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Giuliani Arrested In Shoplifting Incident

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The daughter of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani was arrested today for shoplifting. The mayor, a so-called family values man on his third wife is the same guy who gave us Bernard Kerik as New york Police Commissioner and tried to foist the man upon the country as Homeland Security director before his deep ties to organized crime were discovered. Kerik is currently in prison.

Giuliani ran for president but his children refused to support him.

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The daughter of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani was arrested today for shoplifting. The mayor, a so-called family values man on his third wife is the same guy who gave us Bernard Kerik as New york Police Commissioner and tried to foist the man upon the country as Homeland Security director before his deep ties to organized crime were discovered. Kerik is currently in prison.

Giuliani ran for president but his children refused to support him.

Not to pick on Rudy only... he is just one of so many, many Repubicans that have sold their integrity for cheap politics. I'm ashamed to know that, as registered Republican for 20 years, I supported some of these turkeys in the past. I began to recongize the growing stench in 2000 (when I discontinued my affiliation) which has only continued to ripen into the cess pool of lies and mendacity today. IMO you can count on one hand, maybe two, the number of prominant political Republicans that have held onto much of their integrity and credibility. I'd be hard pressed to engage the second hand off the top of my head.

Guest restless

Not to pick on Rudy only... he is just one of so many, many Repubicans that have sold their integrity for cheap politics. I'm ashamed to know that, as registered Republican for 20 years, I supported some of these turkeys in the past. I began to recongize the growing stench in 2000 (when I discontinued my affiliation) which has only continued to ripen into the cess pool of lies and mendacity today. IMO you can count on one hand, maybe two, the number of prominant political Republicans that have held onto much of their integrity and credibility. I'd be hard pressed to egage the second hand off the top of my head.

They became the morality police, so they can't bitch about being targeted. Buncha hypocrites.

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They became the morality police, so they can't bitch about being targeted. Buncha hypocrites.

Right on about hypocrits. Rachel last night highlighted several Repulican Senators/Congressmen on tape, arguing against their own proposals they had earlier proposed. Among others were McCain and Grassley strongly pushing the health insurance mandate a few years ago now proclaiming it unconstitutional today. Another example was the 7 Repubicans that offered the Bill to Establish a Deficit Reduction Comission then voted against it when Obama embraced it. Hypocrits, mencacity, political whores for $ 2500 or less.

In McCain's case why does a rich guy abandon his integrity for a cheap-ass low-paying no-class job that no longer offers a stepping stone to the presidency. It's obvious that he really hasn't accepted the election and holds Obama in comtempt. He is so yesterday in his party that tolerates him only by holding its nose. Sad to see a guy lose his class and become a tin-cup vote-pander of the right wingnuts in a half-dozen years -- people he used to hold in contempt once up a time.

It is just funny to see Guilani genuflecting to the crazy right wingnuts who have no intention of buying his schtick. To them he will always be the counterfit conservative in dressed-up drag. What is sad is that he doesn't have enough sense to know it.

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In McCain's case why does a rich guy abandon his integrity for a cheap-as low-paying no-class job that no longer offers a stepping stone to the presidency. It's obvious that he really hasn't accepted the election and holds Obama in comtempt. He is so yesterday in his party that tolerates him only by holding its nose. Sad to see a guy lose his class and become a tin-cup vote-pander of the right wingnuts in a half-dozen years -- people he used to hold in contempt once up a time.

It's hard to believe there was a time when I dispaired for the Democrats in the 2008 election. Sometime around 2005, after the best we could do was Kerry, with the next election almost certainly being McCain vs Hillary. Given the actual straight talk from McCain and his action on campaign finance reform I didn't see how McCain could lose the election, and I thought if the other choice is Hillary I may well vote for him.

But he lost something far worse than the election, long before 2008. He started to lose all his principles, right before our eyes. I'd loved that 'McCain 2000' denounced Jerry Falwell and his ilk. New McCain embraced him on the stage of his sham university. And it only went (sharply) downhill from there, culminating in his choice of Palin. Absolutely anything to win, the country be damned.

And the really scary thing is that after the loss he wasn't happy with reaching bottom--now he's digging as fast as he can. He could've gone back to being a reasonable, thinking moderate with deeply held beliefs and I bet his constituents would've supported him. He did the opposite and it's the final proof that McCain's unredeemable.

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Giuliani's been nothing but a punchline since Joe Biden punched his ticket at a democratic primary debate: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence -- a noun, a verb, and 9/11."

It's actually worse than a joke though, the way Giuliani hangs his hat on 9/11 when it's documented his inaction on demonstrated problems with emergency responders' radios and his asinine choice, over objections, to put the command post in the basement of New York's biggest target (solely for his convenience) cost lives on 9/11.

