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USS Enterprise Floating Frathouse?

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After reading this article and watching the video with it, my reaction is that the USS Enterprise is a big floating frathouse. I can appreciate humor but what kind of leadership does this show. I am not sure of what I think about the whole situation except that Capt Honors definitely should not be allowed to remain the Commander of the Aircraft Carrier. It should be noted theses videos where created on board while the ship was deployed during war and it's planes were dropping bombs. A modern day McHale's Navy (for those who can remember that old TV series) but this one is real life.


Even though the Navy was aware of the videos years ago they will now investigate:


PS: Wasn't sure where to put this topic, maybe it should be in the main topic section?

Guest zipperzone

While I certainly don't condone the gay slurs, I think the whole thing is much adoo about nothing. They were simply amusing themselves while deployed at sea. I fail to see how that made them less combat ready. The prudes that are now up in arms about it should untwist their panties and take a hike.

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While I certainly don't condone the gay slurs, I think the whole thing is much adoo about nothing. They were simply amusing themselves while deployed at sea. I fail to see how that made them less combat ready. The prudes that are now up in arms about it should untwist their panties and take a hike.

I'm with you on this. From what I have seen reported I haven't seen any indication of bad intent (prosletyzing homophia, racism, mysogyny) or bad actions (hazing etc.) , only bad judgment in persuing a reasonable goal of morale maintenance. I don't believe this casts any shadow over his ability and worthiness as military officer. I'm sorry to see his career sacrificed over this harmless but ill-considered prank. A letter of reprimand to his file should have sufficed. This is more about politics at this point. Too bad.

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While I certainly don't condone the gay slurs, I think the whole thing is much adoo about nothing. They were simply amusing themselves while deployed at sea. I fail to see how that made them less combat ready. The prudes that are now up in arms about it should untwist their panties and take a hike.

I could agree with you if he wasn't a Commanding Officer. The ship is full of 18-20'ish sailors and one would expect some fratboy type of activities. But when these activities are lead by a Commander there is a problem. He is not "just one of the guys" he is a Commander. So when he has a sailor that harrasses females sailors, calling them "chicks" and wanting to watch them shower how does he discipline that sailor? Or a sailor that refers to Gays as "Fags"? But Captain how can you discipline me when I was just doing what you did!! It appears a whole class of sailors (SWOs),that are non-aviator support staff on the ship, he referred to as "Fags" in the videos. Does that make it ok for the rest of the ship to call them "Fags" also now? Well the Captain called them that too!!! Was that a form of bullying them?

I do agree with him losing command of the ship. Whether it should be permanent or not I guess it depends on the outcome of the Navy investigation. Unless they find other stuff I hope he is not forced to resign from the Navy or Court Marshaled for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer.

My biggest question would be to the Navy as to why now? Instead of 4 years ago when the videos were made and brought to their attention. Wonder how much the repeal of DADT plays into this.

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much adoo about nothing.

I agree. The guy's a naval aviator. I think this type of humor kinda goes with the territory.

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I could agree with you if he wasn't a Commanding Officer. The ship is full of 18-20'ish sailors and one would expect some fratboy type of activities. But when these activities are lead by a Commander there is a problem. He is not "just one of the guys" he is a Commander. So when he has a sailor that harrasses females sailors, calling them "chicks" and wanting to watch them shower how does he discipline that sailor? Or a sailor that refers to Gays as "Fags"? But Captain how can you discipline me when I was just doing what you did!! It appears a whole class of sailors (SWOs),that are non-aviator support staff on the ship, he referred to as "Fags" in the videos. Does that make it ok for the rest of the ship to call them "Fags" also now? Well the Captain called them that too!!! Was that a form of bullying them?

I do agree with him losing command of the ship. Whether it should be permanent or not I guess it depends on the outcome of the Navy investigation. Unless they find other stuff I hope he is not forced to resign from the Navy or Court Marshaled for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer.

My biggest question would be to the Navy as to why now? Instead of 4 years ago when the videos were made and brought to their attention. Wonder how much the repeal of DADT plays into this.

