigshot so this young kid would be impressed and overlook his physical decline. You may be young and handsome, but hey, I am a somebody and you're not!

(Beyond that, Mr. Legislator is a creep. He wants sex for $80, and then suggests it could be extended into an overnight, with no increase in pay!)

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Well I have to show my objection to your speculation ^_^ We don't know what went through his mind at that time. Let's not speculate. He may not be so bad a person as you might think.

Your attitude is rather obnoxious. You seem to think that even the most evil people are to be thought kindly of no matter the harm they do. Perhaps you should focus on the pain they cause their victims and have some sympathy for them. As it is, you seem to be on the side of the devil, trying to minimize the dangers of evil and encourage more of it.

Guest hitoallusa

Well sorry for being obnoxious. I didn't mean to offend you at all. The harm is already done and there is nothing we can do about it. At least we can do is help this guy. I am not saying what he did is right. I have seen many people, including myself make terrible mistakes. There is nothing we can do with what has been done but we can at least show compassion to this guy so he can start a new life. I hope you can see my point.

Your attitude is rather obnoxious. You seem to think that even the most evil people are to be thought kindly of no matter the harm they do. Perhaps you should focus on the pain they cause their victims and have some sympathy for them. As it is, you seem to be on the side of the devil, trying to minimize evil and encourage more of it.

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I suspect Hito feels a certain empathy for a man who finds himself suddenly turned on and savaged by everyone he knows. Not unlike the nightmare haunting most closeted people isn't it? It certainly was my personal nightmare before I came out.

:flowers: I'm not fussing at you, Lucky, just trying to say that people tend to read stories like this as a Rorschach blot...different folks fasten on different aspects. Things aren't always so entirely black and white as those knuckle rapping nuns of your youth wanted you to believe. :P

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Hitoseems to have no ability to discriminate between good and evil and his constant defense of the those who oppress gays is just nauseating.

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Yes, he did.

What a strange board this is becoming wherein the anti-gay right wing legislator gets more support than the young kid who finds himself in a situation he cannot handle because that very same legislator cannot maintain his values and feels it necessary to imprison a kid against his will.


What a strange board this is becoming wherein the anti-gay right wing legislator gets more support than the young kid who finds himself in a situation he cannot handle because that very same legislator cannot maintain his values and feels it necessary to imprison a kid against his will.

I think this is not an accurate portrait. One poster has suggested some sympathy for the guy without saying anything about whether he'd wronged the kid. The rest of us just hammered him.

I can see that these damaged souls like Larry Craig deserve some sympathy in an abstract way. It was a homophobic society that created these monsters and they're just trying to live in that world. But whether you have sympathy for a rabid animal or not, you still shoot it.


What a strange board this is becoming wherein the anti-gay right wing legislator gets more support than the young kid who finds himself in a situation he cannot handle because that very same legislator cannot maintain his values and feels it necessary to imprison a kid against his will.

I have to agree with Lucky on this one. This kid was held against his will forcing him to call his sister for help and then the entire family tried to bribe him. I have no sympathy for this politician or his family who is clearly complicit in trying to cover this up and based on the story that I heard today on the news there is a history of their doing this in the past.

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I have to agree with Lucky on this one. This kid was held against his will forcing him to call his sister for help and then the entire family tried to bribe him. I have no sympathy for this politician or his family who is clearly complicit in trying to cover this up and based on the story that I heard today on the news there is a history of their doing this in the past.

If it comes to be fact that the kid was held against his will, then I agree there was little recourse to call for help and thereby out this person. On the other hand, it's hard to imagine an 18 yo can be held against his will by a 65 yo, and that this situation can then be rectified by calling for reinforcements with your sister who arrives later when much time has passed and you are not harmed to bail you out. So I took this as a he said, he said situation... and sorry if I didn't factor it in as fact.

There really are only a couple of facts that are incontrovertible in this situation:

1) The escort outed the client

2) The client is a state legislator with an anti gay agenda, and his family got involved to try to silence the problem.

Given that these are the only 2 points of fact that I can discern, I stand by my feelings:

1) The escort violated the #1 rule of escorting and i would never hire him no matter how cute

2) The client is a creep, hypocrite, and malicious prick and I am happy he's getting his, and he is completely different than someone who is simply choosing to live in the closet.

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Why is this young kid in Indiana who advertised on Craigslist being held to the same standards of escorting as a Benjamin Nicholas would be? Did he take a class or get a certificate that told him all of these rules we are now talking about?

As far as he knew, he was with a cop- a "lawmaker." Not good from his point of view. But rather than let him back out, the old fart held him against his will and exposed himself to him. He did not out the guy, the guy outed himself the minute he pulled the legislative ID. What a dumb move on his part. A move that has him in the news instead of remembering fondly a blow job in a Marriott hotel!

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What a strange board this is becoming wherein the anti-gay right wing legislator gets more support than the young kid who finds himself in a situation he cannot handle because that very same legislator cannot maintain his values and feels it necessary to imprison a kid against his will.

Well the conversation has been rather interesting to follow, as I had hoped it would be when I added my original comment.

