TotallyOz Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 BewareofNick said: Well, there you have it. You can read the rest on the front page of the other site. I read the page and really would love to meet those 1 or 2 guys in the business who own all the sites. I need that connection. There are actually tons out there and there is always a way for a smart guy to come up with an original idea and make a small fortune. Ex. Hooboy. Who would have ever thought that an escort review site would generate the income it did for him? It was a brilliant idea and concept and both Daddy's site and this site were the children of M4M. I hope Daddy gets the rest needed. I know from experience that these boards can be hard and very stressful. Being in the hotel with Hooboy on many occasions and watching him deal with some of the guys was stressful for me to even listen to the story. Rest up Daddy and take care of yourself. Quote
Guest zachary Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 I stopped posting on the other site after the big flare-up with ethan, nick and some others i guess; traveller left and let's face it, he was one of the funniest humans on blogs, period. tampee yankee, oz, axiom and others buried in the netherzone of my mind were fun too. but even at the blog's most outrageous, and some of the comments were, save those denigrating the work of some of the posters, i didn't understand the limitations on the posters. Sure, some comments were rude, uncalled for, in bad taste, silly, offensive, but like a playground as kids, the posters would choose sides and go at it. I found it entertaining and sometimes actually informative. People lead different lives, have different thoughts and beliefs and I found that interesting. And again, the fun of the flame. I'd forgotten Nick's banishment, but and correct if i am wrong, Ethan's (I think) banishment, re-enrollment, banishment and other entrances under other names. (If it were not Ethan, I apologize, it was so long ago). Ah, the thrill of the hunt, just who is Col. Mustard. Both sites have their pluses, and I do understand the other site's reservations about letting posters repeatedly insult or deride the individual who was a little free in other's ideas/prose in his blog, or a couple of other long-time posters/providers. enough is enough, I suppose. but i do miss the war of words and ideas; it was a fun time. and what i think some people are missing, even though the site was for somewhat rarefied tastes compared to other sites, it really functioned as a community, the people u liked, the people u tolerated and the people with whom u would avoid making contact because it would just be a problem. Nevertheless, a community. I don't know the answer, but I don't believe it is being paroled to take courses in manners or etiquette. Traveller of course would be the first to chime in on any questions of manners, including re-use of condoms when in a bind. Quote
caeron Posted January 26, 2009 Posted January 26, 2009 That's the funny thing. I presume Daddy thought as Zachary does and likes the, um, 'debate'. If he doesn't, then I think he's been doing a really rotten job of managing the message center. I'm no longer a fan of flame wars. Maybe it's advancing years, but I've been on the internet for over 25 years, from back in the days before windows, and just at the very birth of the mac. I used to love diving in, but eventually you realize you aren't changing anybody's mind with your witty retorts and clever putdowns. You're talking to yourself, and they're talking to themselves. It never goes anywhere. It's like a boxing match with infinite rounds where the only damage to your opponent is in your own mind. Since I used to do it, I get why people can like it. For me though, it's like trying to hold a conversation in a bar with blaring music. Might as well go find someplace else where you can. Quote
Guest FourAces Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 BewareofNick said: Well, there you have it. You can read the rest on the front page of the other site. One of the funniest things I've read in a long time over there. Come on we are talking about a fucking message board and a man who has a ego bigger than some guy I know fat belly who lives in So Cal. Its absurd that he needs to make himself feel so important. If the MC is that much fucking trouble then CLOSE IT DOWN FOR GOOD. Everyone will survive. And two people own all the adult sites?? Fuck I hope they buy me out ... Someone over there has been hanging out in Marc's greenhouse Is it just me or isn't everybody a little tired of hearing daddys (and deej) cries of agony over the message center? AGAIN I SAY CLOSE IT DOWN the world will continue to spin. Quote
Members Buddy2 Posted January 27, 2009 Members Posted January 27, 2009 I am a fan of Daddy's and the other site, but he does complain endlessly. I would be sad to see the MC shut down, but would anyone's life change except Lucky's? Quote
