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INDIANA State GOP Rep Busted In Craigslist Gay Hooker Scandal

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I've got a better story than that, but I figured why hurt a fellow gay guy who was just trying to have fun. He (this other guy of whom I am speaking) shouldn't have bragged about his position though. Otherwise I would never have known who he is. I think if a gay guy (or girl) gets himself elected to office, he then has a new responsibility not to injure the community. But in this case, if I just kept my mouth shut, no harm, no foul. This time. The next guy might not be so nice.

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Article here: http://joemygod.blogspot.com/2011/08/indiana-state-gop-rep-busted-in.html

Not surprised. These stories crack me up. They keep coming. . .

Here's the link to the actual story and not a bloggers gossip story:


So is it ok for an escort to out his client because he does not agree with someone's politics?

I hate hyprocisy but still value the honor of privacy that one expects from an escort. I think there is a huge list of people that would have some problems if they were outed by their escort.

In this case it appears the sister of the young amateur craigslist escort is the reason for the state legislator being outed.


In listening to this story on Michaelangelo Signorile's radio show today, I agree with Signorile when he says that people like this should be exposed in anyway possible. In this case, the GOPer told this young kid that he was a state legislator as an intimidation ploy and that made him uncomfortable and he called his sister. When the family starts trying to buy them off aggressively I think that they decided that exposing this person was in the public's better interest than taking the money. When politicians like Hinkle take so many anti-gay public positions they should be exposed. I'm grateful to this young man and his sister for exposing him.

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When politicians like Hinkle take so many anti-gay public positions they should be exposed. I'm grateful to this young man and his sister for exposing him.

One of my favorite escorts was located in Nashville, Tn. Nashville is known to have many annual Religious and Gospel Singing Meetings/Conventions. He always told me his busiest times were when a religious convention, meeting, or singing event was in town. That was when he made the most money from escorting, which was his side job. Now should he have outed the pastors and clergy of major churches, singers from major gospel groups, or politicians that were there seeking the religious vote?

He felt to be a good escort, privacy was the #1 rule, regardless of what he thought about their personal lives and they paid him well. He also felt he would be a hypocrite since he was protecting his secret life (escorting) from his family and other employer. I've known several teachers over the years that escorted to pay student loans. These guys were what I considered to be good people, enjoyed talking about their teaching and classes, they trusted me. Was it ok for someone to out their secret side profession because they worked with kids? 2 of them I know of, were outed and ended up losing their teaching jobs.

So where does one draw the line in privacy and escorting?

Is it ok to out the politician but not the clergy? Is it ok to out the politician but not the teacher that escorts on the side?

Protecting privacy IS the NUMBER 1 rule of escorting!

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KY Top, you're missing a major point. The man is a politician who is actively pursuing an anti Gay agenda and actually proposing anti Gay legislation. This places him in a different category from a preacher or gospel singer who is just a hypocrite or has a different set of beliefs. These are easily distinguishable.


KY Top, you're missing a major point. The man is a politician who is actively pursuing an anti Gay agenda and actually proposing anti Gay legislation. This places him in a different category from a preacher or gospel singer who is just a hypocrite or has a different set of beliefs. These are easily distinguishable.

I completely agree.


KY Top, you're missing a major point. The man is a politician who is actively pursuing an anti Gay agenda and actually proposing anti Gay legislation. This places him in a different category from a preacher or gospel singer who is just a hypocrite or has a different set of beliefs. These are easily distinguishable.

I think there are two separate wrongs here.

Breaching privacy, and the evil that these closeted parasites do to our community while enjoying their benefits.

I don't think negating the one (parasite) excuses the other (breaching privacy), but I think anybody who calls an escort and presumes that they won't out you is remarkably naive and probably shouldn't have called them in the first place.

I expect discretion from those I hire, but I have mentally prepared myself for the alternative. Fortunately for me, if any of them tried to out me to my wife, she'd laugh and say, "Why do you think I married him? Isn't he fabulous?"

(Ok, maybe she wouldn't be so witty, but that's about the answer they'd get.)