But I would like to note; the 18 year old novice escort DID NOT say he was held against his will. The legislator (John) had picked the kid up at his house, when the kid got cold feet he said John refused to give the kid a ride back to his house, grabbed the kid's butt and then moved away from the kid and dropped his towel. Mr Novice Escort stated he didn't know what to do, had no way home, "excused" himself to the bathroom and called his sister. Instead he should have walked out of the hotel room. It is obvious this was the kid's first time escorting and he found himself in over his head. Dear sister, thinks the legislator is a "Gay Creep", HER WORDS. I think she is a homophobe (of course that is just my opinion of her). I can see it now, " you creepy gay old man trying to take advantage of my poor innocent young brother.

It is intersting that people seem to read what they want to into this situation based upon what THEY want to think. So defend the homophobe sister or defend the "Gay Creep" legislator (again sister's words), or defend the novice Craiglist escort that only charges $80 dollars in the Indianapolis market (actually $80-$100 would be somewhat normal there for CL, I've known strippers from the strip club there to charge $75 - $100) that gets cold feet and helps to out his John at the urging of pissed off sister. How many CL escort's family members would think anyone who hires is a Gay Creep? Alot I would think, and BTW, I had spent alot of time in Indy the last 10-15 years.

I've seen some CL escorts charge less and seen people here brag about the great experience they have had from CL for little money so I don't understand why that is an issue here.

One thing I do agree with Lucky about, was the Legislator trying to impress the kid by telling him too much about himself. I think alot of clients do that though, so another reason for escort's to follow the Number 1 rule of privacy. I think well over half the escort's I ever saw asked me what I did for a living. I usually gave some sort of a generic answer unless I got to know them better later.

Maybe this whole situation is a lesson to steer clear of Craiglist for an escort.

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Why is this young kid in Indiana who advertised on Craigslist being held to the same standards of escorting as a Benjamin Nicholas would be? Did he take a class or get a certificate that told him all of these rules we are now talking about?

No he didn't. And quite simply that's the reason I state in my position that I would never hire him.

I also would never flash my ID when things were going poorly with a Craigslist companion... and hence I also state quite clearly in my position that the guy is stupid (my first post) in addition to being a creep, and that I have no pity for him at all.

Pretty straightforward... i don't like either of them (unless the kid truly was in extremus)... the kid as an escort or the legislator as a human being.


So today in the news it appears the 18 year old kid only asked for a sugar daddy in his personal ad. However, the emails going back and forth talked about money for the evening. But the kid today said (probably to avoid any legal trouble) that his request for a sugar daddy was only a joke posting between him and his sister and when he got a response he decided to see what it was like having "never" done it before. Of course we can only take him at his word knowing that he is trying to avoid any legal recourse in Indiana.

If you get Michaelangelo Signorile's SiriusOutQ radio show he has talked about it every day and he is clear that the community should support what the young man did in outing this guy with all the information because of all the harm that this lawmaker has and could do. The Republicans are of course crying for this guy to resign. But apparently due to redistricting it is unlikely that he would get re-elected anyway and if he doesn't retire or resign he gets his full pension. . .

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So today in the news it appears the 18 year old kid only asked for a sugar daddy in his personal ad. However, the emails going back and forth talked about money for the evening. But the kid today said (probably to avoid any legal trouble) that his request for a sugar daddy was only a joke posting between him and his sister and when he got a response he decided to see what it was like having "never" done it before. Of course we can only take him at his word knowing that he is trying to avoid any legal recourse in Indiana.

Well the lastest I hear is that the Escort and Sister may also be trying to avoid an extortion charge for trying to "shake down the legislator" and there is a question as to whether the items the escort and his sister got from the legislator was given to them willfully. Especially the legislator's Blackberry with all the info and contacts it contained and knowing that any call made to the legislator would be answered by this escort or sister. The legislator's attorney is dealing with how to proceed. The issue maybe at this point is how far the legislator wants to push charges and keep this situation in the public eye longer and any more damage it will do to his family. It is noted that the legislator never denied meeting up with the escort, the issue seems to be a possible shakedown and extortion.

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"One thing I do agree with Lucky about, was the Legislator trying to impress the kid by telling him too much about himself."

I always like it when we can agree!

Then, of course, to hear the young man say: ""I didn't want anything out of it. When I saw him, he was an older gentleman that was really old and I didn't want anything to do with that," Gibson told Eyewitness News."

I didn't realize that Gibson is black until I saw the interview. A tiny bit of added interest in conservative Indiana. The anti-gay lawmaker goes for black teen boys...hmmm?

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My take on this whole episode is consistent with MarcAnthony's and KYTOP's and that informed my comments early on. I stand by them.

I would also like to reject the zero sum attitude expressed or implied in some posts that if you find fault with the escort then you actively support or passively lend support to or otherwise excuse the legislator. That position is simply bogus and totally without merit, and lends no support to any arguments advanced in this thread, IMO.

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I would also like to reject the zero sum attitude expressed or implied in some posts that if you find fault with the escort then you actively support or passively lend support to or otherwise excuse the legislator. That position is simply bogus and totally without merit, and lends no support to any arguments advanced in this thread.

Definitely! They could definitely both be people you could do without in your life and I am pretty certain that I feel that way about this dynamic duo.

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