Members Tazmanian5230 Posted January 27, 2009 Members Posted January 27, 2009 Wow, 659 views. I guess bad or stupid news sells. Many posters on including myself are sick of the constant cat fights there. It seems that the concept of posters having as many names as they want isnt a good one. Also the members being able to have threads removed at any time puts the moderators in bad positions. It seems that this time Daddy has pissed off a lot of long time posters for closing the site, I assume most will come here. The lack of regard to the Moderators and good members on Daddys was more poor judgement on his part. I think Daddy is having a serious $$$ meltdown. Quote
AdamSmith Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 I can see Daddy's wanting his forum to be a halfway civil place. But getting out of bed every couple of hours to check for alerts? He is not NORAD. Possibly he saw Hillary's call-at-3am commercial one time too many. Quote
Members BigK Posted January 27, 2009 Members Posted January 27, 2009 "Daddy's and the other site, but he does complain endlessly." I agree with much that has been written here except that Daddy deserves a break. OZ you are much too generous. The histrionics are silly. Deej is a poor representative and moderator. His cynical and snarky posts are not worthy of the old Hooboys site. Quote
Members lookin Posted January 27, 2009 Members Posted January 27, 2009 AdamSmith said: He is not NORAD. Quote
Guest rendie Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 "It seems that this time Daddy has pissed off a lot of long time posters for closing the site, I assume most will come here." I agree with that! Except, I hope that your assumption does not completely come true. The egotistical blowhards should just stay over there. R Quote
Guest BewareofNick Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 BigK said: "Daddy's and the other site, but he does complain endlessly."I agree with much that has been written here except that Daddy deserves a break. OZ you are much too generous. The histrionics are silly. Deej is a poor representative and moderator. His cynical and snarky posts are not worthy of the old Hooboys site. deej has always been one of the biggest problems at the other site. The only reason they don't get rid of him is that he does a lot of site work there for free. I chuckle at the thought of Daddy as Norad. He's obviously being overly melodramatic. there's no need for him to ever respond to alerts there, unless it's escalated to him and even then, how could anything on an MC be THAT important??. He has Cooper Barry and deej for the day to day stuff. Quote
Guest CheekChecker Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 Tazmanian5230 said: Wow, 659 views. I guess bad or stupid news sells. Many posters on including myself are sick of the constant cat fights there. It seems that the concept of posters having as many names as they want isnt a good one. Also the members being able to have threads removed at any time puts the moderators in bad positions. It seems that this time Daddy has pissed off a lot of long time posters for closing the site, I assume most will come here. The lack of regard to the Moderators and good members on Daddys was more poor judgement on his part. I think Daddy is having a serious $$$ meltdown. Quote
Guest CheekChecker Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 What is the point in Being able to Post on Daddys using more than one name? Unless Maybe the Multiple Personality Disorder People or those who like to argue with themselves now have been given something to do? Other than Daddy just SAVING FACE for a couple of Clients and an Escort Friend who were caught doing it, Apparently it serves no other purpose. As far as Running the site, HOOBOY (R.I.P) ran it from all over the World including Saturday Reviews! My thinking is if DADDY can't handle it, Sell the site or Bury it! This Drama is as boring as the site has gotten in the last few months. After 2 weeks of Closure I'm sure there are those that will not bother to keep it as a Go To Place anymore! Surely this will effect the 10% Biz gotten off the site from Escorts who also when discussed make a few New Contacts. In this 2009 Economy this is not a good thing for Rent Paying! Quote
AdamSmith Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 lookin said: So sorry but I have to highjack lookin's highjack! ...channeling not only Strangelove but also... Quote
AdamSmith Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 lookin said: P.S. Daddy's new motto! "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room." Quote
