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Guest eastburbguy

Nothing about Rush here??

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Guest eastburbguy

I can't believe there is no thread here about the GOP's undisputed leader, the fat, bloated, bloviating bastard named Rush.

Can you fucking believe how many castrated GOP wussy CongressCritters line up to kiss Rush's fat ass?

You gotta love people like James Carville and Paul Begala who who positively salivate at the thought of hanging Rush around the GOP's neck:

From Daily KOS:

< Democratic strategist Paul Begala, one of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel’s inner circle, got off a shot of his own, telling The WaPo’s Perry Bacon Jr. that "Rush is the bloated face and drug-addled voice of the Republican Party," and that "along with lots of others, I intend to continue to turn up the heat until every alleged Republican either endorses or renounces Rush’s statement that he hopes our president fails." >

Not to worry. Michael Steele will be there to save their sorry asses. :-)

Guest eastburbguy

What a passive group. :-(

Want some more red meat?

Newsweek: Obama? Yes! GOP? Thanks, But No Thanks!

by DemFromCT

Fri Mar 06, 2009 at 06:30:05 PM PST

More data on how badly the GOP is playing their weak hand.

Despite the tumbling economy, Barack Obama continues to enjoy a honeymoon with the American public in the face of the most trying crisis any newly inaugurated president has encountered since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The GOP, meanwhile, is viewed by a majority of Americans as the party of "no," without a plan of its own to fix the economy, and even rank-and-file Republicans are concerned about the party's direction, according to the first NEWSWEEK Poll taken since Obama assumed office.

"People give Obama credit for reaching out to Republicans, but they don't see Republicans reciprocating," says pollster Larry Hugick, whose firm conducted the survey. "A surprising number said bipartisanship is more important than getting things done."

Obama job approval March 3/4-5, MoE +/- 3.5

Total Rep Dem Ind

58 Approve 33 86 51

26 Disapprove 49 6 29

16 Don’t know 18 8 20

As always, look at the independents. What do they and everyone else think about the GOP?

The biggest problem for the GOP, according to the poll, may be that 58 percent of Americans believe that Republicans who have opposed Obama's economic-rescue plans have no plan of their own for turning the economy around. With the Republicans having lost the White House and both houses of Congress, public identification with the party has dropped to a recent low point of 26 percent, after running at or near 30 percent for most of the last 15 years. That's the lowest level since the Watergate era and a striking loss of stature for the party, considering that self-described conservatives continue to outnumber liberals in the country by nearly two to one (39 percent vs. 20 percent).

Is it your impression that Republicans who have opposed Barack Obama’s economic proposals have a plan of their own for turning the economy around, or not?

Total Rep Dem Ind

31 Yes, have a plan of their own 45 22 29

58 No, do not 42 72 58

11 Don’t know 13 6 13

It's so bad that in this poll, even Republicans aren't enamored of Republicans.

The poll and the write-up stresses the benefits of bipartisanship, or at least trying. Obama gets credit for that, the Party of No gets slammed. And, by the way, a majority (56%) want the banks nationalized, 73% want out of Iraq by next year, 54% think the recession will last 1-2 years, and the public says 49-42 that tax cuts for >250K earners should expire. Obama's fav/unfav is 72/22, John McCain's is 55/37 (Mark Halperin undoubtedly says this is good for John McCain) and Sarah Palin's is 44/42.

That's, of course, because we are a center right country.

I can't believe there is no thread here about the GOP's undisputed leader, the fat, bloated, bloviating bastard named Rush.

Can you fucking believe how many castrated GOP wussy CongressCritters line up to kiss Rush's fat ass?

You gotta love people like James Carville and Paul Begala who who positively salivate at the thought of hanging Rush around the GOP's neck:

From Daily KOS:

< Democratic strategist Paul Begala, one of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel’s inner circle, got off a shot of his own, telling The WaPo’s Perry Bacon Jr. that "Rush is the bloated face and drug-addled voice of the Republican Party," and that "along with lots of others, I intend to continue to turn up the heat until every alleged Republican either endorses or renounces Rush’s statement that he hopes our president fails." >

Not to worry. Michael Steele will be there to save their sorry asses. :-)


There were several. If they're gone, it's because political discourse is discouraged here.

