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Politics Forum Moving into the Hooboy Pub ? A Male Escort Review Question for Members

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Gcursor, given the stock market's reaction to the possible change, you could be right!

Good Lord, down 1200 points in 2 days! :frantics:

TY, Oz, you guys need to make up your mind! There's nothing the markets hate more than uncertainty.

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Townsend, you hardly ever post any more here anyway, so let's be upfront about that. A change as suggested would barely affect you.

What does one thing have to do with the other? The journey from seldom to never is a short one-and one that might be expidited by the sort of change in focus being considered.

My posting habits have NOTHING to do with my browsing habits BTW. And I have a hunch many if not most of the majority of the non posting readers of this site would agree with me regarding keeping the focus of this site on topics that are not being discussed on more general IBBs.

I have no problem having a politics/religion forum on this site. This gives those who wish to discuss such matters a place to do so.It also allows those of us with no interest in these things an easy way to ignore these posts.

NOTHING is taken away from this board as it stands now.Changing this board will not improve it IMO.

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Personally, I want to make as many people happy as possible. For those that want to see an integrated forum, I would like to make them happy. For those who want to keep them segregated, I want to keep them happy and participating.

Also, personally, I like a separate forum so that I do not have to wade through more posts to find the political posts. I do make an effort to read the segregated forum out of interest as as well as duty. (Big surprise here I know. ) On the other hand I would live easily enough with an integrated forum, knowing that many would appreciate it.

Most people seem to prefer integration. The fewer who don't seem to take greater umbrage at potential encounters with undesired threads with strong enough feelings to possibly cause them to diminish their visits. I don't get that vibe from the integrators, if I may use that term.

If we could institute a fool-proof flag system that might work as a compromise. But that is impossible since the software cannot recognize a 'political' post and posters will make mistakes, with me as a probable leading offender, unintentional mind you.

I prefer to build participation rather than discourage it. I would not care to lose four or five visible and valuable posters who really prefer not to deal with politics, religion or war; and the ten fold factor of invisible readers who might be lost with them.

If people want to generate greater readership, participation and excitement maybe we need to get some of our best posters to 'show a little more leg' and wear their Easter drag regalia more frequently. :o

I know Oz, has a closet full of boas and wonderfully exotic feathered head pieces to go with his Dame Edna glasses. It is hard to keep him quiet when he dresses up. :geek::D

I can see Lucky dressed out in a golden Thai maiden outfit doing an exotic traditional Thai ceremonial dance. I single Lucky out for special attention because he deserves it (in the best way) for his August Post effort of last summer. B)

We can also share our houseboys, legal age of course -- them that has em. Exotic masks allowed for those needing discretion. :w00t:

I know we could urge MarcAnthony to greater visibility if we made him our Spankmaster Of Ceremonies. He has never seen a twink that didn't need a little gentle discipline. :yes:

For those that prefer greater visibility of politics threads, we could move the Politics Forum way up, as in second in the list. :hug:

I know we can't please everyone all of the time but maybe this one time we could come close enough to keep everyone comfortable enough preserve all of our posters and posting enthusiasm? I just want to see something that works for all of us rather than some of us. :console:

Please excuse the levity used to lighten up my post in making my point. I'm expressing a voice as one site participant, not admin, in this thread and will leave the disposition of the issue up to Oz based on his interpretation of the wishes expressed and the goals we have for the community. :flowers:

Guest gcursor

Oh..all right..I might have a solution

You could combine the forums and any political discussions would start with POLITICAL: as a subject line...that way people would be able to see them and skip them


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Final thoughts on this subject. We all get to post in essentially open forums, dividing some subjects by categories to make it easier to find a particular topic. Politics is one of those forums, and it does help one looking for those subjects to easily find what he wants to see. Yet, many of us think politics is important enough to put in the general discussion group, not only because we want the topic to get the most readership, but because politics is an essential form of gay life. Had we not engaged in some politics of our own, we might still be patronizing Mafia bars and hiding our faces when the place was raided.

The idea that we can post anything within reasonable guidelines helps increase the flow of conversation here, that conversation, I believe, being the very life of the place. Why some just cannot fathom coming across a political topic makes me think of women jumping on a table and screeching when they see a mouse.

We are grown ups, yet sometimes we act like grade schoolers. There is an endless supply of butt shots, reminding me of trips taken with grade school boys where the first thing we hit was the Playboy newsstand. It's a commentary on us that butts are more popular than politics. And don't think I don't like seeing the butt shots. I appreciate the work of those like EXPAT, zipperzone, lurkerspeaks, and others to bring us the best choices.

But I do wade through a lot of stuff that I don't care to see. Guys who post videos and expect us to watch it without any idea of what it is or why I might like it are just lazy. Why not tell us what you have so we can decide if we want to watch? At least on a politics thread you can soon discern its topic and move on. You didn't have to open up a video link and start watching.

In short, in a community forum such as this, with multiple people and multiple interests, we come across much that does not interest everyone. Why single out politics as something akin to a mouse or fingers on a chalkboard? It demeans the rest of us who might have developed the interest and care more about the world than where the next butt pic is coming from. (And again, don't get me wrong, I like butt shots.)

So, let's keep the spirit of openness and not impose restrictions on political threads as though they are some kind of rare fish that wouldn't interest us hedonists.

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I'm of the school of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. I don't see what's 'broken' about having a separate forum for political discussion...


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I kind of favor the compromise proposal: move the politics forum up to say the #4 slot. :thumbsup:

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I kind of favor the compromise proposal: move the politics forum up to say the #4 slot. :thumbsup:

Perhaps we should implore President Obama to moderate this debate. He would have us start off by insisting that the number of posts in each forum be equal, thus causing some nonpolitical posts to go from the Hooboy Pub to the Politics forum. Then he would promise to become a fierce advocate for those of who want to consolidate the forums, thus ensuring that no change ever gets made. Shortly thereafter, the website will be seized by its creditors and sold to Fred Phelps.

Guest gcursor

POINT OF ORDER! Mr. Chairman! Mr. Chairman! Mr. Lucky is violating the rules of parliamentary procedure. I move that this proposal be studied first.

Mr Chairman, I state that this proposal should be studied by a committee of 8 impartial people. These people should all be working escorts. and further Mr. Chairman, I believe that I should head such committee in the hopes of fairness and complete...um...happiness.

I believe Mr. Chairman that said committee should be allowed to probe this topic for the period of a week. It is pointless Mr. Chairman to push this point any further without first understanding the thrust of the original point.

Thank you Mr. Chairman...

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