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Gay Couples Can Now Get Married In California

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They're expecting this to end up in the Supreme Court. I hope that's exactly what happens. I think, and hope, the court will rule that denial of the right of same sex couples to marry is unconstitutional. That would cause all the churchladies to drop their bloomers, wouldn't it?


The stay is in place until August 18th. There have been a flurry of articles on this and IMHO, I think the stay will be lifted then and this will NOT end up on appeal. Why? I think the decision was right and those who back a fight to the Supreme Court will open a floodgate in which they don't want to open. I am sure some of the right wing's more intelligent analysts will weight in on this and say, "leave this the fuck alone. It is California after all."

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They're expecting this to end up in the Supreme Court. I hope that's exactly what happens. I think, and hope, the court will rule that denial of the right of same sex couples to marry is unconstitutional. That would cause all the churchladies to drop their bloomers, wouldn't it?

If it goes to the Court you can count on four votes against because the words Gay or Homosexual never explicitly appear in the text.

I believe Kennedy will embrace the trial judge's comprehensive ruling, something I was very unsure of when this process started. However, the case that the team of Olsen and Boyes layed out with the extremely weak response of the opponents and the Judge's very thorough fact-based ruling leave the only contrary response to be based in legaleze-shrouded homophobia unless someone can pull a hutch of Constitutional rabbits out of a justice's robe.

Based, in part, on Lawrence v Texas, I cannot see Kennedy denying the main thrust of the lower court ruling.

When you think about it, pretty amazing turn of events if it comes to pass.

Maybe there is hope for legalization of marijuana and that aspect of a long miserable costly and violent chapter of the War on Drugs.

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I believe Kennedy will embrace the trial judge's comprehensive ruling, something I was very unsure of when this process started.

Kennedy made a special point of explicitly stating that Romer & Lawrence were not addressing the question of gay marriage. Some folks took that as warning gay legal advocacy groups off bringing this suit for the time being.

Based, in part, on Lawrence v Texas, I cannot see Kennedy denying the main thrust of the lower court ruling.

And therein lies the danger. Walker has done about all a trial court could do to box in Kennedy. If the Court cannot find 5 votes to extend equal protection to gay marriage, whoever writes the opinion will almost certainly have to back-pedal on the critical holdings in Romer & Lawrence. And if the 9th Circuit affirms this case, SCOTUS will have to hear it, no two ways about it.

When you think about it, pretty amazing turn of events if it comes to pass.

When you think about it, pretty amazing turn of events that the question is even being seriously considered. I'm old enough to have seen guys I knew personally shipped off to prison for being gay. Like the jingle says, "You've come a long way, baby!"

Yay us! ^_^


It occurs to me my real problem with this case is that I'm temperamentally disinclined to push things into all or nothing confrontations. That may be skewing my perception of this case. There are certainly serious arguments for bringing the case now, particularly given the possibility that Kennedy might retire sometime after the 2012 election and be replaced by a nominee selected by a Republican president.

Guest restless

They're expecting this to end up in the Supreme Court. I hope that's exactly what happens. I think, and hope, the court will rule that denial of the right of same sex couples to marry is unconstitutional. That would cause all the churchladies to drop their bloomers, wouldn't it?

I just want to scream at them, WHAT IN THE FUCK DO YOU CARE WHAT WE DO? It's inconceivable to me that anyone would fucking care. How is this fucking altering your life? IT DOESN'T. Let us marry, for fuck sake.

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