No one changes their mind about their politics based on what's posted on the internet, and the discussions end up in a lot of heat, and no light.

Guest eastburbguy

Some here might like to discuss subjects more thought provoking than toenail-cutting. If that's too painful for you, here's a pat on the head. :-)

There were several. If they're gone, it's because political discourse is discouraged here.

No one changes their mind about their politics based on what's posted on the internet, and the discussions end up in a lot of heat, and no light.


So if we don't care to have heated pointless arguments about politics, we're avoiding thought provoking debate. Do you not see where this line of discourse leads? These debates provoke, but I don't think it's thought they provoke.

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I can't believe there is no thread here about the GOP's undisputed leader, the fat, bloated, bloviating bastard named Rush.

Can you fucking believe how many castrated GOP wussy CongressCritters line up to kiss Rush's fat ass?

You gotta love people like James Carville and Paul Begala who who positively salivate at the thought of hanging Rush around the GOP's neck:"

I don't.

I gotta love Rush's response...his offer to debate President Obama since the White House is having fun with this portraying him as the GOP'S undisputed leader. He's offered to fly Obama at his expense to his studio. It seems like our President should meet with the GOP's undisputed leader.

I also realize that Rush is an entertainer not a politician. Entertainers don't lead parties, Politicians do.

I didn't vote for President Obama, but I support his efforts to help fix this economy which is the most serious issue before us now. And I support his efforts without agreeing with all his methods. But I worry (as the stock markets seem to do...down 20% since inauguration) about the seriousness of our President when he's willing to participate in this misdirecting facade. I enjoy humor, but I don't find this humorous given our current economic depression.

Guest 2hard2tame
I can't believe there is no thread here about the GOP's undisputed leader, the fat, bloated, bloviating bastard named Rush.

Can you fucking believe how many castrated GOP wussy CongressCritters line up to kiss Rush's fat ass?

You gotta love people like James Carville and Paul Begala who who positively salivate at the thought of hanging Rush around the GOP's neck:

From Daily KOS:

< Democratic strategist Paul Begala, one of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel’s inner circle, got off a shot of his own, telling The WaPo’s Perry Bacon Jr. that "Rush is the bloated face and drug-addled voice of the Republican Party," and that "along with lots of others, I intend to continue to turn up the heat until every alleged Republican either endorses or renounces Rush’s statement that he hopes our president fails." >

Not to worry. Michael Steele will be there to save their sorry asses. :-)

typica, really. Idiots like this guy can get away with childish namecalling and abuse of great people like Rush, but god forbid if someone says anything about our resident example of Affirmative Action in the "White House".

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The above racist post just goes to prove why the GOP is bound for failure unless it changes-and quickly.

"The big tent"is a dream(fantasy)that will continue to allude the Party of Lincoln as long as the racisim(hidden or not so much as the poster above proves)homophibia(by the closet cases who are terrified of thier"big secret"being discovered)and misogeny(as displayed by many of the radio show hacks whom the far right adores)will continue to be seen as a rellic of a bad bit of US history.

Those of us that would welcome a true conservation of our nations wealth and Constitution look forward to the day that the far right partisans and hacks are told to move out of the tent.

Guest eastburbguy

< t's because political discourse is discouraged here

Why, thank you, Caeron, for translating this site's rules for us. We might be utterly lost without your insight. I am sure Management here appreciates your superior wisdom in that regard. Especially when the Forum rules as stated here for The Pub say clearly, "Open to general topics not covered elsewhere including Current Events."

Apparently you do not consider the current media frenzy over Rush a "current event." My mistake.

And, yes, for God's sake, who cannot recognize the [insert description of Rush which might offend Caeron] as an "entertainer?"

That's what makes it doubly disgusting that so many GOP'ers, public office-holders and party office-holders alike, fall all over themselves to kiss his [insert description of Rush which might offend Caeron] ass. The fact that the Main Stream Media covered that story all last week disqualifies it as a story which is a non-current-event?" Uh Huh.