I do agree that it was terribly bad judgment and bad form for the XO. You make a good argument. I feel a public reprimand would have sent a sufficiently strong message to the enlisted as well as the officer corp. It.s moot now. His career is done. He will ride a desk until this subsides then he will be permitted to retire.

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A reprimand, yes, public, no. This guy has exhibited leadership in the past and that is what command officers do. His off duty hours were a little beyond the pale but one should look at his whole history/record and make appropriate judgements and actions.

Best regards,


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A reprimand, yes, public, no. This guy has exhibited leadership in the past and that is what command officers do. His off duty hours were a little beyond the pale but one should look at his whole history/record and make appropriate judgements and actions.

Best regards,


I view a public reprimand as the lesser evil compared to a demotion. Without some public indication of wrong doing the inappropriate message he sent as discussed by KYTOP would not have been given any visible rebuke leaving many with the impression that this is not unacceptable behavior. His behaviorial indiscretion was public and so his rebuke should be IMO.

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At least one of the gay sailors aboard the Enterprise is supporting Captain Honors:


(letter to the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network)

This letter is in reference to the SLDN's recent comments against Capt. Honors previously of the USS ENTERPRISE.

By making statements against him your organization has become a participant in the action that so many gay men and women face every day in the service, harsh and uninformed judgment.

In your hasty remarks against Capt. Honors, you forget those videos were for the eyes of USS ENTERPRISE sailors only. You are condemning a man on events that have happened over four years ago.

Every gay man or woman that has joined the military has done so knowing that they weren't walking into an environment that would be appealing to their sense of delicacy. Sexual orientation aside, every man or woman joining the military does so with the knowledge that the only way to get through is with tough skin.

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network has done so much for the recent repeal of the much hated "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy it is truly a shame to see you take such a biased stance against Capt. Honors.

As a gay man that served onboard the USS ENTERPRISE during both the '06 and '07 deployments I was never once offended by Capt. Honors' choice of humor.

I have begun to make contact with my fellow gay service members who were also on those deployments. We will band together to show our support for Capt. Honors.

I ask that you, at this time, retract your statements against Capt. Honors until the full investigation has been completed or you have attempted to discuss this issue and hear the thoughts of those who served him on the '06 and '07 deployments.

Full Article


Not that any of this makes any difference. Honor's been relieved of command of the Enterprise. Regardless of the final outcome of the Naval inquiry, at this point it would take a special act of Congress to salvage his career.

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I think it would take MORE than an act of Congress to salvage this guy's career. I think it impossible but that does not mean I think he personally cannot be salvaged. I do think that.

Best regards,


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I view a public reprimand as the lesser evil compared to a demotion. Without some public indication of wrong doing the inappropriate message he sent as discussed by KYTOP would not have been given any visible rebuke leaving many with the impression that this is not unacceptable behavior. His behaviorial indiscretion was public and so his rebuke should be IMO.

Let me clarify what I mean by public. I do not mean a pubic event where he is dressed down in front of the the crew or superiors or anyone else, just that the repremand to his file be a matter of public record, not be treated as private confidential.

Too bad this episode had to go as far as it did with him and probably his is not the last career to be ruined over this. Politics overtakes good sense. :(

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Too bad this episode had to go as far as it did with him and probably his is not the last career to be ruined over this. Politics overtakes good sense. :(

It has been reported that a few more items about ths situation have come to light. After the Navy checked the ship's computer they found many more of Capt Honors videos besides those given to the Virgina Newspaper, which was to be expected. But the problem now seems to be that he was ordered to stop with the Rauchy Videos in early 2007, when they were first brought to the attention of higher ups in the Navy. He did not follow those orders and continued to produce the videos until at least July of 2007, several months after the order to stop. Now this may be the career ending factor for the Captain. Failure to follow a direct order of his superiors.


It is beyond me that anyone could call this man a leader. He deserves to lose his job and his rank. I find his behavior appalling.

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Let's do the same with pols. They are more in the public eye and should suffer more of the consequences than the military.

Best regards,


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