Members SoCal Posted January 27, 2009 Members Posted January 27, 2009 TotallyOz said: I read the page and really would love to meet those 1 or 2 guys in the business who own all the sites. I need that connection. Just to defend Daddy a bit - my interpretation of his comment: "Most of the "Gay" Websites on the internet are owned and operated by one or two people. One or two people that are scrambling to make ends meet in an economy that has been shrinking for well over a year." I don't believe he thinks the majority of gay websites are owned by the SAME one or two people. I thought he meant most (independent/individual) gay websites are usually run by on or two individuals, i.e. two people working their butts off for ONE website? Might make more sense? Quote
caeron Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 SoCal said: I thought he meant most (independent/individual) gay websites are usually run by on or two individuals, i.e. two people working their butts off for ONE website? That's certainly how I interpreted it. Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 SoCal said: I don't believe he thinks the majority of gay websites are owned by the SAME one or two people. I thought he meant most (independent/individual) gay websites are usually run by on or two individuals, i.e. two people working their butts off for ONE website?Might make more sense? Yes, that makes much more sense. But, I would loved to have met the one or two that owned them all. Most websites are owned by one or two people but they are certainly not run by only one or two. It normally takes a team to make a success. The larger the site, the more you need to run it. Most owners do not have the programming ability to program the site so they must rely on others to do that for them. Building a site takes a lot of time, effort and energy. Once built, it is by no means a done deal and you must keep programmers on retainer to take care of issues as they come along. Quote
Guest StuCotts Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 Tazmanian5230 said: It seems that this time Daddy has pissed off a lot of long time posters for closing the site, I assume most will come here. And bring their bitch fights with them? How good a thing would that be? Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 StuCotts said: And bring their bitch fights with them? How good a thing would that be? StuCotts said: And bring their bitch fights with them? How good a thing would that be? Don't worry Stu. There will be no bitch fights here and we will continue on the same course as the beginning of the site. As TY's code of conduct for the Message boards stated since day 1: MER membership is restricted to Adults Only. That Message Center members shall be expected to behave as adults is not an undue burden. The expected conduct standard for the MER forums is the same as that observed everyday in society by adults in our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. It is based on straightforward mature behavior, civility and courtesy that you find in a neighborhood Pub or Tavern where neighbors and acquaintances joined by occasional strangers come together to socialize in good temper, to share conversation, and to hoist, in moderation, a glass of favorite beer or wine or a cup of coffee or tea. These forums are NOT presented for abusive arguing and name calling, score settling, thread stalking, or general cyberspace blood sport for the chronically bored. As in any Pub or Tavern, an egregiously abusive or chronically problematic customer (member) shall be banned from further post participation. None of this will change. Quote
AdamSmith Posted January 27, 2009 Posted January 27, 2009 TotallyOz said: As in any Pub or Tavern, an egregiously abusive or chronically problematic customer (member) shall be banned from further post participation. Spoken with typical southern charm and gallantry to a raucous, boisterous demonstrator who was being ejected from the Watergate hearing room: "Will the lady please desist from her conversation?" Sen. Sam Ervin, August 6, 1973 (Quotations from Chairman Sam, Harper & Row) Quote
Members lookin Posted January 28, 2009 Members Posted January 28, 2009 "Luck Be a Lady Tonight!" Quote
Guest cary Posted January 29, 2009 Posted January 29, 2009 The last 'crisis' i saw before daddy shut own the boards was the accusation (false) made by the 'diva mean girl' poster that he was being stalked by another poster, who had just won a war of words with him. Could that have been the issue?. Quote
Members TownsendPLocke Posted January 29, 2009 Author Members Posted January 29, 2009 Who cares? Let them sort it out over there and not drag and dump over here. Quote
Members Lucky Posted January 30, 2009 Members Posted January 30, 2009 Very perceptive, Cary. But I do agree with Townsend that what belongs on the other site should stay there, what belongs here should stay here. Although some natural letting off steam can occur, this site is for those who enjoy the ambiance provided here. Quote