As for this bit of flatulence:

< So if we don't care to have heated pointless arguments about politics, we're avoiding thought provoking debate. Do you not see where this line of discourse leads? These debates provoke, but I don't think it's thought they provoke.

The point of all this is, Rush Limbaugh proclaimed to the world that he hopes President Obama and his policies fail. That makes Rush's opinion about as popular with the General Public as a nest of rats in their bedrooms. It's really a simple question: do people want Obama and his policies to fail or not? And, this garbage about "I want his policies to fail, but not him ..." Nice try but even a stiletto can't perform that trick - Obama's policies ARE Obama. Rush and his band of merry Music Man true-believers can capture the minds of just so many gullible Americans.

Here's the news: Your days are over. :-)

IMHO, it's about time that the truth is told about the choke-hold that Rush has on the GOP. They are a sad and very sorry excuse for a political party, and it's fair game for Carville and Begala to point that out. If and when the GOP returns to sanity and reality, they should and will deserve respect. In the meantime, whining about attacks on their disingenuity and intellectual vacuity is, IMHO, pissing into the wind. Respectfully, of course. :-)

I can't believe there is no thread here about the GOP's undisputed leader, the fat, bloated, bloviating bastard named Rush.

Can you fucking believe how many castrated GOP wussy CongressCritters line up to kiss Rush's fat ass?

You gotta love people like James Carville and Paul Begala who who positively salivate at the thought of hanging Rush around the GOP's neck:

From Daily KOS:

< Democratic strategist Paul Begala, one of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel’s inner circle, got off a shot of his own, telling The WaPo’s Perry Bacon Jr. that "Rush is the bloated face and drug-addled voice of the Republican Party," and that "along with lots of others, I intend to continue to turn up the heat until every alleged Republican either endorses or renounces Rush’s statement that he hopes our president fails." >

Not to worry. Michael Steele will be there to save their sorry asses. :-)

Guest zachary

the repubs don't have a leader really

as mark twain said, history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.

look at the panics of 1832, 1836, 1857, 1871, 1893, 1907, 1929, they all had over expansion of credit, a bubble and bank failure (or combination brokerage/bank), and then run on the banks.

then there wasn't any deposit insurance, or the other safety nets as now.

and the cure learned in the depression and the other ones involves relaxing credit with the central bank, lower taxes and lower tariffs, worry about balancing the budget after the economy gets moving. but make no mistake, a major contraction has to work its way through the system when it's on this scale.

throw in the other issues, that the gov is lying about the condition of the banks, or how much toxic waste is out there, etc., it's a mess, and the cure is to save the system and keep money moving through the economy; ditto, on the social side, keep people fed and at work if possible.

the problem for the repubs, there's no republican solution within the framework of republican thought, as now practiced because u can't save the banks, the system without massive gov intervention. so they're stuck. 53 billion in the shadow unregulated hedge fund market, a bill promotied by phil graham and signed by clinton to forbid any regulation of hedge funds; massive leveraging by the insurance companies, banks, hedge funds, and brokerages (3% down, since when did u buy anything for 3% down?). and the 53 billion figure, that's over 4 times us gdp; and 70% of us gdp was consumer spending (and 20% of the world's gdp; so what do u expect, consumers aren't spending cuz they don't have it or scared.

like wars, the politicians are fighting the last one; this crisis is more global, deeper; and it requires action that is repulsive to republican thought. they're boxed until the economy recovers and the cycle will begin again.

question is, how far left will the country go in the short run (or long run)? so, the repub remind me of the whigs, and the democrats are pretty much divided too, why not just a major realignment where there's the left, the right and a center? oh, i forgot, patronage, power in the part in control. it's institutionalized.

remember nixon, he opened china, he took us off the gold standard, started aid to dependent families, the epa, he actually did a lot for civil rights, including busing, but no one voted for him to do any of that, they voted for no integration, guns, etc.

