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Renaming this Forum

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We are almost at the end of the year and this forum had a name change to Lucky's Place this year in order to honor Lucky and his hard work to try to get the forum more active. I think he has done an excellent job and it is much appreciated.

TY and I will reserve the right to change the name from time to time to honor someone or for any other reason but we have not decided on if we are going to change the name back to our old name or a new one.

Lucky had one idea which I really liked which is to call it Hooboy's Place. Since Hoo was the founder of the escort review movement and his site is no longer in existence, I liked the idea to name it for him.

Anyone else have a suggestion?


I think that would be a fine tribute to HooBoy. After all, it was Hoo that brought us all here.

Guest FourAces

I know this probably is the minority view but I would like to see the name Lucky's Place remain. Not so much for the poster Lucky but it has a nice neighborhood feel about it. Those that have been around know Lucky's contribution and for new comers it just rings nicely as a forum name.

I understand the temptation to name it for HooBoy but I think it would be out of place. HooBoy's site is gone; from all accounts he had a remarkable business idea and became close friends to several here. However, all these years after the fact can we not just let him and his alias R.I.P. already?

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There have been few responses compared to the number of people who could respond here. Perhaps a more formal survey could be taken. Ultimately it is Oz's website and his choice, but it has been suggested to me outside the forum that using Hooboy's name would only alienate posters at Daddy's website. That is an issue to consider, I think, as most of us do not see ourselves as alienated from the posters there. I would like to hear from the guys who post at both sites what they think about it.

  On 12/29/2010 at 6:00 PM, Lucky said:

it has been suggested to me outside the forum that using Hooboy's name would only alienate posters at Daddy's website. That is an issue to consider, I think, as most of us do not see ourselves as alienated from the posters there. I would like to hear from the guys who post at both sites what they think about it.

If that would alienate them, they would not post here anyway. We have had posters bitch and moan every time Daddy's name is mentioned here and say that it would never be allowed over there and the reason they don't post here is they feel this site is obsessed with Daddy. It is complete and utter bullshit. My name is dragged through the mud over there often. Does that alienate anyone there? Answer: no. So, to be honest, I am not concerned about what posters that don't post here think.

This is not my board. It is our board. The majority of posters that read these boards know that Hooboy was a beloved person to many of us. Anyone that would be alienated by honoring his memory isn't thinking rationally.

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"This is not my board. It is our board."

I am glad to hear you say that because I think the same of the Palm Springs Weekend. Yes, I started it and help organize it each year, but it would not be what it is if it were not for the people who attend it. So it is their weekend.

I have often thought the same about Daddy's message board, that it is the participants who have made it a success, and it is not Daddys message board.

So, having said that, why are we not hearing from more people on this subject? It's your message board, and now you have a chance to rename a forum, so speak up!

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I've hardly been able to think of anything else for the last two days, missing all the Christmas sales, and turning down dozens of New Year's Eve invitations. rolleyes.gif Still, nothing.

I enjoy 'Lucky's Place', so my suggestion would be to stick with it until somebody comes up with either an absolutely irresistible alternative or an itch for change that's just too strong to be ignored.

Not that I've given up trying.


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  On 12/29/2010 at 6:00 PM, Lucky said:

Ultimately it is Oz's website and his choice, but it has been suggested to me outside the forum that using Hooboy's name would only alienate posters at Daddy's website. That is an issue to consider, I think, as most of us do not see ourselves as alienated from the posters there. I would like to hear from the guys who post at both sites what they think about it.

I agree that it is likely to alienate some of Daddy's posters. Some of them have a stick up their ass thinking they have the sole rights to HooBoy and that MC is the holy grail. :baby: If they only knew the background story behind transition of that site, but that is little known history left to the past and those who know it. :whistle:

I agree with Oz that those who would get pushed out of shape would never post here anyway. :pinch: I know Lucky wishes otherwise :poke: and for him I'm sorry for that, but for me I don't miss the smug attitudes at all. <_<

I also agree with lookin, that I find nothing lacking with the present appellation. It has character and recognizes the history of a long term community character. :queen::P

Nevertheless, things change as time goes by. With the arrival of the New Year it was time to revisit the issue per Oz's original announcement. Lucky suggested renaming in honor of Hooboy. It was an honor for the man not a slam at Daddy's site. We ought to decide what fits this site and not worry about ruffling skirts over there. Frankly, they are not on my radar.

Guest FourAces

Even though I am not really for the name HB .. I very much agree that the choice of the name should have nothing to do with the out-crowd over at daddys. If they were going to post here it would have happened by now. While our post count has not been as high as over there the quality of our posts and freedom of thought is light-years ahead of them (dual poster company excluded of course ^_^)

  On 12/29/2010 at 11:20 PM, TampaYankee said:

I agree that it is likely to alienate some of Daddy's posters. Some of them have a stick up their ass thinking they have the sole rights to HooBoy and that MC is the holy grail. :baby: If they only knew the background story behind transition of that site, but that is little known history left to the past and those who know it. :whistle:

I agree with Oz that those who would get pushed out of shape would never post here anyway. :pinch: I know Lucky wishes otherwise :poke: and for him I'm sorry for that, but for me I don't miss the smug attitudes at all. <_<

I also agree with lookin, that I find nothing lacking with the present appellation. It has character and recognizes the history of a long term community character. :queen::P

Nevertheless, things change as time goes by. With the arrival of the New Year it was time to revisit the issue per Oz's original announcement. Lucky suggested renaming in honor of Hooboy. It was an honor for the man not a slam at Daddy's site. We ought to decide what fits this site and not worry about ruffling skirts over there. Frankly, they are not on my radar.