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KY Top, you're missing a major point. The man is a politician who is actively pursuing an anti Gay agenda and actually proposing anti Gay legislation. This places him in a different category from a preacher or gospel singer who is just a hypocrite or has a different set of beliefs. These are easily distinguishable.

No, I completely understand your and EXPAT's point. I asked "where do you draw the line for privacy in escorting?"

You are saying if you are a politician that has voted "against" anything remotely part of a pro-gay agenda then you should be outed by your escort. That's where you would draw the line.

But what if your escort decides the line should be drawn somewhere else. Like teacher, clergy, major CEO, Hollywood actor, celebrity, married family man, etc...?

But I linked the original article for a reason. Read it again. The novice craiglist escort and sister DID NOT out him because of his political agenda. He was outed because he was a "creep" and because of his stature in the community and immediately told his wife the guy was GAY. Their words.

The sister thinks he is a creep because he is GAY and lying to his family and because he tried to get novice escort brother to complete his escort agreement when the kid got cold feet. Refusing to give the kid a ride back to his home. Novice escort Kid panicked, went to bathroom and called sister to rescue him from this Gay Creep. Sister charges in to rescue novice escort and is pissed at the Gay Creep for trying to take advantage of her novice escort brother.

I think this would have happened if the John had been anyone considered of "Stature" by the sister. If the guy had said I am a teacher, principal, Priest, Government Cabinet member, etc... , I think they would have had the same outcome with this kid and his sister, even if they had been a Liberal Democrat.

It is also my understanding that this poltician's main claim to fame is that he sponsored Indiana's "In God We Trust" optional license plate. His anti-gay agenda mainly involved opposing Gay Marriage (as does our President and the majority of Democrat legislators in Indiana).

So what I wonder is... What if this Novice craiglist escort had been your escort and you shared too much info with him?

Just adding some facts from the situation and asking a few questions for discussion here. Giving everyone a chance for some discussion and lively debate.

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I think Mr. Hinkle got himself outed for sheer stupidity. Why would he feel the need to show the kid his legislative ID? It scared the kid, and then apparently the stupid legislator decided a little false imprisonment was okay. Had he just had sex and sent the kid on his way, no one would be talking about him today.

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If you're going to be a hypocrite, I think you should at least be a sneaky, lying hypocrite. Brutally honest hypocrites don't usually have a very long shelf life.

What I share with an escort depends on the escort. If it's a one-off with no personal connection, I just smile a lot and say "Thank You!" every once in a while. If I like the guy and feel connected over a period of time, my life is pretty much an open book, short of the recipe for my Special Brownies. rolleyes.gif

As far as whether or not an escort should be discreet, I think that's up to each escort. If I personally were an escort, I'd be as discrete as I could possibly be. That would just be part of the package of services. I wouldn't cover up a serious crime though. Or violence. I'd sing like a canary.


This Hinkle guy sounds like he became abusive, which borders on violence, so I won't second-guess the actions of the escort and his sister in blowing the whistle. They should never have been put in that position.

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Discretion goes with the profession. Unless the client commits an abusive act on the escort or another person, or credibly threatens abuse of the escort or others. For some individuals this can be hard to stomach. Discretion sometimes can be a burden to uphold as doctors and lawyers can tell you.

The escort should decide whether the profession is right for him (there is more to it that the money) or whether a particular client is right for him. Nothing wrong with writing off a client for personal or professional reasons.

Discretion should NOT be a personal choice of an escort on a case-by-case or escort-by-escort basis even though it sometimes is. It should not depend on whether he approves of the client's politics or faith or business practices. Sometimes it is hard to live with the professional responsibily of an escort but that is one aspect that makes a pro a pro, and makes the business work rationally and with confidence.

There is a reason for this 'code'. If discretion is violated for one client then what can the next client expect? What sensitivies of the escort might that next client violate to give offense. Poor client behavior alone should not be enough. Threatening behavior should be the threshold. Not because the client deserves it but because the escort needs to have credibility with other cients that the escort is trustworthy.

