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Unemployment back up to 9.8%

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Well after unemployment being at 9.6% for 2 months and 9.5% for 3 months before that, it is now back up to 9.8%. When is this President going to do something? Regardless of who wants to blame who or what for getting us into this mess, he was elected to solve the problem. What does he do? It is like he got the stimulas bill passed over 18 months ago, stood back wiped his hands and said well I've done my job. When is he going to start actually doing something?

So today he knows the unemployment numbers will not be good, so he heads to Afganistan to take the headlines off of the bad economy today. President Photo-op in action again. He could have gone to Afganistan any day but chooses today to deflect the negative headlines.

Hillary was sooo right during the campaign when she kept saying he wasn't qualified. And I even defended him during the election when my friends kept telling me the same thing by reminding them that he had more qualifications than Lincoln when Lincoln was elected.

I can honestly say I very much regret voting for Obama who is turning unemployment benefits into an almost permanant welfare program. Geesh I'm pissed at myself for voting for him.

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I can honestly say I very much regret voting for Obama who is turning unemployment benefits into an almost permanant welfare program. Geesh I'm pissed at myself for voting for him.

At the moment somebody unemployed in California will only get the usual 26 weeks from the fund they and their employer paid into. The Republicans are unconcerned about this but apoplectic about people having to pay an estate tax on inheritance more than 1 (or is it 10?) million dollars. And to my knowledge nobody has ever received more than 99 weeks.

I too would rather see more people back to work, but the question is what exactly can the president do? Over 100 filibusters from Senate Republicans the last 2 years. Widespread derision for his program putting people to work making homes more energy efficient or learn trades which make our nation more energy independent... House full of Republicans who are overcome with the vapors at the deficit implications of the slightest mention of a large public-works program (that's not in their district, at least) while simultaneously insisting we continue to spend billions even on weapons systems the military no longer desires.

I'm not entirely disagreeing with you about some of his priorities, but what could the President do to fix unemployment? Extend the tax cuts? By definition that will not have any effect as they were in place through all of this occurring in the first place! What else, exactly, has the President's opposition proposed? How do you think the Republicans would respond to a bill that closed tax loopholes for companies doing business here unless they de-outsourced jobs?

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I'm not entirely disagreeing with you about some of his priorities, but what could the President do to fix unemployment? Extend the tax cuts? By definition that will not have any effect as they were in place through all of this occurring in the first place! What else, exactly, has the President's opposition proposed? How do you think the Republicans would respond to a bill that closed tax loopholes for companies doing business here unless they de-outsourced jobs?

It is not for the Republicans to propose anything, they are not the President!!!!! HE IS. If he can't do the Frickin job then get someone that can!!!!! Does he have a set written out jobs plan for this country? NOOOOOOO. even Liberal Newsweek Columnist Eleanor Cleft admits that.

As for expecting clean energy to fuel the next employment boom, dream on. We are already importing wind turbines from China at the same time we are closing coal mines in Appalachia. How about a plan to increase manufacturing? Has he thought of a few one-on-ones with major US companies asking for jobs to be returned here. How about tariffs on China imports or revolking their favored trade status? I'm not the President, I don't have the answers. The problem Obama is the President and it is his job to fix it, he ain't doing sh*t. Enough of the blame Bullsh*t. Let's blame the present mess on a Democrat Congress that took over in 2006 for failing to control Fannie and Freddie instead of Bush. I don't care for the blame game. He is the President he needs to do his job. Yes I am as pissed about this as I have ever been about anything in my life. President Hoover didn't fix the economy either in his time, so based on Obama standards I guess he was a great President then. Enough already, everything else on the back burner. Fix the Damn Economy!!!!!!!! Where is his sense of urgency? He doesn't have one. Just let the problem fix itself. Geesh even Palin could do that.

As for unemployment benefits, until this week you could collect unemployment benefits for 2 Years, and I am sure that will be extended again, with or without a way to pay for it. Like I said a new welfare program because we can't find people jobs so we will just have to pay for unemployment benefits for 2 years instead of the normal 26 weeks. The new norm?? As for California's unemployment fund, it has a huge deficit. Read here: http://www.sacbee.com/2010/11/10/3172924/bell-tolls-for-unemployment-insurance.html

Spitting bullets here. If I was a drinker I think I could use one right now!!!

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Why give the millionaires a tax cut and then refuse to extend benefits for the unemployed? Even if they are trying to find work,the jobs are just not there.

I join KYTOP in regretting my vote for Obama. He gives a good speech and that's about all. There is no leadership ability. He sure fooled us. But just the once.

