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Guest FourAces

Feeling Old

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Guest FourAces

Lately I've been feeling really old. I guess in part because I am.

But been in a non holiday funk so to speak about age. I realized that the small group of close friends I do have are all much younger than me. I don't really associate with people around my age lol. I am not sure why maybe cause I think of them as old? In fact its hard for me I mean very hard to even relate to people near my age. Though more and more its difficult to carry any reasonable conversation with a twenty year old. We are in such different stages of our lives.

Not sure if anybody else has gone through this but if so how did you deal with it?

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When guys who are nowhere near old talk about how old they are, then us real old guys feel even worse. You are not old until you hit 62, that's my opinion. Or until you have picked 4 or more books to read in one year only to discover when reading them that you have already read them. I picked up a book at the library and was reading merrily along when things started seeming familiar. The saving grace is that each book was good enough that I finished them anyway.

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You are not old until you hit 62, that's my opinion. Or until you have picked 4 or more books to read in one year only to discover when reading them that you have already read them.

Hahahahahaha :thumbsup: Been there, done that! I've learned the hard way to check the copyright date before I buy. :blush: Oh, and I'm also 62.

Guest CharliePS

Lately I've been feeling really old. I guess in part because I am.

But been in a non holiday funk so to speak about age. I realized that the small group of close friends I do have are all much younger than me. I don't really associate with people around my age lol. I am not sure why maybe cause I think of them as old? In fact its hard for me I mean very hard to even relate to people near my age. Though more and more its difficult to carry any reasonable conversation with a twenty year old. We are in such different stages of our lives.

Not sure if anybody else has gone through this but if so how did you deal with it?

I have the opposite situation: most of my close friends are my age or older, sometimes much older. I dread reaching the age where I have outlived most or all of them. Be thankful for your young friends, who probably help you to keep feeling younger than you might otherwise.

Unlike Lucky, I almost never forget that I have already read a particular book. I just can't remember its contents.

Guest FourAces

I have the opposite situation: most of my close friends are my age or older, sometimes much older. I dread reaching the age where I have outlived most or all of them. Be thankful for your young friends, who probably help you to keep feeling younger than you might otherwise.

Charlie you bring up a very valid point. Hanging around with younger guys does tend to make me feel younger. I am certain that is in part why I have done that for so many years. But the age separation now leaves a real empty feeling.

Sadly the extreme age difference did not insulate me from all the pain when my best friend died at the age of 25 about 18 months ago. I am still torn apart by his absence.

Anyway, maybe I am going through mid-life crisis just way past mid-life lol.

@Lucky I apologize for laughing out loud after reading your book adventures. While I am not 62 I am not too far behind you either :o

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We have 93% humidity today in the desert...and that means aches and pains...which mean feeling older, or is there just no doubt?

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This is a thread about _feeling_ old, not actually _being_ old!

LOL... believe me, it is much worse feeling old when you actually are old. Cause then you know it aint a figment of your imagination or a bad day on the golf course or long day in the garden. Being old sucks!. The only saving grace is the alternative is much worse. Sixty two seems to be a magic number.

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