How many would hire this escort if they knew of this episode prior to meeting? Not many I suspect, even though they have no sympathy for the client in this case.

I hate hyprocracy and mendacity as much as anyone, especially in politicians. I would like to see it exposed at every opportunity. That is my desire as a citizen. I welcome it from appropriate sources. As a client, that desire is trumped by an escort observing an unwavering vow of discretion for my sake. My confidence in that is shaken if I know that the reserves the right to pick and choose holding that discretion.

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I don't disagree with you, TY. In fact, after reading your response, I think I agree more with what you said than what I said. What I was trying to get across is that I think there may be escorts who are not 100% discreet, and they will still get hired. If Ralph Woods ever started escorting, I'd hire him even if he were an outright blabbermouth. I just wouldn't share any personal information.

What would bug me is an escort who presents himself as discrete but really isn't. That would be the same hypocritical behavior we fault Hinkle for, and that would send me packing.

Well, just as soon as my hour was up. rolleyes.gif

Guest hitoallusa

Lookin you are so practical!

and that would send me packing.

Well, just as soon as my hour was up. rolleyes.gif

Guest gcursor

I hate a lot that goes with this that has already been stated before in previous posts. BUT the one thing that I hate also is how STUPID these politicians are! I mean PEOPLE..YOU are the guys that make OUR LAWS! You're probably even a LAWYER! I mean SERIOUSLY are you people too dumb to figure out how to hide your own damned tracks. SURE..send it from your PDA..who's gonna find out? Send a naked pic from your own TWITTER account..nobody will notice! good god...

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When I first glanced through this story at other sites I thought the kid sounded like a hustler milking the situation for all it's worth. The way they ended up with the guy's blackberry, iPad and cash sounded a bit fishy with his sister sounding like his pimp. But KY's take on it is much more charitable; truth is probably somewhere in between.

But as for the politician, FUCK HIM (and not in the way he's looking to pay for!). I agree that a professional escort should have discretion as their #1 quality, but this stupid hypocritical sack of shit is paying some kid on Craigslist $60--because he's cheap too--and bragging that he's somebody. Deserves everything he gets and more!

That this seems to be your average Republican yet we keep losing good Democrats like Spitzer and Wiener for much less criminal or hypocritical stuff (well, OK, I think Spitzer did several prostitution prosecutions) is getting on my nerves!

Guest hitoallusa

Well I don't think we can call this Rep a hypocrite. He can hire guys for sex but he can also be against gay marriage. I don't know what is so wrong with that? Yes we should be upset that he is against gay marriage but we should not label him as a hypocrite in my opinion.

I have seen some democrats want the government to take care of them but don't contribute anything to the society. Some republicans want a small government but they want a strong military and a foreign policy to protect their businesses from foreigners. I don't think none of them are hypocrites. They just think in a way that serves them best and fulfill their interests and desires. I believe moral condemnation is not necessarily here. What this Rep did wrong was he failed to come up with a mutually agreed expectation outlined before hiring this guy. When the agreement couldn't be kept then he should have let this escort go freely. In my opinion he didn't know how to handle himself in this kind of situation and acted poorly. Maybe he has suppressed his desire to be with a man for so long that he was going through a breakdown. Some people do this since they can't cope with their inner struggles and explode unexpectedly and harmfully.

After all whether you accept him or not, he is one of us. We should open our arms to him and help him find his true identity. When other closeted gays see that they will open up themselves too. After all we are also their friends.

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Well I don't think we can call this Rep a hypocrite. He can hire guys for sex but he can also be against gay marriage. I don't know what is so wrong with that? Yes we should be upset that he is against gay marriage but we should not label him as a hypocrite in my opinion. [...]

He's a married man claiming to be trying to protect the 'sanctity' of marriage by voting against our civil rights *while* cruising for hookers on Craigslist, it's pretty much the definition of hypocrite by my understanding, even before you add in that it's male hookers!