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As for unemployment benefits, until this week you could collect unemployment benefits for 2 Years, and I am sure that will be extended again, with or without a way to pay for it. Like I said a new welfare program because we can't find people jobs so we will just have to pay for unemployment benefits for 2 years instead of the normal 26 weeks.

It has been 99 weeks (not 104 which would be two years) for a couple years. There has been no real push to extend that by anybody serious whom I know of. A growing number of people who lost their jobs near the beginning of this thing have been out of benefits for months now.

When people talk about congress extending again it is to re-enable the program that takes over after 26 weeks--not something that will help anybody who's been out of work over 2 years already.

Agree with you on the leadership, I suppose. But he's shouted down so often I tend to assume he's tried to do more than we remember hearing about. Maybe some of his main thrusts were misguided and the effort would've been better spent on jobs/economy, but I'm not sure which ones. I'm very glad the first step in correcting healthcare has been taken, for example.

I also ask you to remember that HE ACTED to save GM. How much worse would unemployment be with all those workers and those of all their suppliers jobless right now? And the government's way ahead of schedule on being paid back on that, yet people either don't remember it or inexplicably think of it as a failure!

Asking companies to do the right thing... he's begged and pleaded with banks (who *should* feel quite indebted to him!) to be more reasonable in granting small business loans to keep main street-type businesses alive.

The Republicans are all but filibustering a motion to declare the sky blue; certainly anything that would require something of business or regulate trade they'd stop dead long before it even got to the floor... As much as blame seems unproductive laying it all on the current president seems more so.

And I'm not at all sure we want to have a trade war with China... would only hasten the time when the world accepts China as the preeminent economic superpower.

But he *has* spoken about most of these things in depth, unlike the Republicans who just pay jobs lip-service as justification for yet another tax cut...

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He talks about a lot of things but shows leadership very rarely. His idea seems to be that Congress runs the government and he only signs the bills.

Guest zipperzone

Why give the millionaires a tax cut and then refuse to extend benefits for the unemployed? Even if they are trying to find work,the jobs are just not there.

I join KYTOP in regretting my vote for Obama. He gives a good speech and that's about all. There is no leadership ability. He sure fooled us. But just the once.

Lucky, I'm really surprised you were fooled. I think I saw through him from the start. Mind you, better BO than McCain whose health could possibly have put "you know who" in the White House.

Why oh why didn't the Ds not get behind Clinton? I will never understand that.

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Lucky, I'm really surprised you were fooled. I think I saw through him from the start. Mind you, better BO than McCain whose health could possibly have put "you know who" in the White House.

Why oh why didn't the Ds not get behind Clinton? I will never understand that.

Monica Lewinsky for one. Plus people were genuinely tired of the Clintons after 8 years with Bill. Hillary had a reputation as being rather haughty. People thought she was trying to climb the ladder based upon her husband's fame. I could go on. Had she been secretary of state first, then she would have proven her mettle and beaten Obama. Obama only had to be a non-Clinton and give a good speech. Now we know, of course, that he didn't mean half of what he said, but it's too late.

Guest zipperzone

Monica Lewinsky for one. Plus people were genuinely tired of the Clintons after 8 years with Bill. Hillary had a reputation as being rather haughty. People thought she was trying to climb the ladder based upon her husband's fame. I could go on. Had she been secretary of state first, then she would have proven her mettle and beaten Obama. Obama only had to be a non-Clinton and give a good speech. Now we know, of course, that he didn't mean half of what he said, but it's too late.

If Lewinsky really is a reason, then I think it is pathetic that the voters were that narrow minded about someone's sexual peccadilloes. Not to mention hypocritical as many of them probably have either done much worse or wished they had the opportunity to do so. And..... as Hillary had nothing to do with "that" and I think carried herself with dignity and restraint in what must have been a humiliating time for her, it makes no sense to have that reflect badly on her.

As for being haughty - I didn't see her that way. Superior, yes - because she was superior, but in my mind there is a big difference between haughty & superior.

And as for being "tired after 8 years with Bill" didn't they realize the exemplary financial condition he had left the country in before the Bushwhacker took over and practically ruined the country and started a war based on what he knew were pure lies.

There is an old saying that the people get the government they deserve. IMO, never truer than today :excl:


Hillary would never have accepted this bullshit from the GOP or congress.

That's why she got my vote in the primary.

Obama is a good guy but lacks any balls - which is weird for a fucking Chicago politician.

Christ, they should have just run Daley or Hoffa Jr.


Hillary would never have accepted this bullshit from the GOP or congress.

That's why she got my vote in the primary.

Obama is a good guy but lacks any balls - which is weird for a fucking Chicago politician.

Christ, they should have just run Daley or Hoffa Jr.

Which Daley? The old man would have been great. Richie is as big a pussy as Obama.

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