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The Catholic Church Changes

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When I was a boy, if I ate meat on Friday, I was certain to go to hell. That is, unless my local priest forgave my sin at confession. Nowadays eating meat on Friday carries no eternal damnation, although heart risks must still be considered. I've always felt sorry for those who chewed before the rule changed.

I also thought that if I made communion of the first five Fridays of the month, I would be guaranteed a priest at my death. With the new priest shortage, I wondered if that was still true, so I googled it. Here's what I found- I was wrong!

Nine First Fridays Devotion to the Sacred Heart

From the writings of St. Margaret Mary:

"On Friday during Holy Communion, He said these words to His unworthy slave, if I mistake not: I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart that its all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on nine first Fridays of consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they will not die under my displeasure or without receiving their sacraments, my divine Heart making itself their assured refuge at the last moment."

With regard to this promise it may be remarked: (1) that our Lord required Communion to be received on a particular day chosen by Him; (2) that the nine Fridays must be consecutive; (3) that they must be made in honor of His Sacred Heart, which means that those who make the nine Fridays must practice the devotion and must have a great love for our Lord; (4) that our Lord does not say that those who make the nine Fridays will be dispensed from any of their obligations or from exercising the vigilance necessary to lead a good life and overcome temptation; rather He implicitly promises abundant graces to those who make the nine Fridays to help them to carry out these obligations and persevere to the end; (5) that perseverance in receiving Holy Communion for nine consecutive First Firdays helps the faithful to acquire the habit of frequent Communion, which our Lord eagerly desires; and (6) that the practice of the nine Fridays is very pleasing to our Lord since He promises such great reward, and that all Catholics should endeavor to make the nine Fridays. Prayer Source: Enthronment of the Sacred Heart by Rev. Francis Larkin, SS.CC., St. Paul Editions, 1978

All of this came up today when the NY Times announced that the church was again offering plenary indulgences- making Catholics one step closer to heaven by receiving one from the local church. Except that only one church in New York is offering them. That doesn't sound fair to those who go to other churches. You can read it about it yourself:


So, things are different now, yet they are coming full circle. I may not be able to eat meat on Fridays in the future. I took this very seriously as a boy, and many people still do now. My mom, for example. But even she refers to my partner as my "boyfriend"- something it took her a long time to do.

My guess is that efforts to offer an easier salvation will appeal to those who want the easy route in any other part of their lives, and those who genuinely believe that good works get you to heaven will keep doing them, regardless of the return of indulgences. I know there is no religion forum here, but I just thought it was an interesting turn of events.

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