As for trying to be all 'big tent' and inclusive... I understand there's fear and stigma and much difficulty accepting being gay, but those that turn into bullies railing against what they themselves are, I see nothing wrong with them not finding acceptance in either group (gays or mundanes). Especially after they've made a career of working against us for power (politicians) or profit (religious types) and only come to us when they finally get caught with their pants literally down.

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I think hitoall finds Hitler to have been just misunderstood. I sure hope that he tells the judge when he is called for jury duty that he cannot sit in judgment on another individual.

Guest hitoallusa

Ricky Martin

"I don't think I should have to tell anyone if I am gay or not, or who I've slept with or not."[30][31] Along with this, Martin reportedly stated in an interview with Plus 7 Days magazine, "If I were gay, why not admit it? I am a normal man. I love women and sex. I am a real hot-blooded Puerto Rican, but I have never been attracted by sex with a man."[32]

Look at all the wonderful things Ricky is doing now. Many gays go through the same thing. Let's give this man a second chance and show acceptance. Maybe he will become a new person. Paul persecuted Christians until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. After that he became a strong defender for Christians. Who knows he will be like Paul?

I think hitoall finds Hitler to have been just misunderstood. I sure hope that he tells the judge when he is called for jury duty that he cannot sit in judgment on another individual.


To be forgiven, you first have to repent.

You don't get to be forgiven for repeatedly knifing the Gay community until you man up and try to undo the damage you did.

Fuck him. And fuck every one of these shits that think they can enjoy the gay life our community built while continuously trying to destroy it.

I'd feel the same way about Ricky Martin IFhe had tried to hurt the community rather than just hide. Most of us are old enough we don't hold the closet against anyone. We all make our choices.

But when your choice includes attacking our community, our community does not need to offer you anything, including discretion.

Guest hitoallusa

Yes I agree. Repentance is important. What I'm saying is giving a chance to repent by reaching out is what we should. Isolating him will do no good. If I knew him personally, I would call him and reach out. I hope someone here who knows him call him or get in touch with him instead of attacking him. Who knows he might change his heart. That is what I am hoping for.

To be forgiven, you first have to repent.

You don't get to be forgiven for repeatedly knifing the Gay community until you man up and try to undo the damage you did.

Fuck him. And fuck every one of these shits that think they can enjoy the gay life our community built while continuously trying to destroy it.

I'd feel the same way about Ricky Martin IFhe had tried to hurt the community rather than just hide. Most of us are old enough we don't hold the closet against anyone. We all make our choices.

But when your choice includes attacking our community, our community does not need to offer you anything, including discretion.


I have little sympathy for those that are closeted but preach something different and this includes politicians and clergy. At the same time, I remember being in the closet and avoiding contact with anything gay as to not give myself away. It is such a hard thing to do (coming out) and I would never out someone. I was so terrified that I did some really crazy things. Some I regret. I grew, I learned and I moved on with my life. I was lucky to have people that were supportive around me. Not everyone is so lucky.

When I ran an escort service in NYC, the biggest weekend ever was when the Republican Convention was in Philly. There were many speakers who talked about homosexuals in a very negative light and the boys and I watched the speeches and laughed. I remember one boy in particular who had just fucked a man in Philly for the night and he was a major part of the convention. The man booked 2 other escorts for overnights that week. They were such hypocrites. Some have since been outted and some have come out. But, it was not up to me or the boys to do that.

An escort's job is to be discreet. That is important no matter who the client in. IMHO

Guest hitoallusa

I didn't have any support and I didn't have a lot of friends. I was not masculine enough to have male friends. I played with my sister's barbie doll and played at tea parties with other girls while other boys played outside. Since I can't have a normal friendship with guys I got close to because I was attracted to them I just isolated myself from others and excelled in other areas. A few gays I got to know were not a very good people when I was young and their life didn't end well. So I stayed in the closet for a long time. I wish I had some kind of support from other people. All they wanted was sex and that was it. Why they were like that I don't know. I sometimes feel guilty when gay teenagers kill themselves. People blame it on homophobes but when I was a teenager I only wished there had been even one gay man who would have looked out for my interests. None of them did. I thought about committing a suicide many times when young. We need love in this community.

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