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Links now open in new window! ^_^ For new links posted.

If you are sending a message to someone on forum, simply find their name by doing a search, then view the profile. Once done, then hit Send message and it will open a window to send.

Does that help?

Yes! Thank you.


Interesting feedback that I didn't see coming. I would like to get additional feedback from others on their perception about using images of known escorts on our opening splash page. We certainly do not want to compromise any escorts nor do we wish to contribute to any perception that our site is compromised.

TNTTed sounds a useful warning note. My impression is that, once the rotation feature is implemented and you expand to include more than just 2 escorts in the rotation, the risk of perceived favoritism will drop. I do think it is a nice come-on/come-in to have some thematically appropriate eye candy on the splash page.

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Oz-"Hey, we don't beg for money. We have ads and memberships. The ads vanish with a paid membership. ^_^ We have to make ends meet someway and I prefer not to ask for donations. I just find that bad taste. ^_^ "

I am not sure if there is much difference in asking for a membership fee or asking for a donation. Either way you are helping the website stay alive. My donation to Daddy amounted to $1 for each month that I have used the website. I am not sure what your membership fee would have been for those months, but I doubt it would be less.

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OZ and TY, When I come online I sign into my account and pull up the home page. If I go to either of the first to reviews and attempt to enlarge any of the photos all I end up with is a small box with a red X in it. Picture attempts to open in a large box but always ends up with small box and X. This has been happening for about two weeks I think.


Login function:

There (still?) appear to be two not-well-integrated login functions.

If I log in from a page showing the Forum, then I am in the Forums. But not necessarily recognized by the Home Page of the overall site. Still have to log in, a second time, there to get to those functions.

In parallel, the logout seems in general to mirror that Two-Worlds scenario.

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I know there have been various comments in the past about cleaning up the lists of escort profiles to ensure they are up-to-date. I suspect this is much more difficult outside the US where this site is maybe not so well-known and escorts are less eager to maintain their listings.

The only real problem is when some of the inactive European escorts are shown in the daily "Featured Escorts" section because it does rather advertise the issue. There have been several retired European escorts featured in the past weeks - today's is Adam Tremadoc who has not viisted MER for nearly two years and lists a link to an inactive website. I do not recall seeing an ad for him elsewhere for a long time so I presume he is retired.

Clearing up the full escort lists would be a big job but it would certainly help the credibility of the site if only active escorts were featured.

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Clearing up the full escort lists would be a big job but it would certainly help the credibility of the site if only active escorts were featured.

We appreciate the issue and look forward to resolving it. However, we also appreciate that the site is still in the shakeout phase (you may not think so from the audience perspective but behind the curtains we remain busy resolving issues), that we have a couple of thousand escorts on file, that we have several browsers with several versions that we must support. Nothing would be more disaterous than to prompt all escorts to check in to edit their profiles without highest confidence that the software will work as intended. Patience will be rewarded. Thanks.

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We appreciate the issue and look forward to resolving it. However, we also appreciate that the site is still in the shakeout phase (you may not think so from the audience perspective but behind the curtains we remain busy resolving issues), that we have a couple of thousand escorts on file, that we have several browsers with several versions that we must support. Nothing would be more disaterous than to prompt all escorts to check in to edit their profiles without highest confidence that the software will work as intended. Patience will be rewarded. Thanks.

I was really only suggesting that a manual check could be done on escorts due to be put in the "Featured" column to ensure that their links were active.

I understand it would be a big - and never-ending - job to ensure all escorts listed had correct details but just doing a check on the Featured escorts to make sure links to their websites were still working would only take a couple of minutes each day and would give the site much greater credibility. As it is, a new visitor can take a look at the Home Page, click on a Featured Escort, see that the links do not work and get a very poor first impression. On the other hand, if someone goes to the list of all escorts in, say London or Paris, they are unlikely to be so surprised if quite a few of them are not up-to-date.

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I was really only suggesting that a manual check could be done on escorts due to be put in the "Featured" column to ensure that their links were active.

