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Ant-Peacenik Visits US

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Baby Netanyahoo is visiting the US. Why? He has no interest in a peace settlement, in fact, the only settlements he wants are in area that belong to the Palestinians. Why does he bother to make the trip?

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Because such as BO make silly pronouncements such as Israel withdrawing to a border that compromises their defense, freedom and existence as a nation?

Best regards,


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Was your response meant to answer my question? Netanyahoo showed up today with a list of nonnegotiable demands. How's that for a start to peace talks? He is in office only because of the support of fanatics in Israel who oppose peace or anything close to it. The expansion of the settlements is a flagrant indication of where these fanatics want the peace talks to go. And every time someone suggests that the Israelis should yield a bit, the cries of anti-Semitism abound.

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The Byzantine madness of Israeli domestic politics is the best practical proof available that proportional representation is the worst possible way to choose a legislature. Throw in a national list system for selecting candidates, as the Isreali's do, and you get flat out insanity. :frantics:

In a 120 member Knesset (parliament), they have 18 separate parties, not to mention 22 more non-parliamentary parties trying their best to make the 2% threshold for a seat. LOL, even the Isreali Arabs have 2 distinct parties :rolleyes: .

Party/ Leader/ Seats

Kadima Tzipi/ Livni/ 28

Likud/ Binyamin Netanyahu/ 27

Yisrael Beiteinu/ Avigdor Lieberman/ 15

Labor Party/ Eitan Cabel/ 8

Shas/ Eli Yishai/ 11

Independence/ Ehud Barak/ 5

United Torah Judaism/

Agudat Yisrael/

Degel HaTorah

Yaakov Litzman/ 5

United Arab List/ Ta'al/

Ta'al (1)

Ibrahim Sarsur 4

National Union/

Moledet (1)

Hatikva (1)

Eretz Yisrael/ Shelanu/ (1)

Tkuma (1)

Ya'akov Katz 4

Hadash/ Maki/

Mohammad Barakeh 4

New Movement-Meretz/ Haim Oron/ 3

The Jewish Home/ Daniel Hershkowitz/ 3

Balad/ Jamal Zahalka/ 3

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I don't believe "peace" between Arabs and Jews is possible. I am not against BO or any others "trying" so long as it does not cost us politically or economically. I think the second statement very unlikely also.

Best regards,


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Wall Street Journal headline:

Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel

...Some of the misgivings among Jewish supporters can be traced to specific incidents that resonated in the Jewish community. Last year, for example, Israeli media suggested Mr. Obama had snubbed Mr. Netanyahu and an Israeli delegation by leaving a White House meeting early.

The White House and Israeli officials disputed that characterization. But the incident left a lasting impression. "It was a snub," said former New York Mayor Ed Koch, who campaigned for Mr. Obama in 2008. "My feeling was that the president was hostile to Israel."

Peace among men depends on whether Obama left a dinner early?

At least he didn't throw upon Bebe!

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An old Jewish joke:

A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time.

So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and there he was, walking slowly up to the holy site.

She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, using a cane and moving very slowly, she approached him for an interview.

"Pardon me, sir, I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. What's your name?

"Morris Feinberg," he replied.

"Sir, how long have you been coming to the Western Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years."

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims. I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop. I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults, and to love their fellow man."

"How do you feel after doing this for 60 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a fucking wall."

Moral: I guess that Israelis should stop talking to walls and start to talk to people around them. Alternatively, if they are brave enough, they can also take a look in the mirror. By the time they do that peace will prevail.

(Borrowed from a blog by Gilad Atzmon)

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Baby Netanyahoo is visiting the US. Why?... Why does he bother to make the trip?

Back to the original post, near as I can make out, Betanyahoo is making an all in bet on helping to elect a Republican in the 2012 elections.

The question of why the Israeli government is getting so out front with a partisan political intervention in American domestic politics rather than leaving it to proxies like AIPAC is above my pay grade. Can you imagine the uproar if, in an address to the Knesset, Obama said there would be no more American aid to Israel until Bibi was out of office? :frantics::frantics::frantics:

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I think you know better than I do that US Jews and Israeli nationals are interconnected far more than other nationalities living within the US. Therefore it does not surprise me that Israelis in whatever form would try to influence US politics, one way or another. The US was a proponent in the formation of Israel in the 40's. Should we just abandon them now? I realize many "political" iterations have come and gone since then but they have been staunch allies to us; should we not be the same to them?

I don't think the Israelis are trying to have all US and world citizens become Jews, unlike some of their neighbors who seem to be trying to make all world citizens become Muslims.

I have no problem with "others" making their views known in public forums. That is part of the American "way", is it not? I do object to "secret" funding of various political groups by person or persons unknown. Are you accusing the Israelis of doing that? Just curious.

Best regards,


Yes, I can imagine the uproar if BO made such a statement.

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