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Guest BewareofNick

O'Reilly Gets Caught Lying Again

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Guest BewareofNick

As usual, Bill O'Reilly is lying to "the folks". In fact, it seems that he is trying to take the Misinformer of the Year trophy away from Sean Hannity.

On 1-27-09, on both his little listened to Radio Factor, as well as his prime time show on Fox "News", O'Reilly lied that all Illinois governors who had been indicted and convicted of corruption were Democrats. In fact, three were Republican and two were Democrats.

The last Illinois Governor to go to jail was George H. Ryan, Blagojevich's predecessor. Ryan is a Republican. In fact, that was how Blago won by campaigning against Ryan's corruption.

Bill O'Lielly indeed.

You can contact Bill O'Lielly at oreilly@foxnews.com

Guest StuCotts
I think Bill O'Reilly is one hell of a conceptual comedian. No Spin indeed.

Too bad that even knowing that he isn't funny.

Funny, no. Ridiculous, yes. He sits there on his high chair, wearing more makeup than a Barbary Coast whore (one of many characteristics he shares with Hannity), sporting his laughable comb-over, and spouting the kind of bullshit that is surpassed in stupidity only on other Fox shows.

Guest eric194288

actually on the tv show he said that but when he came back from break he corrected his error

Guest BewareofNick
actually on the tv show he said that but when he came back from break he corrected his error

I stand sort of corrected. Billo did come back after the break and correctly mention Ryan as a Republican.

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