I understand it would be a big - and never-ending - job to ensure all escorts listed had correct details but just doing a check on the Featured escorts to make sure links to their websites were still working would only take a couple of minutes each day and would give the site much greater credibility. As it is, a new visitor can take a look at the Home Page, click on a Featured Escort, see that the links do not work and get a very poor first impression. On the other hand, if someone goes to the list of all escorts in, say London or Paris, they are unlikely to be so surprised if quite a few of them are not up-to-date.

Point taken.

I would point out that the true measure of an active escort is live email or phone contact. Many guys let their paid web ads expire for whatever reason without actually hanging up their spurs, at least domestic escorts. It is also true that not all escorts are prompt with returning email. Nevertheless, you make a good point.

We do look forward to a complete scrubbing of the escort listings by contacting all escorts, deleting all with dead contact info, and deactivating those that fail to login at least once every 120 days, with pings every 30 days to verify email contact info and alert the escort of the 120 day grace period.


I have a question about the forum. Why do I have to log in every time I come back? The "remember me on this computer" function doesn't seem to be working. I like the "other site" because I don't have to log in every time I go back to the forum. it's just makes it more convenient if it actually could remember me on my computer so I wouldn't have to log in every time I come back.

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I have a question about the forum. Why do I have to log in every time I come back? The "remember me on this computer" function doesn't seem to be working. I like the "other site" because I don't have to log in every time I go back to the forum. it's just makes it more convenient if it actually could remember me on my computer so I wouldn't have to log in every time I come back.

This is a forum security issue. Security measures are unnecessary for responsible community members. However, we also must provide for the rare determined troublemaker. We have had them before and will likely have them again. It would be unfortunate if the only way to prohibit abuses is to close down the forum temporarily.

As to whether specialized code should be added to the forum software to suspend login requirements for 'trusted' members, that would need to take into account the software engineering cost, robustness and reliability; and the impact on the forum software manufacturer's warranty and version upgrade maintenance.

When the code departs from standard manufacturer's product the potential for cost and maintenance issues must be considered. Conceptionally, it may not seem like a big issue for the initial standard code package departure. However, with each additional manufacturer upgrade comes a 'fix' to the previous special code fix. Oh what a tangled web we weave as version upgrades come and go.

Maybe Oz has more definitive insight into this issue.


I'm not sure that makes sense. Keeping you logged in should be linked to cookies in your own computer and nearly every similar system including the old forum here allowed for it. I just find that if I'm in a hurry I may not post a reply because of the login process especially on my iPhone.

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I'm not sure that makes sense. Keeping you logged in should be linked to cookies in your own computer and nearly every similar system including the old forum here allowed for it. I just find that if I'm in a hurry I may not post a reply because of the login process especially on my iPhone.

It's a cookie on your end. What that cookie touches inside the forum software I am unaware of. Also, whether it is set by a simple single parameter and what the permissible range of that parameter is I have no knowledge of either. I leave that to Oz and his programmers.

Simple or not so simple to change, it still does not address the security issue. Forum post management control is governed by restricting the keys to the forum. Your cookie is your key. Take the locks off the doors and we only have the option of closing the forum to maintain control.


Sorry for appearing so dense, but your answer still doesn't make sense. Forums all over the place allow for a log in and then when you return on the same computer the cookie setting the parameter will keep you logged in. It's up to the user to police who uses their own computer. The previous version of this forum worked that way so when I returned I was able to just post again without having to re-login.

it would definitely make the user experience better if that feature would return. That is a HUGE issue comparing Daddy's site to this one. I don't have to log in every single time I go back to that forum site.


We have 2 logins. One for main site and one for forum. When you log in with main site it automatically logs you into the forum. We have set them to be the same time frame. The reason is that many would log into the site and go to forum and then go back to site and log out but remain logged into the forum. This was not a good situation. We have to have them both the same.

Daddy's site is forum only. There is no other login needed. Ours is. We need to have them synched for security reasons. I know it is a pain for those that want to stay logged in for weeks at a time but the process should not take more than a few seconds.

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