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November 22d

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47 years ago today the President of the United States was assassinated. In retrospect, I think the country was killed as well. Perhaps all of the changes we have seen since then that have destroyed the politics that governed us would have happened anyway, but our innocence was lost that day, and never again have Americans had the same level of faith in their government.

Nowadays we have 24 hour cable news, and every mole, blot, ink stain, or whatever is revealed and repeated over and over. Kennedy's romps with Marilyn Monroe and associations with the mob would never be kept so secret now. The country may have been as corrupt then as is it is now, maybe, but we just didn't know it.

Or, is that the day when Americans started to question their government? Wonder arose about the effectiveness of the revered Secret Service, starting conspiracy thinking that took life and is a topic of the day even now. The grief of the country gave life to a political unity that allowed LBJ to obtain congressional victories that Kennedy had not been able to make.

But after 9-11, the grief of the country was harnessed into two wars that continue today. Debt and greed are the hallmarks of our financial system. Even Kennedy's beloved Ireland is asking for billions in bailouts.

Liberal columnist Paul Krugman today argues that we face more government gridlock as the Republicans refuse to allow Obama and the Democrats the right to rule the country as the elected leaders. The START Treaty with Russia is in danger. Nuclear weapons are more abundant than ever if you add in Iran and North Korea. And, of course, massive deficits handicap the country and future generations even as we face very high unemployment.

But the rich need their tax cuts and the Republicans will force them upon us- those same Republicans who didn't have the guts to make them permanent in the first place.

So it does make me miss the Kennedy days, days which for me were full of hope for the future. Maybe it was a false hope as I was unaware of so many things, from the Kennedys and the mob to parish priests and their children.

Either way, November 22d remains a sad day as it reminds us that evil lurks in corners we are unaware of.

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47 years ago today the President of the United States was assassinated.

It was about 10:30 AM. I was sitting in my high school English class. An announcement came over the intercom informing us that the President had been shot. My teacher broke down crying in the front of the class. It was the most somber weekend of my life. It seemed so for the country too. Obviously it hasn't faded in my memory.

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I too remember exactly what I was doing the moment I heard the news of JFK being shot. Regardless of any political differences, I did not then or now wish JFK or RFK to be assassinated. I lived through some perilous times for everyone in the South( as well as the US as a whole) and listened to a lot of rabble rousing during those times. I was not interested in participating in those kinds of activities then any more than I am now. Peaceful political change is my aim.

I do thank you for including in the rendition of your memories the facts that "Camelot" was not real, although interesting, perhaps even charming. I have no wish to "out" anyone whether they be cheating on their wives or whatever but I certainly perfer that they not be sanctimonious about it either. Here I am referring mainly to people who engage in homosexual activities all the while making political hay opposing any such. Hypocrites be damned.

Best regards,


Guest FourAces

Living in Dallas nowadays this takes on a refreshed meaning. Its really interesting to hear the local radio reports as everything happened back then. Here is a link fromthe very start of his trip here to the assassination... note the clip below is one of about 20 on YouTube from Klif AM. ... its interesting to hear the reports about all the security prior to Airforce One landing.


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