people voted for bush, he swore in his debates he would never nation build, and he nationalized the banks in essence. so u can make a pretty good case that it doesn't matter who u vote for on the big issues. ^_^ the economic tide is against the repubs policy right now, just as there are no atheists in a foxhole, there appears to be no true captialists in a depression - they all want gov aid.

finally, roosevelt ran in the 32 election to balance the budget, said hoover's deficit spending would break the country; and then look at his massive spending programs, right down to him setting the price of gold each morning at breakfast for that day. u figure.

and when roosevelt tried to balance the budget in 36 getting ready to run for election, the country went back deeper in the depression in 37. so the real question, where do u stimulate the economy, what really stimulates, and how do u get through this downturn, deeper, yes, longer, yes, but still a business cycle.

so limbaugh is a joke, sure; the market doesn't like the direction of the country under obama, well there's going to be a compromise before it's all over. until then, just more crap from both sides.

Guest 2hard2tame
The above racist post just goes to prove why the GOP is bound for failure unless it changes-and quickly.

"The big tent"is a dream(fantasy)that will continue to allude the Party of Lincoln as long as the racisim(hidden or not so much as the poster above proves)homophibia(by the closet cases who are terrified of thier"big secret"being discovered)and misogeny(as displayed by many of the radio show hacks whom the far right adores)will continue to be seen as a rellic of a bad bit of US history.

Those of us that would welcome a true conservation of our nations wealth and Constitution look forward to the day that the far right partisans and hacks are told to move out of the tent.


Are you stu---? OH WAIT.

Fact: People voted for Obama primarily for these 2 reasons. 1. he is black, well half at least. 2. People were tired of Bush/Cheney as they made a convenient scapegoat.

Fact. Nobody knew what Obama was about, or his beliefs on anything past his whole "change change change". You want racist? Look at his mentor of 20 years. Rev Retard Wright. That gentleman is racist, but noooo, he can't be racist, he is black...right?


There were 2 other threads about Rush here. If they aren't here now, that should tell you something.

But go on trying to make a point on the Internet. I'm sure that will work out for you.

Guest eastburbguy

< If they aren't here now, that should tell you something.

Well, this one is still here. And it tells me all I need to know.

There were 2 other threads about Rush here. If they aren't here now, that should tell you something.

But go on trying to make a point on the Internet. I'm sure that will work out for you.

Guest eastburbguy

Btw, Caeron, weren't you the dude in 5th grade who always complained to the teacher when you couldn't get your way?

There were 2 other threads about Rush here. If they aren't here now, that should tell you something.

But go on trying to make a point on the Internet. I'm sure that will work out for you.

Guest StuCotts

Are you stu---? OH WAIT.

Are you accusing me of having called somebody racist? Whom? Where? When?

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Are you stu---? OH WAIT.

Fact: People voted for Obama primarily for these 2 reasons. 1. he is black, well half at least. 2. People were tired of Bush/Cheney as they made a convenient scapegoat.

Fact. Nobody knew what Obama was about, or his beliefs on anything past his whole "change change change". You want racist? Look at his mentor of 20 years. Rev Retard Wright. That gentleman is racist, but noooo, he can't be racist, he is black...right?

Your "facts",as is most often the case for Rush's fans,are far from factual.They are,in fact,myths.

And the anger Reverend Wright has shown in his sermons would probably seem justified if you were born to different parents.

Btw, Caeron, weren't you the dude in 5th grade who always complained to the teacher when you couldn't get your way?

Just the kind of substantive, thoughtful contribution that makes online forums such a pleasure.

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There were 2 other threads about Rush here. If they aren't here now, that should tell you something.

I have no knowledge of two other threads regarding Rush being removed.

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Surprisingly, we were able to navigate the Presidential Nomination and Election Season without running off the rails of civil discussion. It seems that forebearance has run out. This thread with it's childish and personal attacks is the perfect example of why political discussions generally are frowned upon.

With the Season of Civility at an end so is our tolerance of political discussions. Too bad, as policy discussions without personal attacks can be interesting.

Current events postings without opinions serve an informative function and remain welcome.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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