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Guest Daddy

I'm laughing at the inferior intellects

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Guest FourAces

Its quite obvious to me that this is not the daddy we know from the other site.

First off has anybody ever seen daddy post twice in the same day :P

But more importantly the daddy from the other site could never write like this daddy does. He does not have the intellect to do so, seriously :o

Therefore I extend a welcome to our new daddy and hope to see him post more. Any positive contribution to the August challenge is certainly a added bonus.

Guest twinklover

I'm so drunk, I haven't even seen the replies. Ask MsGuy who, unlike me,

is totally objective about these affairs. MsGuy, I know this isn't the real Daddy. How do I know? The real Daddy is a pathetic ghost, a zombie, feeding off the dead, yes, Hooboy. Isn't that right? He doesn't have the courage to say a fucking word over here. I mean, it would be like testifying, and giving up his right to self-incrimination. That is something Blago, Daddy, and many others would never do. Hey, real Daddy, come on over here and say a few words. We're waiting for your superior intellect to show us just how lame and stupid we inferior bitches are.

If that post wasn't from the real Daddy, it wasn't, because he's scared to post here, one wonders, could it just have been so, subconsciously, whatever. It seemed real. Is that what Daddy really thinks? Yes, that is where the real Daddy is guilty. For the most part, doesn't he (the real Daddy) secretly feel that way? Do we need pseudo-Daddy's to discern the truth from what the real Daddy thinks?

How lookin, I remain in your capable hands after all this controversy....let's just begin with Rick Donovan and I'm not referring to his BIG hands. Love you.

Guest twinklover

"300 views in five hours - a view a minute, folks!"

Doesn't this fact infer a right-wing conspiracy?

Did David Rockefeller or the Illuminati cause the young, pseudo,

short-on-funds, Daddy-lover to (Daddy himself, the superior intellect, is, of course, short on funds, would never) post such rubbish?

I renew my calls for the truth and answers to all of our questions.

Someone has opened this can of worms. Not me.

I will not be satisfied until all the worms are slayed. I won't hold my breath

for that event.

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OZ, TY, any way you guys could be persuaded to reveal this guy's true posting name? Not ID his actual identity, just let us know which poster thought this would be entertaining?

No, we won't divulge anyone's information beyond what they wish to share. We owe that to every member. That doesnt mean I won't necessarily give an opinion if I feel so moved.

I'll just say that with no definitive information available to me at this moment, everything I know about daddy through interactions and observations over the last decade, I would not expect him to make these posts. I would never have taken the writing for that of daddy's either.

I'll assume for now that it is someone misguidedly acting on his own trying to help out daddy or trying to stir shit over here for negative reason. Nothing posted in this thread warrants any trashfest of daddy or his site. Any assessment of him or his site should depend on what happens over there, not here. Those issues have been discussed in other threads at other times. No need to dredge them up unless new facts are present.

It interesting that this minor chapter indicates that we must be causing some currents over there whether openly or subrosa.

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No, we won't divulge anyone's information beyond what they wish to share. We owe that to every member.

Which just goes to show that by temperament you and Oz are better suited to run a board than I am. ^_^

Nothing posted in this thread warrants any trashfest of daddy or his site. Any assessment of him or his site should depend on what happens over there, not here.

Probably best that neither site's management participate in trashing the other's site. A car salesman I know says you'll never make a living selling Chevys by knocking Fords.


A car salesman I know says you'll never make a living selling Chevys by knocking Fords.


Q. Whats the difference between a Chevy and a Tampon?

A. A tampon comes with its own tow rope

Guest glutes

I came over to this site to get away from the charlatans.

It will be interesting to see if this Daddy posts again...


I must extend a sincere apology to all of the members here for the content and tone of my post yesterday. I have been under much stress lately and as some of you may know from your own personal experiences in life, we all have had a bad day every now and then. Yesterday was one of mine. And as a result, an unflattering overture of my beliefs may have been presented to you here.

As a new member to this community of posters, I should have been more thoughtful and restrained. It was a poor introduction.

There are a number of major changes which are currently under the hammer and proceeding through their appropriate channels which will forever change an archetype landscape which has been a most important part of my life for the past many years. These negotiations have been a major source of my stress, and again, I apologize if anyone here has been offended by my remarks.

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Okay, as one who is choosing to ignore the alternate-reality Daddy, I did want to note as lookin did that this thread received a huge number of views. No doubt people on the other site still attract attention here. Strange though, that that site does not have numerous popular threads about MER.

I reiterate my opinion that this site can stand on its own without using the other site as fodder for topics. The August Challenge is going well. Many threads are now spilling over onto a second page. So we can take credit for that- hey, it's the communal we- and I look forward to continued success. Let's not get distracted more than I/we have.

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Dang. Here I was hoping it was the royal we. :P

Why? Are you the Queen Bee? ^_^

Best regards,


Guest Matrix

And as a result, an unflattering overture of my beliefs may have been presented to you here.


Main Entry: be·lief

Pronunciation: \bə-ˈlēf\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English beleave, probably alteration of Old English gelēafa, from ge-, associative prefix + lēafa; akin to Old English lȳfan — more at believe

Date: 12th century

1 : a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

2 : something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group

3 : conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

Honestly, why bother apologizing?

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Q. Whats the difference between a Chevy and a Tampon?

A. A tampon comes with its own tow rope

Q. What does FORD stand for?

A. Fix Or Repair Daily


I have been under much stress lately and as some of you may know from your own personal experiences in life, we all have had a bad day every now and then.

We all have bad days from time to time and regardless of the real meaning behind your post we all understand stress and that gets to all of us as well. Don't worry about your introduction.

If you are the real Daddy, then we welcome with you open arms and hope that the stress of your situation gets better for you. We have only good wishes for you and hope you become a part of this community as well.