TY, I love you! You have such an eloquent way with words. Nail. Hammer. Pound.

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  On 12/28/2010 at 5:33 AM, FourAces said:

I know this probably is the minority view but I would like to see the name Lucky's Place remain. Not so much for the poster Lucky but it has a nice neighborhood feel about it. Those that have been around know Lucky's contribution and for new comers it just rings nicely as a forum name.

I understand the temptation to name it for HooBoy but I think it would be out of place. HooBoy's site is gone; from all accounts he had a remarkable business idea and became close friends to several here. However, all these years after the fact can we not just let him and his alias R.I.P. already?

I like the name Lucky's Place too. I'm not concerned what others think about the use of Hooboy for many of the reasons already stated, and I would be happy with that name too.

Guest epigonos

I post on both sites. In fact I started posting on Daddy's site in the days when it was HooBoy's site. Frankly I find this discussion something of a tempest in a teapot. Name the forum whatever you want and let the chips fall where they might. I like the name Lucky's Place but that's just me!

Guest zipperzone

I think to name it after HooBoy would be a mistake - mainly because it could confuse new posters with no background to either site. I would prefer to see something catchy and risque that would intrigue them and make them want to participate. Nothing comes to mind as I write this but I'm sure one of us could come up with a sexy title.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 8:21 AM, zipperzone said:

I think to name it after HooBoy would be a mistake - mainly because it could confuse new posters with no background to either site. I would prefer to see something catchy and risque that would intrigue them and make them want to participate. Nothing comes to mind as I write this but I'm sure one of us could come up with a sexy title.

The Zipper Zone gets me every time. That might work better for the porn pic section though.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 3:45 AM, epigonos said:

I post on both sites. In fact I started posting on Daddy's site in the days when it was HooBoy's site. Frankly I find this discussion something of a tempest in a teapot. Name the forum whatever you want and let the chips fall where they might. I like the name Lucky's Place but that's just me!

What? You don't like Epicgonads Place? ^_^

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  On 12/30/2010 at 2:02 AM, TotallyOz said:

TY, I love you! You have such an eloquent way with words. Nail. Hammer. Pound.

TY is indeed much loved. Additionally, your post sent me looking for a favorite clip that also blends a hammer and a way with words. a36.gif Enjoy!

Guest CharliePS

Lucky's Place was supposed to be a temporary honor to Lucky for his efforts to stimulate more posting here, and I think it has served its purpose and should be renamed. There are some posters from the other site, in fact, who wouldn't want to post in a forum that sounds like it is owned or controlled by, or dedicated to, that "community character" Lucky.

I also agree that Hooboy's Place doesn't mean anything to someone who hasn't been part of these sites for a long time (is it possible he's been dead almost six years now?!). I like zipper's suggestion that there be a new name that is both more generic and easily understood, though nothing perfect has popped into my head yet. ("Food for Thought"? "The Arena"? "The Meeting Point"?)

Guest lurkerspeaks

Here are a few suggestions off the top of my head

  • The Hen House
  • The Water Cooler
  • The Breakroom
  • 976-CHAT
  • The Think Tank
  • The Mash Up
  • The Party Line

Guest FourAces
  On 12/30/2010 at 4:02 PM, Lucky said:

The Zipper Zone gets me every time. That might work better for the porn pic section though.

Gets my vote for pic forum :P

Guest FourAces

Wow not sure that OZ or TY ever thought a name of the forum would create so many conflicting opinions. While I have had my 2 cents thrown into the ring I want to say whatever the name I am not going anywhere ... I enjoy the company too much <3

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"There are some posters from the other site, in fact, who wouldn't want to post in a forum that sounds like it is owned or controlled by, or dedicated to, that "community character" Lucky."

Wow, this remark seems out of left field. Take a look at my profile over there and see how many friends are listed. I'm not aware of anyone specifically refusing to post from over there simply because of the name of this forum. Can you tell me who these people are?

Guest CharliePS
  On 12/30/2010 at 9:04 PM, Lucky said:

"There are some posters from the other site, in fact, who wouldn't want to post in a forum that sounds like it is owned or controlled by, or dedicated to, that "community character" Lucky."

Wow, this remark seems out of left field. Take a look at my profile over there and see how many friends are listed. I'm not aware of anyone specifically refusing to post from over there simply because of the name of this forum. Can you tell me who these people are?

Since Lucky feels hurt by my comment, let me elaborate. When he started his campaign to get more posters here, several posters at the other site, myself included, started posting here, and his successful efforts led to this forum being temporarily renamed Lucky's Place in honor of him. In private, he seemed somewhat embarrassed by this honor, and indicated that he would not be unhappy when it ended. That led to my support in favor of a new name. It seems clear that the number of posters at the other site who were likely to be drawn here primarily by his presence has peaked, and the name has served its purpose. There are plenty of posters at the other site who have indicated that they miss him there, but they don't seem inclined to post here, and a few there have openly wished him good riddance, so they are definitely not coming here (nor would I want to see them here). If my comments offended, I apologize.

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