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Guest Conway

New Poll Shows 70% Support Gays in Military

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On the other hand, Conway, it ain't over yet by a long shot.

New Virginia Gov. & AG busy dismantleing gay antidiscrmination regs.

I suppose it's a sign of progress that these two gay-baiting bigots feel it necessary to issue statements that they would never personally discriminate against anyone on the basis of sexual orientation. :rolleyes: Good luck to anybody on the AG's staff who decides to come out.

Guest BewareofNick

So, if the poll is accurate, and 62% of Republicans support the idea, why did the vote in the House go pretty much along party lines? Is the Tea Party exerting that much pull on the GOP? I can't help but think that between the Tea party and Fox "News", the Republicans are swinging so far to the right that they may actually blow their chances in November.

Guest restless

The insane tea party people have completely hijacked the republican party and will keep pulling it in crazier and crazier directions. Just look at the Florida primaries.

Florida? How about Nevada? Angle is a train wreck. Harry Reid must be scratching his head wondering what the hell his state is up to.

Any thoughts about that guy Greene? I can't figure out if someone put him up to it or not.

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Florida? How about Nevada? Angle is a train wreck. Harry Reid must be scratching his head wondering what the hell his state is up to.

Any thoughts about that guy Greene? I can't figure out if someone put him up to it or not.

Angle's the best gift Reid could hope for and by the end she will hopefully have done a lot to discredit all tea-baggers in the minds of voters.

Somebody had to have paid Greene's filing fee. But the right-wingers are crafty at getting around campaign finance law, probably gave him cash.

Wonder how much more than the filing fee they gave him... And whether they spread it out enough or he kept it out of accounts enough for him to not eventually wind up in trouble with the IRS or somebody.

Still, whatever they did, it's those local Dem's fault entirely they got away with it. I know from experience that even state and county Democratic officials don't pay any attention whatsoever to solidly 'red' districts. So while they were looking the other way some clown sneaks up behind them with a pie.


Personally I think the Greene thing was just the alphabet in his favor.

And, I think he was just a nut job who saved up his money for years, had nothing to do with it and believed his grade school teacher when she said that anyone could be a representative.

He's just not put together enough to be part of a conspiracy and not gotten tripped up yet.

Also, there is no reason that the GOP would go to that much effort in a contest they were going to win anyway.

Guest restless

Angle's the best gift Reid could hope for and by the end she will hopefully have done a lot to discredit all tea-baggers in the minds of voters.

Somebody had to have paid Greene's filing fee. But the right-wingers are crafty at getting around campaign finance law, probably gave him cash.

Wonder how much more than the filing fee they gave him... And whether they spread it out enough or he kept it out of accounts enough for him to not eventually wind up in trouble with the IRS or somebody.

Still, whatever they did, it's those local Dem's fault entirely they got away with it. I know from experience that even state and county Democratic officials don't pay any attention whatsoever to solidly 'red' districts. So while they were looking the other way some clown sneaks up behind them with a pie.

Re Angle, I don't know. It's scary she got this far. And MSNBC are the only ones hammering her craziness - and they're preaching to the converted, so to speak.

Re Greene, he is a fucking enigma. But I agree with BBB below - it was his name that got him in. Apparently he came at the money legally, it was his.

All I know is, this is gonna be a hell of a midterm.

Guest restless

I think it's cute that us Democrats now have our own Sarah Palin.

Except he's not a media whore. He just gave his first speech a couple days ago and it was at some small venue with the NAACP. He'd have to ramp up just to be half as prolific as Palin.

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