I just hope Giuliani doesn't manage to sterilize Rio the way he did NYC (and his associates sterilized Hollywood).

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You really can't blame a dude for stupid shit his daughter does.

Often not, but I am not familiar enough with his family life history to make any judgments on that one way or the other.

Otherwise, we sort of got off on a tanget above. I plead guilty to being a main instigator. :mellow:


Giulliani has his problems, but one thing I can say about him is that in the Republican Party he is the biggest defender of gay rights they have. And he has zero homophobia, a rare thing in the GOP.

When his wife threw him out of the house he famously crashed with his gay best friend for a few months and when the tabloids tried to give him shit about it was just like "he's my best friend, who else am I supposed to crash with until I figure out if she'll take me back."

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Giulliani has his problems, but one thing I can say about him is that in the Republican Party he is the biggest defender of gay rights they have. And he has zero homophobia, a rare thing in the GOP.

That is good, I didn't know he was vocally on our side! Just figured he was in the closet (how many times did he dress up in drag?) and hypocritically fighting against us with all the bile and hatred at his disposal, you know, like every other Republican! ;)

Much like Giuliani, I'm not sure Governor Schwarzenegger counts as 'in the GOP' anymore, but the Governor really impressed me with his statement on Prop 8 being overturned. It's clear he's done running for things, maybe we'll get some honesty from him now. California's budget's still fucked though, as usual.


California's budget problems can't be solved by the governor. They have some weird law where the voters have to approve any budget change in a referendum and they always vote down tax increases even if it means their economy will be fucked.

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California's budget problems can't be solved by the governor. They have some weird law where the voters have to approve any budget change in a referendum and they always vote down tax increases even if it means their economy will be fucked.

Not quite correct, but something most of the Californians here know well. The Party of No (Republicans) are far into the minority in California, but hold onto just enough to prevent the 2/3rds vote required to pass a budget or modify an asinine proposition (which they pretty much all are).

So our budgets are routinely many months overdue and are unable to close the budget gap without dramatic cuts to services, because the Republicans are in this death pact that no 'tax increase' (even if it's just closing a loophole) is EVER justified... despite the fact that Rand rated us among the lowest already in Education spending.

And it's especially difficult because special interests have passed many propositions that lock in spending on all kinds of things, leaving no discretionary room. Then rich people go and pass things that give them among the lowest property taxes in the nation and require 2/3rds votes on any tax increase.

It's a royally fucked system, and that a handful of voters in an obscure election can decide something that is in effect impossible to change later... especially when there's no regulation on the spending of special interests and business, often not even meaningful disclosure of who is behind the prop.

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Maybe J.J. Abrams needs to make a scary movie about California becoming a radioactive wasteland because people voted down tax increases?

It'd be more a Shyamalan movie because the twist is things often get so bad that funding for it comes up as yet another proposition, as some form of tax increase or another, which we'll usually vote for! (Only need a simple majority of stupendously uninformed voters in ANY statewide election... which we seem to have at least twice a year... with 4-8 propositions tacked on each.)

Even those propositions that raise taxes to pay for something needed are asinine because they are shaped by special interests (like the construction industry) and narrowly defined.

Example: we passed a bond to build all kinds of new schools, but that money (PLUS whatever that prop required to match from the general fund) can ONLY go for that, meanwhile we're actively laying off teachers!

It's so much better to be locked into stagnation by the tyranny of a minority of Republicans than to have a working government that can make decisions and take action! What if you disagreed with one of those actions?? Better none at all. Soon to be the nationwide model!


If M. Knight made the movie, nobody would go and see it.

It'd be more a Shyamalan movie because the twist is things often get so bad that funding for it comes up as yet another proposition, as some form of tax increase or another, which we'll usually vote for! (Only need a simple majority of stupendously uninformed voters in ANY statewide election... which we seem to have at least twice a year... with 4-8 propositions tacked on each.)

Even those propositions that raise taxes to pay for something needed are asinine because they are shaped by special interests (like the construction industry) and narrowly defined.

Example: we passed a bond to build all kinds of new schools, but that money (PLUS whatever that prop required to match from the general fund) can ONLY go for that, meanwhile we're actively laying off teachers!

It's so much better to be locked into stagnation by the tyranny of a minority of Republicans than to have a working government that can make decisions and take action! What if you disagreed with one of those actions?? Better none at all. Soon to be the nationwide model!

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If M. Knight made the movie, nobody would go and see it.

I didn't say it'd be a *good* movie. :lol:

I do hope Airbender finally put an end to his career. But I've hoped that after his previous flops too.

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