If you are not the Daddy we all know, we still welcome you with open arms but inquiring minds want to know, "Who is your daddy?"

I reiterate my opinion that this site can stand on its own without using the other site as fodder for topics.

I could not agree more with you Lucky. As I have said, I don't know the meaning of the messages from Daddy. I guess only time will tell. But, I have always believed that this site stood head and shoulders above the crowd and does not need another site to use as fodder.

The people who run this site are not control freaks and we tend to let the message board topics move in the direction the membership wants as long as our policies are not violated. I can't help it that this topic came up and that many responded to it or found it amusing or comical or sad. It simply is what it is. As I said yesterday, I agree that it is time to move on.

I wish the poster Daddy well and hope that his stress is much relieved, if not from getting things off his chest, from the laughter he surely intended. ^_^

I am a bit surprised that Deej hasn't stepped in and commented on this. He normally pokes his head in from time to time to whip us into shape.


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Q. What does FORD stand for?

A. Fix Or Repair Daily


A. Found On the Road Dead

I'm happy for Ford's recent success especially since they didn't take a federal bail out.

  • Members

If you are the real Daddy...

If you are not the Daddy we all know...

Disingenuous, Oz. Don't know or choose not to know or know and choose to have fun with the thread anyway? <_<

The people who run this site are not control freaks and we tend to let the message board topics move in the direction the membership wants as long as our policies are not violated. I can't help it that this topic came up and that many responded to it or found it amusing or comical or sad. It simply is what it is.

Interesting position. So it's OK by MER's management if I post here using, say, the name "PurpleKow" so long as folks respond to my PK persona and find my antics "amusing or comical or sad."

As I said yesterday, I agree that it is time to move on...

but could not resist the impulse to add... ;)

I wish the poster Daddy well and hope that his stress is much relieved, if not from getting things off his chest, from the laughter he surely intended. ^_^

Full disclosure: I too find this thread amusing & comical & sad (& something of a Rorschach test for how people feel about the other board). Yet the possibilities for mischief in a MER policy allowing folks to masquerade as well known posting identities are endless. :ph34r: Or, hell, maybe "Daddy" really was Daddy. :blink:

  • Members

Full disclosure: I too find this thread amusing & comical & sad (& something of a Rorschach test for how people feel about the other board). Yet the possibilities for mischief in a MER policy allowing folks to masquerade as well known posting identities are endless. :ph34r: Or, hell, maybe "Daddy" really was Daddy. :blink:

I am mystified by this whole post. I don't understand most of it.

However, I do glean from your comment that you have some problem with our policies, or what you believe are our policies. I don't understand exactly what the problem is that you percieve, and I have no idea what solution you would like to propose or would like us to stumble across on our own. I'm in need of enlightenment.

Full disclosure: I don't find the thread amusing, comical, or sad. I don't have much of an opinion about it other than it is a manifestation of someone's unhappyness at the time of posting. The person apologized to all for the tone and content and attributed it to a bad day. I've certainly had my share of those.

The post stirred interest because of the implication of the poster's identity which he intended to fan for whatever reason. If I find the thread anything, I find it a little 'exercised', but nothing to write home about.

I do not see a problem anywhere, thus my need for enlightenment.


Or, hell, maybe "Daddy" really was Daddy. :blink:

All things are possible. I did not make any definitive post as to my belief of this.

Interesting position. So it's OK by MER's management if I post here using, say, the name "PurpleKow" so long as folks respond to my PK persona and find my antics "amusing or comical or sad."

I am not omnipresent. I can't know all the known identities of the other site or other sites that people visit. If someone does not want their Monkier used, they should register it and let it sit. To me that would be the most intelligent thing to do. I don't frequent the other site and I don't know many of its posters. I only go there with a controversy like a closure happens to see what is happening. Other than that, I don't spend time there and I'll never be able to keep up with all the screen names there. My apologies to those that find this offensive. I just don't have the time or the desire to try to go over there to ascertain when a poster registered here is the same one or a different one. They usually reveal themselves out in the long run.

Disingenuous, Oz. Don't know or choose not to know or know and choose to have fun with the thread anyway?

Guilty. Just thought I'd have a little fun. Sorry, I too had a long day yesterday and instead of venting on another site, I came here and made a post that made me giggle inside. I'll try to keep my humor to myself. Again, my apologies if I offended anyone with my attempt to amuse myself. (luckily you didn't see me last night trying to amuse myself in the moonlight).

but could not resist the impulse to add... ;)

Looks like I couldn't resist again. Sorry. I'll try to resist the next time. It is kind of like trying to give up caffeine. Sometimes you just need a taste. I'll try to pass by "Starbucks" if Daddy posts again on this thread.

Guest StevenDraker

Age brings one wisdom, whereas youth only brings you difficult lessons sometimes learned, if you're really ...

UPDATE: I have it on very good authority that the new Daddy posting here is not the Daddy from the other site.

"Your right", Lucky !

If you were paying attention to small details, it's rather obvious that this is not Daddy from the other site.

Someone was having a little fun here. Sorry to burst your bubble, "Daddy"#2. ^_^

Guest Matrix

"Your right", Lucky !

If you were paying attention to small details, it's rather obvious that this is not Daddy from the other site.

Someone was having a little fun here. Sorry to burst your bubble, "Daddy"#2. ^_^

Well, that clears everything up and uncovers the mystery at last. When the "Ice Fire Wizard" man speaks it must be true. He knows all about these type things. ^_^

I really wish that the people (Lucky, Adam Smith, MSGuy, etc) who claim to have "impeccable sources" here who claim that this Daddy is not the other Daddy, would state their sources here.

Isn't it time to either put up or shut up?

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